アクシブアカデミー田原校 - Tahara

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アクシブアカデミー田原校

住所 :

Taharacho, Tahara, 〒441-3421 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 441-3421
Webサイト : https://axivacademy.com/
街 : Aichi

Taharacho, Tahara, 〒441-3421 Aichi,Japan
はる on Google

自分のわからない教科の授業を自分で組むことができ、ワンツーマンで教えてもらうことが出来ます。また、週一の戦略面談により、自分の勉強の計画を立てることができます。 勉強をやらされるのではなく、自分でやっていく感じです。また、先生方も凄く優しいし、面白いので、塾へ行くのがとても楽しいです。また、下にファミマがあるので、1日勉強したいときもご飯に困らないです。 自習室も毎日空いているので家だと勉強が捗らない人にオススメです。
You can organize classes in subjects that you do not understand yourself, and you can be taught one-on-one. In addition, weekly strategic interviews allow you to plan your study. It's not about studying, but doing it yourself. Also, the teachers are very friendly and interesting, so it is very fun to go to the cram school. Also, there is a Famima underneath, so if you want to study for a day, don't worry about rice. The self-study room is also open every day, so it is recommended for those who are unable to study at home.
める on Google

先生方がとても親切で、勉強の悩みや相談をいつでも親身になって聞いてくださり、アドバイスや励ましの言葉をくれて勉強のモチベーションをいつも上げてもらっていました。また、何度も進路を変えてしまったのに嫌な顔ひとつせずにその都度計画表を考え直してくださいました。第1志望の大学に合格出来たのも、最後まで諦めずに頑張ることが出来たのもアクシブのおかげです! 先生方には本当に感謝しかないです!!
The teachers were very kind, and they always listened to my worries and counseling, and gave me advice and words of encouragement, which always motivated me to study. Also, even though I changed my course many times, he reconsidered the plan each time without making a disgusting face. Thanks to ACSIVE, I was able to pass the university of my first choice and I was able to do my best without giving up until the end! I really appreciate the teachers! !!
ダフィニア on Google

アクシブアカデミーに入って良かったところ! ①設備が完璧! ・静かな自習室、コピー機があり365日毎日やる気があれば勉強できる受験生に優しい塾!下にはコンビニもあり息抜きもできる最高の立地!! ②1週間に1回担当の先生との面談がある ・アクシブアカデミーは1週間に1回担当の先生と1週間分くらいのスケジュールをたてます。自分のやるべき事が分かり、勉強ノルマをクリアしていく事に勉強が身につく!勉強の予定を自分で立てなくて良いので自分たちは勉強に専念できる。「もう少し勉強したい」「ここの分野苦手だからもう少し時間が欲しい」などの悩みを1週間ごとに面談があるから苦手分野や勉強しきれてない分野を素早く解決できる!! ③分からない問題は素早く解決! ・アクシブアカデミーでは1:1の個別授業があり、そこで分からなかった問題や参考書、教科書に乗っていない知識を理解することができる。授業は入れたい時に入れられるので分からない問題はすぐに解決!!!これでもう学校の先生はいらない!! ④信頼できる ・教室長の先生、戦略面談(1週間に1回勉強スケジュールをたてる)先生はとても優しくて信頼できます!勉強の悩みはもちろん、学校での悩みなどを聞いてくれてアドバイスしてくれる!!事務員さん達も親切で面白い!! ⑤学校で習っていない教科を得意教科に!? ・僕は成章高校1年生の時に「生物が好きだけど将来の夢が無く、やりたいこともまだ見つからない」と学校の先生に言ったら「将来の夢が無いなら物理にしとけ。生物より物理のが大学受験に役に立つ」と言われ物理にしましたがやはり生物のがよくて2年生の時に学校の先生に変更できないかと相談してもダメで諦めようとした3年の夏にアクシブアカデミーの先生に「生物は間に合う!!好きなことをやった方がいい!」と言われ全国の生物選択の同級生に約2年の遅れをとっていたが今では同等かそれ以上に戦え、得意教科になった!! ⑥アクシブアカデミーは生徒の味方 ・アクシブアカデミーはどんな生徒にも最前の手を尽くしてくれる最強の味方です。過去問や問題集を欲しい時に欲しいだけ用意してくれる勉強を頑張りたい人にとって最高の存在です! ⑥最後に・・・ ・どこの塾に行こうか迷っているそこのキミ!こんな最高の塾は全国各地どこ探してもありません!!入塾したら最後、アクシブアカデミー以外の塾に行きたくなくなるほど最高です!今から勉強頑張ろうとしているミキは絶対にアクシブアカデミーに入塾するべきです!!後悔はしないと思います。勉強を頑張って第1志望合格をアクシブアカデミーと一緒に掴もう!!!!
I'm glad I joined the Axive Academy! ① Equipment is perfect! ・ A student-friendly cram school with a quiet self-study room and a copy machine that you can study if you are motivated 365 days a year! There is a convenience store underneath, so you can take a break! !! ② There is an interview with the teacher in charge once a week ・ Axive Academy makes a schedule for about a week with the teacher in charge once a week. You will learn what you need to do and clear the study quota! We can concentrate on our studies because we don't have to schedule our studies ourselves. We have weekly interviews to solve problems such as "I want to study a little more" and "I'm not good at this field, so I want a little more time", so I can quickly solve the fields I'm not good at or I can't study! !! ③ Quickly solve problems you don't understand! ・ At Axive Academy, there are 1: 1 individual lessons, where you can understand problems, reference books, and knowledge that is not in the textbook. Classes can be entered when you want, so problems you don't understand can be solved immediately! !! !! Now you don't need a school teacher anymore! !! ④ Reliable ・ The teacher of the classroom and the strategic interview (make a study schedule once a week) are very kind and reliable! Not only the troubles of studying, but also the troubles at school will be heard and advice will be given! !! The clerks are also kind and interesting! !! ⑤ Make a subject that you are not learning at school a good subject! ?? ・ When I was in the first year of Seisho High School, I said to my school teacher, "I like living things, but I have no dreams for the future, and I haven't found what I want to do yet." I made it into physics because it was said to be useful for university exams, but in the summer of the third year I tried to give up even if I consulted with a school teacher if I could change to a school teacher when I was in the second grade. He said, "Biology is in time! You should do what you like!" It was! !! ⑥ Axive Academy is a student's ally ・ Axive Academy is the strongest ally who will do the best for any student. It is the best existence for those who want to study hard and prepare as much as they want when they want past questions and problem collections! ⑥ Finally ... ・ You are wondering where to go to the cram school! I can't find such a great cram school anywhere in Japan! !! It's so great that you won't want to go to a cram school other than Axive Academy after you enter the cram school! Miki, who is trying hard to study from now on, should definitely enroll in the Axive Academy! !! I don't think I will regret it. Let's study hard and get the first choice pass with Axive Academy! !! !! !!
f 2002 on Google

