焼肉ホルモンいこら - Amagasaki

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉ホルモンいこら

住所 :

Tachibanacho, Amagasaki, 〒661-0025 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 661-0025
Webサイト : https://www.hotpepper.jp/strJ001053779/
街 : Hyogo

Tachibanacho, Amagasaki, 〒661-0025 Hyogo,Japan
Gonzales Charamo on Google

It's a prosperous store. There is no satisfaction for some reason.
Y N on Google

どの肉も美味しかったです。 個人的には上ミノとハラミがおすすめです。 ビールがキンキンに冷えているのが嬉しいですね。 価格はそこまで安いわけではありませんが、コスパは良い方だと思います。 平日の早い時間帯であれば予約無しでも入れるかもしれませんが、なるべく予約をしてから行く事をオススメします。 接客もいいですよ。
Every meat was delicious. Personally I recommend Kamino and Harami. I'm glad that the beer is chilling. The price is not that cheap, but I think COSPA is a good one. You may enter without a reservation if it is early on weekdays, but we recommend that you make a reservation as much as possible. Customer service is also good.
mama nayuta on Google

ホルモンを塩で食べられるということで、来店。 ゴールデンタイムは予約じゃないと入れない感じですね。 味はわりとおいしいですが、一番初めに頼んだタン塩は残念ながらいまいち以下。 ほかのテーブルの塩タンも見ましたが、肉質としてここのタンは頼まない方がよいと思った。 でも、ホルモンに関してはわりとおいしかったですね。 塩もたれもいきましたが、どちらもよい感じ。 ホルモンじゃなくて赤身のお肉に関しては塩よりたれのほうがおいしく感じました。 また行こうかどうかは悩みますね、予約なくても入れるならまた行ってもよいし、予約しないといけないならそこまでしなくてもってレベルかな。
Visited the store because you can eat hormones with salt. It seems that you can't enter the Golden Time unless you make a reservation. The taste is rather delicious, but unfortunately the tan salt I ordered at the very beginning is less than good. I also looked at other tables of salt tongue, but I thought it would be better not to rely on this tongue as the meat quality. But it was pretty good for hormones. Both salt and sauce went, but both feel good. I felt the sauce was more delicious than the salt when it was not a hormone but lean meat. I'm worried about whether I'll go again, if I don't have a reservation, I can go again, or if I have to make a reservation, I don't have to go to that level.
智子 on Google

コスパは我が家はわかりません、笑 とにかく息子達は良く食べるし夫婦は良く飲む、笑 いっぱい食べて4人で28000円なら我が家的には安い❗️ リピート確実です❗️
COSPA doesn't know my home, lol Anyway, the sons eat well and the couple drink well, lol If you eat a lot and eat 28,000 yen for 4 people, it's cheap at home ❗️ Repeat is sure ❗️
Kuro on Google

5000円のコースを頼みました 飲み放題付きでこの肉のクオリティはなかなかお値打ちだと思います 少しボリューム的に物足りない感じなので、コースの中でご飯のおかわりとかを出来るようにしてほしいなぁと思いました
I ordered a 5000 yen course With all-you-can-drink, I think the quality of this meat is quite good value It feels a little unsatisfactory in terms of volume, so I wanted to be able to replace rice in the course.
賀久博彦 on Google

塩のこだわり、素材は肉も野菜も極めて新鮮‼️ そして豊田店長の人柄が実に素晴らしい❗ 謙虚な姿勢はプロレスラー時代と少しも変わってない?
The salt is very fresh, and the meat and vegetables are extremely fresh! ️ And the personality of the manager Toyoda is really wonderful ❗ Humble attitude hasn't changed at all from the days of professional wrestlers ?
tomo Okada on Google

Former female professional wrestler, Combat Toyoda's shop. That said, there is no scary atmosphere with a nice mom. All of the hormones have no smell and can be eaten as much as you want. White Senmai is a must. It's like a melody of a butterfly, and it's unbearable for hormone lovers.
一宮章悟 on Google

もとプロレスラーのコンバット豊田さんのお店。お店には同期同僚や同業者、あと吉本の芸人のサインなどあります。 お店としてもすばらしく、質のよい肉をリーズナブルに提供されています。 とくに黒毛和牛はサシ加減もよく、柔らかく、生で食べられるのではと思うほど新鮮。 ホルモンも柔らかく深みのある味です。 あと、なぜかは分かりませんが、見た目以上にお腹がふくれやすい。 塩がおすすめ。 ただし繁盛店なので予約するのが無難です。
Originally a professional wrestler's Combat Toyoda's shop. At the store, there are autographs of sync colleagues, colleagues, and Yoshimoto entertainers. Great as a restaurant, they serve high quality meat at a reasonable price. In particular, Japanese black beef is well-conditioned, soft, and fresh enough to be eaten raw. The hormone has a soft and deep taste. Also, I don't know why, but it's easier to get bloated than it looks. I recommend salt. However, since it is a thriving store, it is safe to make a reservation.

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