Taco Smile - Itabashi City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Taco Smile

住所 :

28-10 Oyamahigashicho, Itabashi City, Tokyo 173-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 173-0014
Webサイト : http://www.tacosmile.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday 11AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday Closed

28-10 Oyamahigashicho, Itabashi City, Tokyo 173-0014, Japan
on Google

Good as usual. If you don't like cheese, you can get a lot of salad if you ask without cheese. Salsa is the best!
Nanae K. on Google

食券を購入して、テイクアウトするスタイルのお店。 タコライスはSサイズ510円~、ソースはクリーミーナッツ、シーザー、サルサ(辛さ3段階)、明太クリーム(季節限定)から選べます。
Shop to buy food vouchers and take them out. You can choose Taco Rice from small S 510 yen, and from sauces: Creamy Nuts, Caesar, Salsa (3 stages of hotness), and Aita Cream (seasonal).
sabamiso 123 (sbm) on Google

タコライスをクリーミーナッツソースで、セットタコスをサルサソースの辛口で注文。 タコライスは具材がご飯に合った味で、これまで食べてきたタコライスの中で一番美味しかった。 一方でタコスは値段相応で妥当な感じ。 クリーミナッツソースをベースにしたもっと辛いソースがあれば個人的に有難いなぁと思います。
Order taco rice with creamy nut sauce and set tacos with dry salsa sauce. The taco rice had a taste that matched the rice, and it was the most delicious taco rice I had ever eaten. On the other hand, tacos are reasonably priced. I would be personally grateful if there was a spicy sauce based on creamy nut sauce.
koichi hamamoto on Google

食券を導入していて、テイクアウトは袋に入れてもらえるのでマイバッグなくてもokです。 タコライスはソースが4種類、サルサソースは辛さも選べてとてもおいしいです!
We have introduced a meal ticket, and you can take out in a bag, so you don't have to have your own bag. There are 4 types of taco rice sauce, and salsa sauce is very delicious with a choice of spiciness!

ここのミートタコス絶品!あったかくて柔らかい皮に、冷たい野菜とサルサソースがぴったし!しかも280円! う〜、ビール飲みたい!
Meat tacos here is exquisite! Cold vegetables and salsa sauce are perfect for warm and soft skin! Moreover, 280 yen! Uh, I want to drink beer!
吉田陸 on Google

There aren't many taco rice shops so it's handy. It is only for take-out, but both cospa and volume are good. It takes about 5 to 6 minutes to purchase it with a table vending machine. It takes a long time to be crowded. In the past it was ok to bring taco rice at a partner cafe, but now it has been crushed and became a dentist, ...
ハグ・イェン on Google

フードトラックを表参道まで出していた数年前は毎週お世話になっていましたが、時々本店にまだ来ています。何せソフトタコスといえばタコスマイルが日本一ですからね(当社比)。特に、タコミートとレタスにこだわりを感じます。 「クリーミーナッツ」ソースが一番人気だそうですが、激辛ソースはサルサ好きにもおそらく納得してもらえると思います。ソースは酸味より甘味が強くて、メキシコらしさをあまり感じないが、中毒的な美味しさがあります。 タコスマイルのもう一つの長所は、タコスに具がぎっしり入っているおかげで片手で食べてもあまり散らかす心配はない。意外と珍しい特徴です。
A few years ago when I was taking food trucks to Omotesando, I was taken care of every week, but sometimes I still come to the main store. Speaking of soft tacos, taco smiles are the best in Japan (compared to our company). In particular, I feel particular about taco meat and lettuce. The "creamy nuts" sauce is said to be the most popular, but the spicy sauce will probably convince salsa lovers. The sauce is sweeter than sour and doesn't feel much Mexican, but it has an addictive taste. Another advantage of taco smiles is that the tacos are packed with ingredients so you don't have to worry about cluttering them with one hand. It is a surprisingly unusual feature.
Jaakko Hyry on Google

Bland. Tried three different sauces.

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