Tachibana Katsutsumi Shop - Setagaya City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tachibana Katsutsumi Shop

住所 :

A.PLAZA赤堤 3 Chome-12-21 Akatsutsumi, Setagaya City, Tokyo 156-0044, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 156-0044
Webサイト : https://tokachi-tachibana.co.jp/kashintachibana/shop/%25E8%25B5%25A4%25E5%25A0%25A4%25E5%25BA%2597.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–5:30PM
Sunday 9:30AM–5:30PM
Monday 9:30AM–5:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–5:30PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–5:30PM
Thursday 9:30AM–5:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–5:30PM

A.PLAZA赤堤 3 Chome-12-21 Akatsutsumi, Setagaya City, Tokyo 156-0044, Japan
すーすうこ on Google

とっても美味しい和菓子屋さん 豆大福、団子がとっても美味しいです 店内でも食べられるので、お散歩ついでにあんみつ 帰りにお土産にお団子を買って素敵な思い出のお店です 店員さんもとても親切 駅からは近くありませんが、少し足を伸ばしても行く価値があると思います
Very delicious Japanese sweets shop Soybean daifuku and dumplings are very delicious You can eat it inside the store, so it's a wonderful memory shop where you can buy dumplings as a souvenir on your way home from Anmitsu while taking a walk. The clerk is also very kind It's not close to the station, but I think it's worth the trip
Satoshi Sekimoto on Google

散歩で通りがかり、レーズンサンドのバラ売りに目を引かれて、初めて和菓子屋に入りました。 くずきりにもラムネ味があったりなど、興味をひかれる商品が多かったです。 レーズンサンドはマルセイバターサンドしか食べたことがなかったのですが、こちらの商品もとても美味しかったです。 次回はくずきり目当てで行ってみようと思います。
I walked by and was attracted to the raisin sands sold separately, so I entered a Japanese sweets shop for the first time. There were many products that were of interest, such as Kuzukiri, which had a ramune taste. I had only eaten Marusei butter sand for raisin sand, but this product was also very delicious. Next time, I'll go for Kuzukiri.
Tatuya Ito on Google

毎年お年賀などに利用させて頂いてます 定番商品が多く喜ばれてます安定の和菓子屋さんですね
I use it for New Year's greetings every year. It's a stable Japanese sweets shop that is pleased with many standard products.
BIRTH LABコミュマネ_池田史 on Google

地元で幼少期に食べて以来のブッセを食べた。このふんわりちょいサクの甘め生地、やっぱり好き。でも、わたしは中にはさむのは、ジャムよりクリーム派! 次はアイスキャンディーを食べに行きたい。。。!
I ate Busse since I ate it locally when I was a child. After all I like this soft and slightly sweet dough. But I'm more creamy than jam! Next time I want to go eat popsicles. .. .. !!
Toh Yama on Google

色々な和菓子があり、贈答品から普段のお菓子まで選べます。 高校生までの人は一日一つ、ブッセが50円で購入できるので、子連れの方にもおすすめです。 ちょっと止めにくいですが駐車場もあります。
There are various Japanese sweets, and you can choose from gifts to ordinary sweets. People up to high school can buy Busse for 50 yen a day, so it is also recommended for people with children. It's a little difficult to stop, but there is also a parking lot.
青ちゃん on Google

The nearest station is a 15-minute walk from Gotokuji Temple. About 7 minutes on foot from Matsubara on the Tokyu Setagaya Line. Although it is inconvenient, it is a casual shop where you can buy Daifuku, sweet and spicy dumplings, and seasonal Japanese sweets, and you can also buy small souvenirs. There is also a courier service.
yoichiro shishiyama on Google

Lovely Anko sweets.
Manny on Google

Popped by here today for some Japanese sweets. Well worth the visit. The sweets seemed reasonably priced, and since it’s a local brand it’s nice to support local shops. Will visit again since we live in the area. Not sure I would specifically travel to it, but if you’re in the area it’s worth it. Also the staff were really lovely!

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