すえひろしょくどう ららら

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact すえひろしょくどう ららら

住所 :

Takamatsuminami, Izumisano, 〒598-0015 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
街 : Osaka

Takamatsuminami, Izumisano, 〒598-0015 Osaka,Japan
大濱克二 on Google

I will be relieved. Weekday lunch is delicious
瀬川雅美 on Google

Shrimp fry lunch is the best ? I thought about nutrition and it was delicious. I have been with my boyfriend several times. Please enjoy it too.
田頭建三 on Google

The daily lunch was very delicious. The amount is a little small, but it may be just right for women.
mst M on Google

特段広くはないが、お洒落でどこかノスタルジックな、居心地よい店内。 まあ何が一番かというと、マスターと奥さんの笑顔のサービスでしょう。 料理のうまさはバツグン。視感で美しく、食感で心腹癒されてしまう最上のランチはぜひお試しあれ。 ほわっと小さな幸せを感じられるちょっと素敵な場所です。
A cozy shop that is not particularly large but is stylish and nostalgic. Well, what is best is a service that smiles the master and his wife. The food is excellent. Be sure to try the best lunch that is beautiful with a sense of sensation and will be healed by the texture. It is a nice place where you can feel a little happiness.
樫原美幸 on Google

Very delicious and 100% satisfied ? Thank you for always delicious food ??
浩子 on Google

あっさりした和食で美味しかったです。 こじんまりとした店内は所々にアンティークな物が置いてありました。ランチは平日のみで限定20食です。食べにいくならお早めに。駐車場は少し狭いので乗り合わせできたほうがいいかも✨
It was light Japanese food and delicious. There were some antique items in the small shop. Lunch is limited to 20 on weekdays only. As soon as you go to eat The parking lot is a little small, so it might be better to be able to get together ✨
智和 on Google

赤嶺礼子 on Google

「元・てぃだ☀」のマスターが作ってるお料理です。 プロの味、やはり最高です! coffeeおかわり嬉しいです! ランチももちろん本格料理、美味しい! ☆2018年5月より17時から22時まで、ディナースタート! 串揚げ・だし巻き玉子サンド等々とても美味しい?! トマトチューハイ?最高!
This is a dish made by the master of "Former Tida☀". Professional taste is still the best! I'm happy to have another coffee! Authentic food, of course, delicious for lunch! ☆ Dinner starts from May 2018 from 17:00 to 22:00! Kushiage, Dashimaki Tamago Sandwich, etc. are very delicious ?! Tomato Chuhai ? Great!

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