宅配とんかつ専門店 かさねや

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 宅配とんかつ専門店 かさねや

住所 :

Tagara, Nerima City, 〒179-0073 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Webサイト : http://www.kasaneya.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Tagara, Nerima City, 〒179-0073 Tokyo,Japan
T H on Google

はな村祐一 on Google

on Google

S on Google

先日頼んだらとても美味しくて感動しました。 他2カ所と比べましたがここが一番お肉が柔らかくソースも美味しかったです。
When I asked for it the other day, it was very delicious and impressed. Compared with the other two places, the meat here was the tender and the sauce was delicious.
誠二越前 on Google

同じキッチンで複数店舗として登録している。 出前館やウーバーなどのプラットフォームを利用。
Registered as multiple stores in the same kitchen. Use platforms such as the delivery hall and Uber.
佐藤K on Google

同じところで違う名前で色々配達しているお店です。 私はそのような少し優良誤認を招く可能性のある販売方法を好みません。
It is a shop that delivers various products in the same place with different names. I don't like such sales methods that can lead to a bit of good misunderstanding.
JP taison (タイソンJP) on Google

店舗は無く宅配専門のお店です カツはサクサクで美味しかったんですが配達の方の運転が荒いです 1度道ですれ違ったときに乱暴な運転で事故りそうになりました 「危ないじゃないか」と声を掛けたら輩のような態度で睨まれました
There is no store and it is a store specializing in home delivery The cutlet was crispy and delicious, but the delivery was rough. When I passed each other on the road once, I was about to get into an accident due to rough driving When I called out, "Isn't it dangerous?", I was glared at like a junior.
1192 JAPAN on Google

Yankees, who have no fragments of cleanliness, usually surround the table and cook and pack without masks and gloves. Immediately after the person on the outside of the motorcycle delivery returned, I joined the packing work with my bare hands. It's a hygiene idea and a bad attitude, and I feel a little crazy ... They were people who seemed to come out of the discrimination center.

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