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Contact AUTO CAMPING TACランドいたどり

住所 :

Itatori, Seki, 〒501-2901 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト :
街 : Gifu

Itatori, Seki, 〒501-2901 Gifu,Japan
豊臣瑠希亜 on Google

ここの現在の管理人は笑顔0 目が死んでいます 昔の管理人さんはとても愛想が良く気さくな方でした。今はこんな年寄りしか管理人としての選択肢が無い板取の将来を危惧するばかりです。
The current manager here smiles 0 Eyes are dead The old caretaker was a very friendly and friendly person. Right now, I'm just worried about the future of Itatori, where only such elderly people have the option of being a caretaker.
Susumu Goto on Google

今時の高規格キャンプ場と違って一昔前のキャンプ場といった感じです。ご年配の方がフロント対応しているので、ぜひそこはキャンパーの皆さまご寛容な心で。12月頭だったこともあり、人も少なく貸し切りに近い感じで使えたので、とても静かで過ごしやすかったです。 12月だったからでしょうか、朝日の昇る方向に山があり、なかなか日がささず、テントの朝露が乾きませんでしたが、日が当たるとテントから水が蒸発して湯気が立ち上り、幻想的な感じですぐ乾きました。地面は恐ろしく硬いので、大事なペグやペグハンマーは封印し、無料貸し出しのごっついペグとペグハンマーを利用されるのがよろしいです。
Unlike the high-standard campgrounds of today, it feels like a campground a long time ago. Elderly people are at the front desk, so please be patient with campers. Since it was the beginning of December, it was very quiet and easy to spend because there were few people and I could use it like a private reservation. Probably because it was December, there was a mountain in the rising direction of the morning sun, the sun did not start easily, and the morning dew of the tent did not dry, but when the sun hits, the water evaporated from the tent and the steam rose and the fantastic Immediately it felt dry. The ground is terribly hard, so it's a good idea to seal off your important pegs and peg hammers and use the free rented pegs and peg hammers.
KOICHI on Google

2021年5月22,23日に利用。 まず、現在は連休など特別な日以外の土曜日利用の場合は前日の金曜日にチェックインしても追加料金が掛からないというサービスをしているようです。 また土曜日も朝9時以降であれば同じく追加料金不要でアーリーチェックイン出来ます。 オートサイトは4サイトをセットにして木立で囲むような形になっていて雰囲気は良いです。 ただ、地面はカッチカチなので鍛造ペグは必須。(持っていない場合でも受付で借りることが出来ます。) すぐ隣を清流・板取川が流れ、徒歩圏内に入浴施設もあり炊事場はお湯も出るしトイレはウォシュレット付き。文句なしの高規格キャンプ場です。 とはいえ利用料金はちょっと高いかな。。
Used on May 22 and 23, 2021. First of all, it seems that we are currently offering a service that does not incur additional charges even if you check in on the previous Friday if you use it on Saturdays other than special days such as consecutive holidays. Early check-in is also possible on Saturdays after 9am at no additional charge. The auto site is a set of 4 sites and is surrounded by trees, so the atmosphere is good. However, forged pegs are essential because the ground is ticking. (Even if you don't have it, you can borrow it at the reception.) The clear stream, Itadori River flows right next to it, and there is a bathing facility within walking distance. The kitchen has hot water and the toilet has a washlet. It is a high standard campsite without complaint. However, the usage fee is a little high. ..
k yukka (yukka) on Google

There were many hardwoods in the campground, and the fresh green was very beautiful. I think autumn is also beautiful. What surprised me was that the kitchen and toilet were cleaned every time I went, and the garbage was cleaned up! The equipment itself doesn't seem to be new, but it was very comfortable. Hot water was also available in the kitchen. I didn't go this time, but there was a hot spring just a short walk away. This is a high standard campsite in me! Due to the corona disaster, the sites were opened one by one, and I was able to spend a leisurely time. I want to go play again.
rps13 beck on Google

環境整備、設備は申し分無しで非常に利用しやすいキャンプ場です。サイトの地面は固めでしたがセリアで売ってたスチールペグで十分打てました。 ただ流行りのブームに飛び付いた様な程度の低い人が多いですね。夜中、就寝しだしたら当たり前の様に人のサイトを通過して水場やトイレに行く有り様でした。私も2回ガイロープを引っ掛けられました。
It is a campsite that is very easy to use with perfect environment and facilities. The ground of the site was solid, but I was able to hit it with the steel pegs sold at Ceria. However, there are many people with a low degree of jumping into the trendy boom. In the middle of the night, when I went to bed, it was natural for me to pass through people's sites and go to water and toilets. I was also hooked on the guy rope twice.
滝川育夫 on Google

ここのキャンプ場は清流、温泉が隣にあり、とても綺麗に整備された所謂高規格のキャンプ場。 サニタリーハウスもとても手が行き届いていてトイレ、洗い場、シャワー室、ランドリーなど全て綺麗、素晴らしく感じました。 ビールもキンキンに冷えてて美味かった。 土質が硬く、ペグが刺さらず曲がってしまう笑 キャンプ場としては高評価を差し上げたいのですが、年配の受付の方がツンツン、ケンケンで、愛想ゼロ。電話予約の時から感じ悪い対応だなと感じてはいましたが、いざ対面して話してみるとこれが最悪。何故接客業選んだの?と訊きたくなる。にわかキャンパーへの抑止力パフォーマンスなのかと勘ぐってしまう程愛想なし。 あと、キャンパーの客層が低い。深夜0時まで賑やかにしてる連中ばかり。岐阜、春日井ナンバーの車に乗ったグループでした。 受付でなにも注意事項とか言われなかったし、ウェーイな連中もやりたい放題です。 キャンプ後、ここの口コミを見たら私と同じ境遇の人大勢居ますね、みんな同じかぁと安堵しました笑。 良いキャンプ場なのに惜しいです。 受付爺で評価1とします。
The campsite here is a so-called high standard campsite that is very well maintained with a clear stream and a hot spring next to it. The sanitary house was also very well maintained and the toilet, washroom, shower room, laundry, etc. were all clean and wonderful. The beer was also chilled and delicious. The soil is hard and the pegs don't stick and bend. I would like to give it a high evaluation as a campsite, but the elderly receptionists are stubborn and kenken, and there is no amiability. From the time I made the phone reservation, I felt that it was an unpleasant response, but when I talked face-to-face, this was the worst. Why did you choose the hospitality business? I want to ask. It's not so amiable that I think it's a deterrent performance to a sudden camper. Also, the customer base of campers is low. Only those who are lively until midnight. It was a group that got on the car of Gifu, Kasugai number. At the reception, I wasn't told anything to be careful, and even the weird people can do whatever they want. After the camp, when I saw the reviews here, there were many people in the same situation as me, and I was relieved that they were all the same. It's a good campsite, but it's a shame. The receptionist will give a rating of 1.
Paulo Winter on Google

Very nice camping place. Just at Itadori river shore. Lot of space for walking and relaxing.
Foad Naghsh on Google

This is a great campsite especially for families as it has different facilities including a bouldering wall for kids. It has warm water too.

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