Taj Mahal Everest - Ibaraki

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Taj Mahal Everest

住所 :

2 Chome-12-8 Kamigori, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0065, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 567-0065
Webサイト : http://tajmahaleverestcoltd.net/%3Fpage_id%3D14

2 Chome-12-8 Kamigori, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0065, Japan
高間慎治(慎ぞう) on Google

Despite being a chain store, it is a genuine and very delicious restaurant. Nan is delicious. Also, there is no loss of shish kebab at the member store here ❗ It is good to eat anywhere ☝️
domino dog on Google

スペシャルセット ボリューム満点。 シーフードの素材が悪いので臭いがした? 本来は星3って言いたいとこだけど、シーフードの素材が悪過ぎる… 他のカレーとかナンは美味しい。 シーフードカレーはだけはマジ臭い
Special set full of volume. The seafood material is bad so it smelled ? Originally I would like to say 3 stars, but the seafood ingredients are too bad ... Other curries and naan are delicious. Only seafood curry smells really bad
荻田貴之 on Google

お腹すいたので 前からお店あるの知ってた タージマハルエベレスト 茨木アルプラザ店へ お腹すいたので行って来ました。 僕が行った時はまだ2、3組しかお客さん居なかったです。肝心の料理はAランチのチキンカレーにしました。 辛さは中辛にしました。店員さんの対応も早く また利用したいなと思いました。
I'm hungry I knew that there was a shop before Taj Mahal Everest To Tochigi Al Plaza store I went there because I was hungry. When I went there were only two or three customers. The most important dish was A lunch chicken curry. The hotness was mild. The clerk's response is also fast I also wanted to use it again.
kakeyan 60 on Google

平日のランチタイムに夫婦で行きました。 店内には2組の客だけで、空いていました。 週末は混みます。 ここへは月に1回位でランチに訪れます。 無性に食べたくなるからです。 この日は「ハーフチーズナンセット」850円を注文しました。 カレーはチキン、辛さは中辛、ドリンクはホットチャイを注文。 妻は普通の辛さ。セットのカレーとドリンクは色々選べます。 チキンカレーは気に入っています。美味しいです。 ハーフチーズナンは量も手頃でチーズがカレーに合うと思います。 静かで、ゆっくり過ごせます。
We went with a couple at lunchtime on weekdays. The shop was vacant with only two sets of customers. It is crowded on weekends. We come here for lunch about once a month. Because you want to eat asexually. On this day, I ordered "half cheese nan set" 850 yen. Curry is chicken, spicy is medium hot, drink is hot chai. My wife is normal spicy. You can choose from a variety of curries and drinks. I like chicken curry. Is delicious. Half cheese nan is a reasonable amount and I think cheese goes well with curry. Quiet and relaxing.
sizucu channel on Google

タージ・マハルエベレストはいくつも店舗があるけれど 個人的にここのカレーが1番美味しいと感じます。 ランチはリーズナブルでナンはお代わり出来るし お代わりナンのサイズもハーフナンでも対応してくれます。 シェフによって辛さの感覚が違うので 時々、すごく辛い時があります それごと楽しんでいます ハーフチーズナンセットも量が手頃でリーズナブルなので気に入っています 店内が広いので、待ち時間がなくいつでも利用できるのもポイントが高いです。 お写真は お豆のさっぱりそして、かなり辛いチャナチャート ダブルカレーライスとハーフチーズナンセットです
Taj Mahal Everest has many stores I personally feel that the curry here is the best. Lunch is reasonable and Nan can be replaced The size of the alternative Nan also corresponds to the half-nan. Because the sense of hotness is different depending on the chef Sometimes I have a very hard time Have fun with it I like the half cheese Nan set too, because the amount is reasonable and reasonable. Because the store is large, there is no waiting time and the points are always high. The picture is Refreshing of beans and pretty hot chana chart Double Curry Rice and Half Cheese Nan Set
ibarakimax on Google

Used for weekday lunch. It is conveniently located in the Heiwado shopping mall and has a large parking lot. Since the shopping mall itself has a relatively large customer base, it seems to be a store that is not overcrowded. There are several stores around Ibaraki, so I think the content is good. Lunch etc. are relatively reasonably priced, and I like the taste, so I think it is relatively good. For some reason, the spiciness notation is normal and there is medium spicy, so I asked for medium spicy, but it was obviously spicy, so I think that it is better to ask for normal first. Lipi are usually ants.
あめふらし on Google

I think it's usually delicious. I recommend chocolate and red bean paste. If you don't hate red bean paste, it's worth trying.
Talha Muhammad on Google

The restaurant is spacious and cozy with Indian touch in the interior. You will be welcomed by a huge Indian god at the entrance. There are very few staffs at weekdays so your order might be a little delayed. But the waiting is worth it. I tried their Chese Nan, Regular nan, chicken curry, shik kebab, Momo and mango lassi. Cheese nan is without a doubt finest in Ibaraki. Shik kebab is just the way I wanted. It was tender and juicy. Not too hard not too soft. Just how you want your kebab to be. It’s a little pricier compared to the other Indian restaurants in the locality but their food fills up the gap.

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