Taihaku School Lunch Center - Sendai

1.5/5 に基づく 2 レビュー

Contact Taihaku School Lunch Center

住所 :

1 Yamadashinmachi, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0818, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 982-0818
Webサイト : http://www.city.sendai.jp/sesakukoho/kurashi/shisetsu/kyoiku/kyoiku/kyoiku-kyushoku/1790.html

1 Yamadashinmachi, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0818, Japan
ずんだもち on Google

I thought it was late in terms of barrier-free because there is no elevator
佐藤勇也 on Google

今まで食べてきた食事の中で最もまずかったものはここの給食です。 正直自分で料理したほうがましです。 むしろカップラーメンのほうがいい。 米もまずい、パンはぱさぱさ、揚げ物はしなびてます。 少なくとも上野山小学校、山田中学校ではここから給食が出ます。 子供にましな食事を与えたい方は、ほかの学校や、給食室のある学校に行かせるべきだと思います。 子供に残飯を食わせたい方はここをおすすめします。
The worst meal I have ever eaten is the school lunch here. To be honest, it's better to cook by yourself. Rather, cup ramen is better. Rice is bad, bread is crispy, and fried food is shriveled. At least at Uenoyama Elementary School and Yamada Junior High School, school lunches are served from here. If you want to give your child a better meal, I think you should go to another school or a school that has a school lunch room. This is recommended for those who want their children to eat leftover food.

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