Takamatsu St. - Takamatsu

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Takamatsu St.

住所 :

1 Hamanochō, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-0011, Japan

Postal code : 760-0011

1 Hamanochō, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-0011, Japan
hideki yamamoto on Google

だ〜い好きな駅のひとつ。 サンライズにもお世話になりました。 日曜日の夜、サンライズ瀬戸で帰って月曜の朝から仕事場へ直行してました。
One of my favorite stations. Thank you for your help at Sunrise. I returned at Sunrise Seto on Sunday night and went straight to work from Monday morning.
森永健治 on Google

It's been a long time since the station building was rebuilt. It's good that it's clean. Personally, I prefer old station buildings like Matsuyama station. It feels like the times have stopped in the Showa era.
time machine on Google

四国の主要駅に相応しい堂々とした佇まい。 改札口から放射状に伸びるホー厶は風格すら感じます。
A dignified appearance suitable for a major station in Shikoku. The ho 厶 that extends radially from the ticket gate feels even personal.
tokyoiventlife yoko_ on Google

岡山から東京に帰るのに 高松空港経由で帰ることにして寄りました 綺麗な駅です 電車の種類がたくさんあるので 鉄道ファンにはたまらないと思います 空港行きのバスがでています クレジットカードが使えないので 現金を用意した方が良いと思います 多分海が近いのかもしれません また、乗り換えではなく観光で来てみたいです 少し歩くとデパートがありお土産はそちらで 買いました 有名なうどん屋さんが近隣にはあるみたいです
To return to Tokyo from Okayama I decided to go home via Takamatsu Airport It's a beautiful station Because there are many types of trains I think it's irresistible for railroad fans There is a bus to the airport I can't use a credit card I think it's better to have cash Maybe the sea is near Also, I would like to come for sightseeing instead of changing trains. If you walk a little, there is a department store and you can get souvenirs there. bought There seems to be a famous udon shop nearby
Re man on Google

松尾綾子 on Google

Wandering Woody on Google

Such a nice and clean location
Toản Nguyễn on Google


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