Tagoju - Yaizu

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tagoju

住所 :

421 Tajiri, Yaizu, Shizuoka 425-0052, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 425-0052
Webサイト : https://www.tagoju.co.jp/store/store02/index.html

421 Tajiri, Yaizu, Shizuoka 425-0052, Japan
畑野恵美 on Google

When I lived 32 years ago, I exhibited axolotl, frilled lizard, etc., and held many events from the customer's perspective. It is still loved by the locals and I wanted to come back again. When the corona turmoil subsides, I want to go with my family.
ドアラ on Google

親切丁寧で好評価です。価格も安い。 ほぼ毎回通ってます。
Kind and polite and well received. The price is also cheap. I go there almost every time.
村松錠二 on Google

It's cheap because some clerk's response is so bad, but I don't want to go
池谷恵子 on Google

There are several banks nearby, which is convenient for shopping. I sometimes go there because I have ionized water.
M -remon on Google

このスーパーマーケットの特長はポイント10倍デーがあり、お客さんで混雑します。通常営業時、店内に入っての第一印象はとても清潔間がある店だと感じました。入り口付近には花の販売をしていて見ていて気持ちが良いです。お客さんを歓迎しているようです。その隣には焼き芋製造販売していて良い香りがします。新鮮な野菜や肉、魚を通りすぎ御惣菜コーナーに行くとリーズナブルなコロッケを販売していますよ。お得です。お寿司のバックヤードは開放されていますのでガラス越しで見る事ができ安心感があります。休憩スペースがありレギュラー珈琲やお茶が無料サービスです。テーブル席、カウンター席があり食事する事ができます。 駐車場は数えきれません。繁忙期でも心配は要りません‼ 外には子供が遊ぶ遊具が有ります。回りを柵で囲ってあり安心です。メンテナンスも定期的に行っているようです。行ってみて下さい。おすすめします 大昔この田子重にあったテナント、ボンヌールやサンモリーナーが懐かしいです。
The feature of this supermarket is that it has 10 times the points, and it is crowded with customers. During normal business hours, the first impression I had when I entered the store was that it was a very clean store. It feels good to see the flowers sold near the entrance. It seems that they are welcoming customers. Next to it, there is a nice scent of grilled potatoes that are manufactured and sold. If you go past the fresh vegetables, meat and fish and go to the side dish corner, you can buy reasonable croquettes. It's a great deal. The backyard of the sushi is open so you can see it through the glass and feel at ease. There is a break space and regular coffee and tea are free services. There are table seats and counter seats where you can eat. There are countless parking lots. Don't worry even during the busy season! There are playground equipment for children to play outside. It is safe because it is surrounded by a fence. It seems that maintenance is also done regularly. Please go. I recommend I miss the tenants, Bonnur and Saint Molina, who used to live in Takoju long ago.
山田しゅん on Google

「豆ごはん」のおむすびは他ではあまり見かけませんね。 「ころりん」という商品名も良いです。 また、田子重のキャッシュレス決済は、事前にカード情報を読み込む方式なので、電子マネーで払う場合はかなりスピーディーに会計が終了します。 カードに入金していない場合現金でもよいですが、「セミセルフレジ」で払う分の手間がかかります。
I don't see many rice balls of "bean rice" anywhere else. The product name "Kororin" is also good. In addition, Tako Shigeru's cashless payment is a method of reading card information in advance, so if you pay with electronic money, the accounting will be completed fairly quickly. If you haven't deposited on your card, you can use cash, but it will take time and effort to pay at the "semi-self-checkout".
Black ranger on Google

Well arranged item easy to find and clean
Deborah Fe Pednga on Google

Good place to buy groceries.

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