Takahashi Orthopedic Clinic - Saitama

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Takahashi Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

グッドヒル Ⅳ101 1 Chome-4-1 Kitaurawa, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0074, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 330-0074
Webサイト : http://www.ensen-ado.com/takahashi/

グッドヒル Ⅳ101 1 Chome-4-1 Kitaurawa, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0074, Japan
大貫雄二郎 on Google

あたり on Google

Too trash, Yab doctors
l Naomi on Google

Beginning with the director, the other teachers and the receptionist are very friendly and kind and will treat them. It's open on Saturdays and Sundays, so it's easy to get around, and parents and children take care of us.
yurika y on Google

先生方の連携がとても取れていて、皆親身になって治療にあたってくれます。 近所に接骨院を探してる人がいたら、ここをお勧めしたいと思っています(*^^*)
The teachers are very close to each other, and they are all very kind to help me with the treatment. If anyone in your neighborhood is looking for an osteopathic clinic, I would recommend it here (*^^*)
m k on Google

北浦和図書館の隣です。 先生は豊富な知識と経験の持ち主で、見立てがとても良いです。短期集中ケアした方がいいもの、時間をかけてもじっくり治した方がいいもの、長いスパンで親身にみてくれます。 説明も分かりやすくしっかりしてくださるので、安心してかかれます。今では孫まで3代でお世話になっております。
Next to the Kitaurawa Library. The teacher has a wealth of knowledge and experience, and is very good at looking at it. Those that should be treated intensively for a short period of time, those that should be cured slowly over time, will be seen in a long span. The explanations are easy to understand and solid, so you can write with confidence. Now my grandchildren are indebted to me in my third generation.
10 nna on Google

高橋接骨院がなかったら、今現在自分の足で歩ける自分はいなかったと思います。大袈裟風に書いてしまいましたが、諦めかけていたところ院長先生のリハビリのおかげで車椅子から回復でき、今もケアして貰いながら体と付き合う事ができています。 生活の質に関わる部分も随分変わりました。体の使い方への的確なアドバイスやきめ細かい指導のおかげで、癖みたいに繰り返す怪我も減り、酷い悪化もしにくくなりました。 先生方スタッフの方々皆優しく通いやすい和やかさがあります。感染対策もいち早く自粛時も安心して通えました。最近リニューアルされ空気清浄度に一層磨きがかったと思います。思わず深呼吸しました。いつもありがとうございます。
Without Takahashi Osteopathic Institute, I wouldn't have been able to walk on my own feet right now. I wrote it in an exaggerated style, but when I was about to give up, I was able to recover from my wheelchair thanks to the rehabilitation of the director, and I am still able to get along with my body while receiving care. The parts related to quality of life have changed a lot. Thanks to accurate advice and detailed guidance on how to use the body, repeated injuries like habits have been reduced, and it has become less likely to get worse. All the teachers and staff are kind and easy to go to. I was able to take measures against infection as quickly as possible even when I refrained from doing so. I think it was recently renewed and the air cleanliness was further improved. I took a deep breath involuntarily. I am always grateful for your help.
Tson Wa on Google

I went to the hospital because I could not take the examination of the university department. I have been taking care of me for about 7 years since then, but I have been able to consult with me personally about things other than my physical condition, and I can resume my studies safely, so I will be able to attend graduate school next spring. Others may call me a different person than it was seven years ago. I think I wouldn't have expected to graduate from university at this time without the easy atmosphere and this treatment.
音の香り音楽教室 on Google

I have been here for over 20 years. Even if something happens, he/she will respond immediately and give me treatments and advice that are closely related to my life. Thanks to you, I can pass without difficulty. I think the patient's feelings are always important. In addition, the inside of the hospital is a space where you can feel relieved even though it is full of cleanliness. Insistence on teachers who like Totoro is also a big deal (laughs) The friendly personalities of the director and staff are also popular.

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