Taj Mahal 出来島店

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Taj Mahal 出来島店

住所 :

Dekijima, Nishiyodogawa Ward, 〒555-0031 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://gmq4.mu-sashi.com/curry/
街 : Osaka

Dekijima, Nishiyodogawa Ward, 〒555-0031 Osaka,Japan
みわみわ on Google

ボリューム満点でネパール人の店主は優しくて 気さく。本当にものすごいボリューム。
The Nepalese shopkeeper is kind and full of volume Friendly. Really awesome volume.
山下達朗 on Google

ハッキリ言います… 美味い!! 日本人より接客丁寧です!! ボリュームも文句なし! また行きたい?
I say clearly ... delicious! !! Customer service is more polite than Japanese! !! There is no complaint about the volume! I want to go again ?
K.M. E on Google

本当に美味しい!ちょっと甘めのチーズナン、最高ですね。 他の方のクチコミも味を褒めるものが多いですが、本当にその通りに美味しいんです!
Really delicious! A little sweet cheese nan is the best. Many of the reviews from other people also praise the taste, but it's really delicious!
ヴノキアジッカーナ on Google

出来島駅の西側すぐにあるネパール料理店です。 チーズナンもカレーも美味しい 店員はサービス満点です。ここらへんはパキスタン料理が主流ですがネパール料理もがんばってほしいです。
It is a Nepalese restaurant located just west of Dekijima station. Cheese nan and curry are delicious The clerk is full of service. Pakistani food is the mainstream here, but I want you to do your best in Nepalese food as well.
Matt Nakany on Google

評判のチーズナン、イケます。甘みがいっそう引き立ててるんでしょうね^_^ ほうれん草カレーライスいただきましたが、美味い!量が多いので空腹時には最適デス(^.^)
The popular cheese nan is cool. I think the sweetness is even more appealing ^ _ ^ I had spinach curry rice, but it was delicious! Optimal death (^. ^) When hungry because the amount is large
Sanskar Godha on Google

Nice indian place to eat at dekijimt station
Kanoa Pillen on Google

Food with flavor and friendly owners who care about what they do. You should go if you’re around you will appreciate having a good experience and a full stokach
Calvin Houser on Google

Incredible food! This was our first meal during our stay in Osaka, and it was our favorite meal of the week! The waiters are always smiling and provide wonderful service. The Cheese Nan is must try!! So good! The portions are large and satisfying. You won't be disappointed. 5 stars!

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