Taikichi Tobu Ōyama Station shop - Itabashi City

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Taikichi Tobu Ōyama Station shop

住所 :

5-9 Oyamacho, Itabashi City, Tokyo 173-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Postal code : 173-0023
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM

5-9 Oyamacho, Itabashi City, Tokyo 173-0023, Japan
吉田陸 on Google

疲れたら鯛焼き 歩き食いして帰ろうよ
If you get tired, let's walk and eat Taiyaki and go home.
佐々木修 on Google

The same series of skewer specialty stores in the corner of Lotteria. As the store's store area or the cooking area of ​​the staff is connected to the Lotteria, it may be possible to eat at the Lotteria's audience. (Please check with the staff Yoshiyoshi each time.) There is no problem if both are bought separately.
川口遥 on Google

I asked for one bean paste and two creams, but the numbers were reversed. When I received it, I pointed out a mistake, but in the end it was handed over without reinserting it. I wondered how the customer service was, regardless of the taste
黒川優 on Google

■訪問日時 2021/2/14 20:00ぐらい ■訪問理由 食事をした帰りに通りかかり、気になったので訪問しました ■お店の第一印象 鯛焼きがズラッと列べられており、鯛焼き好きな人は購入せずにはいられないと思います。笑 ■注文したメニュー クリーム入りの鯛焼き1つ ■注文したメニューの感想 生地は香ばしく、薄皮で固めに焼かれていました。中にはたっぷりのクリームが入っていて、ほんのりと甘いクリームがとても美味しかったです。 ■居心地、雰囲気について テイクアウトの為居心地や雰囲気に関してはノーコメント。 ■接客、サービスについて 既に出来上がったものを紙袋に入れての提供だったので、注文してからもらうまでは全く時間がかかりませんでした。接客は良くも悪くもない普通の感じです。 ■まとめ 食後のデザートにはちょうどよく、リーズナブルで美味しい鯛焼きでした。
■ Visit date and time 2021/2/14 around 20:00 ■ Reason for visit I passed by on the way home after eating and visited because I was curious ■ First impression of the shop Taiyaki is lined up in a row, and I think that people who like Taiyaki can't help but buy it. Lol ■ Ordered menu One sardine with cream ■ Impressions of the ordered menu The dough was fragrant and was baked hard with a thin skin. There was plenty of cream inside, and the slightly sweet cream was very delicious. ■ About comfort and atmosphere No comment on comfort and atmosphere for takeout. ■ About customer service and service It didn't take long for me to get the order because it was provided in a paper bag. The customer service is a normal feeling that is neither good nor bad. ■ Summary It was a good, reasonable and delicious Taiyaki for dessert after a meal.
能戸淳 on Google

たい焼きが大好きな僕。 そんな僕が十数年ぶりに板橋区の東武東上線の大山駅に。 長いアーケードで有名なこの駅を歩くと、ロッテリアが。 で、そのロッテリアがある角を見ると・・・たい焼き屋さんが併設されている! ということで、クリームとあんを一つづつ買った。 でも・・・カウンターにあるケースをよく見ると、「ガーナ」とか書いてある。 しまった!ここはロッテリア、ガーナってロッテのガーナチョコレートの意味のガーナじゃん!? チョコ好きの僕としては落ち込んだけど(?)次はこれを買おうと決意して、家路へ。 早速オーブントースターで軽く炙って食べた・・・美味し! うん、満足な味だったね!
I love baking a lot. Such I went to Oyama station of Tobu Tojo Line in Itabashi Ward for the first time in ten years. When walking this famous station with a long arcade, Lotteria. So, when Lotteria looks at a corner ... a baked shop is on site! So I bought cream and anpons one at a time. But ... If you look closely at the counter case, it says "Ghana". Oops! This is Lotteria, Ghana is Lotte's Ghana meaning of chocolate Ghana! What? I am depressed as a chocolate lover (?) Next decision to buy this and go home. We ate quickly with an oven toaster and we ate it. Well, it was a satisfying taste!
takeshi on Google

ロッテリアに併設する店舗。訪問のタイミングでは鯛吉としての販売はしておらず、ロッテリアで購入するようにアナウンスが書いてあった。 味の感想としては以下の通り。ロッテリアで食事をしたあとに甘い物が欲しいなと思った時に食べる物。衣がカピカピなので別物のおやつな感じ。鯛焼きへのこだわりももちろん無い。
A store attached to Lotteria. At the time of the visit, it was not sold as Taikichi, and the announcement was written to purchase it at Lotteria. The impression of the taste is as follows. What to eat when you want something sweet after eating in Lotteria. The batter is crisp, so it feels like a different snack. Of course, there is no commitment to Taiyaki.
Ali Cho on Google

Nice Taiyaki place right next to Oyama station
Tokyo “TokyoTiff” Tiff on Google

This is a little shop on the side of a Lotteria. I love their taiyaki and the matcha drinks. The taiyaki go on sale a bit before they close if they have a lot of stock left, but they always have a hard time if I order the matcha drink. They seemed a bit uncomfortable with me even though I speak fluent Japanese.

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