Taga Shrine - Tokoname

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Taga Shrine

住所 :

Horanowaki-11 Kariya, Tokoname, Aichi 479-0805, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 479-0805
Webサイト : http://soul-of-chita.com/topic-001.html

Horanowaki-11 Kariya, Tokoname, Aichi 479-0805, Japan
竹内けい子 on Google

I just asked Taga Shrine for a lot of help. So now, don't forget to visit once a month so that you never forget what you were asking for. Thank you very much for the shrine!
on Google

以前行きました。 石造りの蟹があったり(精巧で可愛い)敷地内には奥山半僧坊があり、私には何だかワクワクする場所です。 出来れば毎月でも足を運びたい神社です。
I went there before. There are stone crabs (elaborate and cute) and there is Okuyama Hanmonbo on the premises, which is a place that is somewhat exciting to me. If possible, it is a shrine that I would like to visit every month.
harutaka itou on Google

偶然見つけて立ち寄りました。 以外に広い境内でした。 すべての祠にお参りして、置き書きの御朱印も頂きました。
I found it by chance and stopped by. Besides, it was a wide precinct. I visited all the shrines and received a written red stamp.
かつ君 on Google

年に一回はお参りしてます。正月以外はとても静かな神社です。 近くにイチゴ狩りが出来たみたいです。
I visit once a year. It is a very quiet shrine except for New Year holidays. It seems that strawberry picking could be done nearby.
心まーがれっと on Google

I understand that the red stamp is written down, but I wanted the door in front of the shrine to be open.
ういん. on Google

国道沿いに大きな看板と大きな駐車場を見かけたので寄ってみました。 立派な杜(もり)と荘厳なお社(やしろ)…。なかなかの威容だ。なにげなくこうしてふと地域の神々との邂逅に心癒やされる。おまいりにきていた家族連れとすれ違う。ひっそりと、でもたしかに息づいている。 無住で社務所も閉まっていたいたのが残念だった、書き置きのご朱印とかパンフレットとかおいといてほしかったなぁ。
I saw a large signboard and a large parking lot along the national highway, so I stopped by. A splendid forest and a majestic company (Yashiro). It's pretty dignified. In this way, I was suddenly healed by the encounter with the local gods. I pass by my family who came to visit me. I'm quietly breathing, though. It was a shame that the office was closed without living, so I wanted you to write down a stamp or a pamphlet.
みんみん1号 on Google

知多半島屈指のパワースポットと聞き行ってきました。駐車場から参道に入るところに石造りの太鼓橋があり、ここでテンション上がりました(笑) 鬱蒼とした林を進むと、驚くほど立派なお社があります。 天然記念物の「おがたまの木」もあり、知らなかったので勉強になりました。 こちらの神社は長寿、縁結びだけではなく玉の輿に乗れるとか?! 面白いのは、近江国多賀神社より正元山伏が元和七年に勧請したときに蟹が背に乗っていたことから神様のお使いとして祀っているそうです。 なんだか、仄々とします。 御本尊は、多賀神社、富士浅間神社 山神社と並んでいて、非常に霊験あらたかな神社です。
I have heard that it is one of the best power spots on the Chita Peninsula. There was a stone drum bridge in the entrance to the approach from the parking lot, and the tension increased here (laugh). Going through the dense forest, there is a surprisingly splendid company. There was also a natural monument "Ogatama no Ki", and I didn't know it, so I studied. Isn't this shrine not only long-lived and good-luck, but also able to ride on a ball of a ball? ! What is interesting is that the crab was on the back when Shogen Yamabushi solicited from Omi Kuni Taga Shrine in the 7th year of Genwa, and it is said to be enshrined as a god's angel. It's kind of soft. Gohonson is Taga Shrine, Fuji Sengen Shrine Along with the mountain shrine, it is a very fresh shrine.
飛魅 on Google

苅屋のお多賀さんはとても力の有るそうです。 整備されていて、とても綺麗でした。 手洗い水も自動で中になんと!蟹! 意味はわからず。 静かで社務所に男性が数人いらしただけでした。 力を頂けたのか、これからです。
Mr. Taga of Kamiya seems to be very powerful. It was in good condition and very beautiful. Hand wash water is automatically inside! crab! I don't understand the meaning. It was quiet and there were only a few men in the office. I wonder if I got the power from now on.

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