Tachibanaya - Moka

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tachibanaya

住所 :

1037 Aramachi, Moka, Tochigi 321-4305, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
Postal code : 321-4305
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM

1037 Aramachi, Moka, Tochigi 321-4305, Japan
森キョウイチ on Google

ゴルフ旅で近くの松屋旅館に宿泊。 夕食場所を探して散歩中、18時に入店。 私は犬派だが、ここの猫かわいい。 瓶ビールと餃子から入り、食べ終えて 18時半頃に焼きそば追加注文したら おばちゃん:「もう営業終了です」 ・・残念! 帰り道に旅館近くの酒屋で惣菜を買った。
Stayed at a nearby Matsuya inn on a golf trip. I entered the store at 18:00 while taking a walk looking for a place for dinner. I'm a dog sect, but the cats here are cute. Enter from a bottle of beer and dumplings and finish eating If you order additional yakisoba around 6:30 pm Aunt: "It's already closed" ··disappointing! On my way home, I bought a side dish at a liquor store near the inn.
Aegithalos Caudatus on Google

もちもちの餃子と猫。 昔懐かしい焼きそばと猫。 どちらも幸せ。 近所の人がうらやましくなる店でした。 店内に猫がいるので苦手な人はご注意を。
Sticky dumplings and cats. Nostalgic yakisoba and cat. Both are happy. It was a shop that envied the neighbors. There are cats in the store, so please be careful if you are not good at it.
君塚あい on Google

真岡の町をぶらぶらと散策していたら、めちゃくちゃ気になるお店を発見! 焼きそばと餃子の「立花屋」さん。 始めは廃業したお店かと思って通り過ぎたけれど、焼きそばのいい香りが〜! 少し悩んだけど、恐る恐る入ってみる。 ちょうど1人掛けのテーブルが1つだけ空いていました。 メニューは焼きそばと餃子だけ。 殆どの人がそのセットを頼んでいるようです。 地元の人たちの胃袋を満たしているようで、次々とお客さんが入れ替わっています。 ご夫婦でされていて、奥様が焼きそばを、ご主人が餃子を作っていました。 まず焼きそば到着。 具はキャベツのみのシンプルなもの。 でも、何故かとても美味しい。 目玉焼きのトロトロ加減も最高です。 テーブルの上にソースや青のりが置いてあり、後半はソースを足してコッテリに。 餃子は1つ1つが大きくて、皮が厚めでもちもち。 ニンニクが意外に効いていて、噛むとピュッと肉汁が飛び出る。 美味しーい! いやいや、近所に欲しいわ、このお店。 お店のご夫婦もとてもほっこりするお二人でした。
If you are strolling around the town of Moka, you will find a shop that is insane! “Tachibana” with fried noodles and dumplings. At first, I thought it was a business that was closed, but it has a nice scent of yakisoba! I'm a little worried, but I'm afraid to go in. There was just one table for one person. The menu is only yakisoba and dumplings. It seems that most people are asking for the set. Customers seem to be filling the stomachs of local people, and customers are changing one after another. I was married and my wife made fried noodles and my husband made gyoza. First, Yakisoba arrived. The ingredients are simple with cabbage only. But for some reason it's so delicious. The fried egg is the best. Sauce and blue paste are placed on the table. Each dumpling is large and has a thick skin. Garlic works unexpectedly, and when you chew, the meat juice pops out. Delicious! No, I want this neighborhood, this shop. The couple in the shop were also very relaxed.
to mo on Google

開店と同時に入店。次々と近所の家族連れやカップルやお一人様方々で小さい店内が満席。電話での焼きそばや餃子テイクアウトも多い様子。 焼きそば小で普通盛、餃子はもっちりとカリカリ。人気なのが分かります。
Entered at the same time as the store opened. The small store is full with families, couples and one person in the neighborhood one after another. It seems that there are many yakisoba and dumpling takeouts over the phone. Yakisoba is small and usually served, and the dumplings are crispy and crispy. You can see that it is popular.
夏なつお on Google

焼そばは細めんでややしっとり、味がしっかりついています。餃子は皮がもちもちで餡もぎっしりでにんにく風味です。ボリュームがあって2人前でかなりの満足感です。 餃子も焼そばもおつまみに最高?⤴️⤴️ どちらもお持ち帰り可能です。 おばちゃんに聞いたのですが営業時間は昼は基本的に13:30ぐらいで夕方まで準備中となるそうですよ。夕方の開店時間は聞いてませんけど。
Yakisoba is thin and slightly moist and has a solid taste. Gyoza has a sticky skin, a thick bean paste and a garlic flavor. There is a lot of volume and it is quite satisfying for two people. Gyoza and yakisoba are the best snacks ?⤴️⤴️ Both can be taken home. I asked my aunt, but it is said that the business hours are basically around 13:30 during the day and preparations are being made until the evening. I haven't heard about the opening hours in the evening.
中村中 on Google

