Tachikawaya Liquor Store - Utsunomiya

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tachikawaya Liquor Store

住所 :

4 Chome-14-6 Imaizumi, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0966, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 321-0966
Webサイト : https://tatekawaya.com/

4 Chome-14-6 Imaizumi, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0966, Japan
Suri Tea on Google

不错的威士忌专门店 这里可以预约秩父威士忌 还是挺不错 老板很热情 经常和宇都宫的威士忌爱好者们组织活动
Nice whisky specialty store. You can make reservations for Chichibu whiskey. It’s pretty good. The owner is very enthusiastic. He often organizes activities with whiskey lovers in Utsunomiya.
ゴンザレスアードべギャン on Google

I heard from an acquaintance that there is a liquor store that offers a rich lineup of tastings. The staff and regulars are very personal, and if you tell them your tastes and budget, they will look after you in various ways. It is a very conscientious shop that does not recommend expensive ones, but recommends ones that suit your taste. I visit him about once a month, but I enjoy talking about whiskey.
須藤和哉 on Google

イチローズモルトやプレミアムなウイスキーが多数です! 歩きの方は試飲も出来ますので、お酒好きな方にはグーです。
There are many Ichiro's malts and premium whiskeys! Those who walk can also sample, so it is good for those who like alcohol.
Exclusive 09 on Google

Googlemapを頼りに伺ってみました。 ちょっと解りにくい場所にあるウイスキーメインの酒屋さんです。 店員さん、お客さんともとても気さくでステキなお店です。 「こんなのが好み」と伝えると親身に考えて頂いた上、色々試飲までさせて下さいました。 ただ、初心者には少々敷居が高いのと、試飲をさせてくれるのを考えると「なるほど!」とは思うのですが、駐車場がない?それとも解らなかっただけ? 私は散歩がてら近くのスーパーマーケットから徒歩で伺いました。 勿論、運転は奥さんにお願いしました。
I asked by relying on Google map. It is a whiskey main liquor store in a place that is a little difficult to understand. Both the clerk and the customer are very friendly and nice. When I told him that I liked this, he kindly thought about it, and even gave me various tastings. However, the threshold is a little high for beginners, and considering that they will let you taste, I think "I see!", But is there a parking lot? Or did you just not understand? I went for a walk from a nearby supermarket. Of course, I asked my wife to drive.
Kat Kαs on Google

ウイスキー専門店です。 イチローズモルトが量り売りで買えるのでオススメ 個人的には100円くじが最高です!
It is a whiskey specialty store. Ichiro's malt can be bought by weight, so it's recommended Personally, the 100 yen lottery is the best!
さいひろ on Google

Anyway, there is a wide selection of whiskey, and I have an impression that I am familiar with sake. You may find rare brands if you come here. There were countless sake and beer.
M T on Google

ウイスキーマニアにおすすめのお店、あれもこれも欲しくなってしまいます。?? レアなウイスキーにも出会えます。
I would like to have a shop recommended for whiskey mania. ?? You can also meet rare whiskey.
non ema on Google

ウイスキーに手を出して半年程度ですが、量り売りってどんなものかと興味があり行ってみました。 店に入るなり少しのキーワードから店員さん全員がおすすめのウイスキーを、メジャーなものから小さな蒸留所の少量商品まで次々とブランド関係なく忖度なしに教えてくださり、大変勉強になったのと、 そして何よりも店員の皆さんがずっと楽しそうにウイスキーの話をしているので、話を聞いているだけでこちらも楽しくなりました。 少し寄って商品を見てみようかなってくらいの気持ちで立ち寄ったのに話が楽しかったのでオーバーステイしてしまいました笑
It's been about half a year since I started working on whiskey, but I was curious about what it would be like to sell by weight. As soon as I entered the store, all the clerk taught me the recommended whiskey from a few keywords, from major ones to small quantities of small distilleries, regardless of brand, and it was a great learning experience. And above all, the clerk talked about whiskey with a lot of fun, so just listening to the story made me happy. I stopped by with the feeling that I was about to stop by and take a look at the products, but I enjoyed talking so I overstayed.

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