
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact コンヴィヴィアリテ・イチノセ

住所 :

Tadakaricho, Ota, 〒373-0011 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87978
Webサイト : http://www.convivialite-ichinose.com/
街 : Gunma

Tadakaricho, Ota, 〒373-0011 Gunma,Japan
サカイマコト on Google

全てが繊細で完璧と思われる。 それは建築空間にも徹底されているし、緊張感もありながらも居心地も良く楽しませていただきました。ありがとうございました。
Everything seems delicate and perfect. It has been thoroughly implemented in the architectural space, and there was a sense of tension, but I enjoyed it comfortably. Thank you very much.
R T on Google

とっても美味しかったです。 上品で綺麗で全てが平均以上といった感じ。 ワイングラスが特にかわいいと思いました。ワインもとても美味しい。 最後シェフの方が丁寧に小菓子の説明をしてくださって良かったのですがホールの方は料理の説明が全くなくそこが残念ポイントでした。
It was very delicious. It's elegant and beautiful, and everything is above average. I thought the wine glass was especially cute. The wine is also very delicious. It was good that the chef explained the small sweets carefully at the end, but the hall did not explain the food at all, which was a disappointing point.
ナナ on Google

贅沢でお洒落な空間 ほんのりあたたかく、香ばしさを感じるキッシュから始まり、最後の小菓子の小さなマドレーヌもほんのりあたたかく、香ばしい… 統一感のあるお料理に、素敵なお皿… ひとつひとつ素敵な時間のために考えられているなと感じました また是非訪れたいお店✨
Luxury and stylish space Starting with a quiche that feels slightly warm and fragrant, the last small confectionery, the small madeleine, is also slightly warm and fragrant ... A nice plate for a unified dish ... I felt that each one was being considered for a wonderful time Shops you definitely want to visit ✨
yu n on Google

It was very delicious. The amount was just right. Thank you.
たかはしかずひろ on Google

Visited the store for the first time in a year. It's very delicious, but the price is also good. We use it as a celebration every year on our wedding anniversary. The, creative French. Delicious foie gras! Come to create with your thoughts!
もちもち on Google

ランチ?に行って来ました〜♬ どの料理も繊細で素材の味を活かして、 とても美味しく、素敵な時間を過ごす事が出来ました。 窓から見える緑の景色も最高でした。
I went to lunch ? ~ ♬ Every dish is delicate and makes the best use of the taste of the ingredients. It was very delicious and I had a wonderful time. The green view from the window was also amazing.
隆義和田 on Google

Fashionable shop atmosphere and tableware. The food was delicious.
mis sat on Google

It was a shop with a warm atmosphere. I was able to spend a relaxing time. The dishes were polite, fragrant and delicious one by one.

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