昭和感満載の外観とメインメニューの焼きそばは400円で、これも昭和プライス。 店の前の道路を隔てて無料の市営駐車場があり、周辺店舗も利用できる。 コロナ禍で昼食の部で14時で閉めている。
The appearance full of Showa era and the main menu yakisoba is 400 yen, which is also Showa price. There is a free municipal parking lot across the road in front of the store, and nearby stores are also available. It is closed at 14:00 in the lunch section due to the corona.
Yukie Teruyama on Google

焼きそばと餃子がメインの食堂です。 焼きそばはシンプルにキャベツのみで、屋台の焼きそば風。優しい味で、田舎のおばあちゃんが作ったみたいな感じです。目玉焼きをのせても350円!コスパ抜群。 大と小がありますが、小で充分一人前です(笑) 餃子は、皮がもちもちの大きめ餃子で、焼きたてを提供してくれます。中の餡が野菜で、とろっと柔らかめ。個人的にはもう少しざく切りでも良いかなと思いますが、こちらも6個で350円と、文句なしのコスパなので、全然?。 他にも餃子ライスや五目ご飯(和風なチャーハン?)があって、他のガタガタ注文したのを見たら、もりもりでした(笑)。 昭和感がたっぷりの食堂。 このまま残って欲しい風情です。
The main dining room is yakisoba and dumplings. Yakisoba is simply cabbage, and it looks like a stall yakisoba. It has a gentle taste and feels like it was made by a grandmother in the country. 350 yen even with a fried egg! Excellent cost performance. There are large and small, but small is enough for one person (laugh) Gyoza is a large dumpling with a chewy skin and provides freshly baked dumplings. The bean paste inside is vegetables and is soft and soft. Personally, I think it's okay to cut it a little more, but this is also a cospa with 6 pieces for 350 yen, so it's totally ?. There were other dumpling rice and Gomoku rice (Japanese-style fried rice?), And when I saw other rattling orders, it was a mess (laughs). A dining room with plenty of Showa era. It is a taste that I want you to remain as it is.
まるのすけ on Google

9:30頃お店の前を通るとお店の周りにねこちゃんが4匹いて口コミを見たら店内にもねこちゃんがいて美味しそうな焼きそばと餃子だったのでまた戻ることに。 11:40頃に行くと人が待っていて11:30オープンじゃないのかな?と思って待ってみましたが12:00にあきました? ぎりぎり一巡目で入ることができましたが椅子2つ使ってねこちゃんがすやすや?お店の人はノータッチだったんで椅子移動して座らせてもらいました。途中、起きてくれたので隣に座らせてもらいました。 店内と事前予約と電話注文がひっきりなしだったので2巡目の方には時間がかなりかかると伝えていました。電話注文もかなり時間を取っていて忙しそう。オープン前に待ってぎりぎり座れてよかったなと思いました。私たちの注文は15分くらいできました。 玉子いり焼きそば 大 ¥450 焼きそばの具はキャベツ。横に紅しょうが。 色は薄めでしたがしっかり味がついていて美味しかったです。薄く感じる人もいるかもしれませんがテーブルにソースがありました。青のりもありました。 餃子 ¥350 まぁまぁ大きい餃子が6ヶで¥350、、 焼かれている部分はカリッとしてますが皮自体はもちもち。具はほとんど野菜、ニンニクがしっかりと効いて美味しいです。 安くて美味しくて猫ちゃんがいる天国でした。
Around 9:30, when I passed in front of the shop, there were 4 cats around the shop, and when I saw the word of mouth, there was also a cat in the shop, and it was delicious yakisoba and dumplings, so I decided to go back again. People are waiting around 11:40 and it's open at 11:30, isn't it? I thought I waited, but I got tired at 12:00 ? I was able to enter in the first round, but the cat was easy to use with two chairs ? The shop staff didn't touch it, so I moved the chair and let him sit down. I got up on the way, so I sat next to him. He told me that it would take a lot of time for the second round because there were no endless reservations and phone orders in the store. It seems that I am busy with telephone orders because it takes a lot of time. I'm glad I was able to sit down just before the opening. Our order was completed in about 15 minutes. Egg fried noodles large ¥ 450 The ingredients for yakisoba are cabbage. Red pickled ginger next to it. The color was light, but it tasted good and was delicious. Some people may find it thin, but there was a sauce on the table. There was also green laver. Dumplings ¥ 350 6 large dumplings for ¥ 350 ,, The baked part is crispy, but the skin itself is chewy. Most of the ingredients are delicious with vegetables and garlic. It was cheap and delicious, and it was a paradise with cats.

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