韓国屋台とパンチャンショップ ベジテジや 学芸大学店

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 韓国屋台とパンチャンショップ ベジテジや 学芸大学店

住所 :

Takaban, Meguro City, 〒152-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Webサイト : https://www.vege-teji.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–11PM
Sunday 11AM–11PM
Monday 11AM–11PM
Tuesday 11AM–11PM
Wednesday 11AM–11PM
Thursday 11AM–11PM
Friday 11AM–11PM
街 : Tokyo

Takaban, Meguro City, 〒152-0004 Tokyo,Japan
高山英之 on Google

I couldn't drink alcohol during the self-restraint period, but I enjoyed it to the fullest. Next time, I would like to go to the restaurant after refraining from drinking and enjoy drinking alcohol. The taste was authentic Korean taste, and the atmosphere inside the store was exactly authentic Korean. I was waiting for this show.
なかはしひな on Google

流行りの韓国料理です。気になったので、一人で行ってきました。ランチのセットはボリューム満点でした。ご飯と海老を海苔で巻いて食べるの美味しかったです。価格設定はやや高めな気もしますが、またランチで食べにきます( ̄▽ ̄)
It is a trendy Korean food. I was curious, so I went alone. The lunch set was full of volume. It was delicious to eat rice and shrimp wrapped in seaweed. I think the price setting is a little high, but I will come back for lunch ( ̄ ▽  ̄)
Dev Cat on Google

ランチのデリバリーをUber Eats経由で利用しました。定食も良かったですか、お店の名前だけあってサイドディッシュ、特にチャプチェが美味しかったです。
I used lunch delivery via Uber Eats. Was the set meal good? The side dish, especially Japchae, was delicious because of the name of the restaurant.
大花正和 on Google

新大久保に行かずとも本場韓国料理をテイクアウトできるお店!! 二日酔いの時に効きまくるソルロンタン最高です〜 店内も気になるので今度行ってみます!!
A shop where you can take out authentic Korean food without going to Shin-Okubo! !! Seolleongtang is the best when you have a hangover ~ I'm curious about the inside of the store, so I'll go there next time! !!
Mo ca on Google

平日の12時前にお邪魔したらスムーズに入店できました! 韓国屋台の雰囲気の中、新鮮なカンジャンセウが食べられて満足です。 女性韓国アイドルのMVが流れていたのでK-POP好きの方は気分が上がると思います。
I was able to enter the store smoothly if I visited before 12:00 on weekdays! I am happy to be able to eat fresh Kanjang Seu in the atmosphere of a Korean food stall. The music video for female Korean idols was playing, so I think those who like K-POP will feel better.
shoko c (しょこた) on Google

通りがかるといつも混んでいるので、どんな感じかな〜と思って入店しました。 お店はコの字のカウンターと、2人席が3つ、テラス席が2つ、という感じのお店でした。 頼んだのはソルロンタン定食と、ユッケジャン定食。 メインのスープは量多めでした。ただ具は少なめ。あまりお腹いっぱいになる感じではなかったです…。 美味しいは美味しかったですが、物足りなさがあったのでこの点数です。
It's always crowded when I pass by, so I wondered what it would be like when I entered the store. The shop had a U-shaped counter, three seats for two, and two terrace seats. I ordered the Seolleongtang set meal and the Yukgaejang set meal. The main soup was a lot. However, there are few ingredients. I didn't feel very full ... Delicious was delicious, but it was unsatisfactory, so this is the score.
Ryogoku on Google

Overpriced and taste was alright.
Norris C on Google

Part of a food court area under train station. they have two tables in a covered outdoor space. They also leave blankets outside on colder days which is nice. Korean street food vibe. Lunch set was not bad. Tried the makule (Korean rice wine) which was also good.

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