アクシブのいいところ ①塾の職員さんが良い 何か不安なことがあったりして相談すると、すぐに相談に乗ってくれたり、沢山の資料を用意してくれたりして、不安が無くなるまで一緒に考えてくれる。また、勉強面以外でもいろいろ世間話などしてくれ仲良くしてくださり、毎日行きたいと思えるような環境でした。 ②いつでも開いてる 年中いつでも開いていて塾にいる時間が他の塾に比べて多いから勉強時間が沢山取れる。 ③年間計画表がある 勉強は志望校を参考にして年間計画表を入塾時に作ってくれて、それに基づいて勉強していくから、計画的に勉強していける。 ④コンビニが近い ファミリーマートが塾の下にあったり、近くにローソンがあったりして昼食や夜ご飯を気にする必要がない。
The good thing about ACSIVE ① The staff of the cram school is good If you have any concerns and consult with them, they will immediately consult you or prepare a lot of materials, and they will think together until your anxiety disappears. In addition to studying, it was an environment that made me want to go every day because he talked to me about various things and made friends with me. ② It is always open It is open all year round and I spend more time in the cram school than in other cram schools, so I can take a lot of study time. ③ There is an annual plan For studying, the school you want to study will be referred to and an annual plan will be created at the time of enrollment, and you will study based on it, so you can study systematically. ④ Convenience store is near You don't have to worry about lunch or dinner because FamilyMart is under the cram school or Lawson is nearby.
Yusaku Kobe on Google

自分が感じたアクシブいいとこ ①年間の勉強予定を作ってくれて大まかに何月にどの参考書をやれば良いかが目で見て分かるようになる。 ②毎月の教室の先生との面談で進路の事、勉強の方法、勉強が上手く行かない事、生活の事などを聞いてくれてアドバイスをくれる。モチベーション爆上がり? ③毎週自分の担当の先生と1週間にやる勉強の予定を立てるおかげで勉強をサボってしまう事が無くなる。(自分がちょっとサボっちゃうなって思った人にはオススメかも?) 先生に褒めたられたり応援される事でモチベーションアップ! ④静かな自習室で皆んなそれぞれの勉強を集中してやっている(周りのみんなが集中して勉強していると自分も真剣に勉強に取り組む事ができる) ⑤毎日塾に行きたくなる✨ 月間面談や週間面談でモチベーションが上がると勉強が楽しくなってくる(本当に勉強が嫌いだった自分からしたら驚き❗️) ⑥1年中毎日開いている!しかも朝7時〜夜10時まで!色々な塾はあるけどこんなに朝早くから夜遅くまで毎日開いている塾は珍しいと思う! 勉強したいと思った時に勉強に適した環境があるのは凄い大切! ⑦先生がとても親しみやすい。 勉強の事はもちろん勉強以外の事でも話を聞いてくれるしちょっとした相談事は親には相談しにくいから全部アクシブの先生にしていました。
The active good points that I felt (1) You will be able to visually understand which reference book you should do in what month by making a study schedule for the year. (2) In a monthly interview with the teacher in the classroom, he asks about the course, study method, study does not go well, life, etc. and gives advice. Motivation explosion ? ③ By making a weekly study schedule with your teacher every week, you will not skip studying. (Maybe it's recommended for people who think they're a little skipped?) Motivation is improved by being praised and supported by the teacher! ④ In a quiet self-study room, everyone concentrates on their studies (if everyone around them concentrates on their studies, they can also study seriously). ⑤ I want to go to a cram school every day ✨ If you get motivated by monthly or weekly interviews, studying will become more fun (I was surprised if I really hated studying ❗️) ⑥ Open every day of the year! Moreover, from 7 am to 10 pm! There are various cram schools, but I think it's rare to find a cram school that is open every day from early morning to late night! It is very important to have an environment suitable for studying when you want to study! ⑦ The teacher is very friendly. Of course, he listens to things other than studying as well as studying, and it is difficult for parents to talk about small consultations, so I used to be an active teacher.
haruna on Google

The teachers were kind and gave me a lot of advice on my career path, so it was a very easy environment to study. I'm glad I chose this cram school!
H1Q on Google

It is a very effective cram school for those who do not know what to study and for students who do not increase the deviation value no matter how much they study. The facilities and instructors are perfect, so I highly recommend it!
vague on Google

アクシブアカデミー は自分と向き合う機会を与えてくれる素敵な塾です。アットホームな雰囲気のエントランスと静かな自習室はとても利用しやすかったです◎
Axive Academy is a wonderful cram school that gives you the opportunity to face yourself. The entrance with a homely atmosphere and the quiet study room were very easy to use.

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