Syner Gym - Amagasaki

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Syner Gym

住所 :

2-chome-35-17 Minamitsukaguchicho, Amagasaki, Hyogo 661-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 661-0012
Webサイト :

2-chome-35-17 Minamitsukaguchicho, Amagasaki, Hyogo 661-0012, Japan
阿部伸之 on Google

昼間しか行きませんが、いつも空いています。マシーン等順番待ちなしで使い放題! とても気に入っています。
I only go during the day, but it is always free. Unlimited use without waiting for the machine etc.! I like it very much.
ume on Google

月額の割に設備は特に文句なし。 ただ客層はイマイチ。スマホばっか弄って、マシンを占領してる目障りな輩が会員の半数近くいる。
There is no complaint about the facilities for the monthly fee. However, the customer base is not good. Nearly half of the members have annoying people who are occupying the machine with a smartphone.
星野鉄郎 on Google

There was a parking lot and there was a shower, so it was good, but isn't one of the male shower rooms cold, lacking momentum, or broken? The undressing basket is also cracked and very dirty. Because there is no internet PC, there is no on-demand cinema channel! It was a little disappointing. I want you to improve it.
ミッキーマウス on Google

The yoga teacher will kindly teach you
にっくじゃがー on Google

会費に魅力を感じて体験入会したが不満を感じて退会。 スペースを独占してスマホをポチポチする人の頻度が高いこと、 (器具の使用時には連続して30秒以上のスマホ閲覧禁止、 器具の連続使用も15分以上禁止、など具体的に書いても良いと思う) あとセミプロなのか知りませんが、 どや顔でフリーウェイトコーナーにて バーベルを床に叩きつける人が多いのも嫌です。 しかし一番の問題は男子ロッカー室が臭過ぎることです。 (トレーニングスペースの水飲み場の床も臭い時がある) 最初は足の匂いかと思ったけど原因はプロテイン。 兎にも角にも、プロテインを溢す人が多過ぎる。 そもそもプラスチック製のシェイカーを剥き出しで 持ってきちゃ駄目だよ…。 何しようが、蓋開けた時点で絶対に零れるんだから。 そして零れたシェイカーを木製の椅子や棚の上に置くと、、 もうバイオテロですよ。 普通のジムなら即効でスタッフから注意が入るんだけど 24時間ジムでスタッフさんが不在なことも多く、 またスタッフさんも遠慮して注意しないです。 24時間ジムだからこそ強めに注意しないと好き勝手なことを やり始める人が絶対に湧いてくるので、 そこは強気で応対して欲しいです。 スタッフさんは弱気だけど親切。 特に一部のスタッフさんは常に端から端まで清掃して下さっていて 頭が下がります。 あと不満は述べましたが大方の利用者もルール守ってマナー良いです、 ですが10人に1人でもルール破る人(そもそもルール知らない人)が居たら そこから負の連鎖が始まり簡単にマナーって瓦解するんですよね。。 シナジムさんが悪いわけじゃなく24時間ジムの悪いところを 見てしまった感じ。 (クチコミでも注意されて逆ギレしてるっぽい人も居ますし) 匂いと利用者のマナー状況が改善されたら、また戻りたいです。
The membership fee was attractive and I joined the experience, but I felt dissatisfied and withdrew. The frequency of people who monopolize the space and pop their smartphones is high, (Prohibition of smartphone viewing for 30 seconds or more continuously when using equipment, (I think it is okay to write concretely that continuous use of equipment is prohibited for 15 minutes or more) I don't know if he's a semi-professional, but Doya face at the free weight corner I hate that many people hit the barbell on the floor. But the biggest problem is that the men's locker room is too odorous. (The floor of the drinking space in the training space sometimes smells) At first I thought it was a foot odor, but the cause was protein. There are too many people overflowing with protein in both rabbits and horns. In the first place, expose the plastic shaker You can't bring it ... No matter what, it will definitely fall when the lid is opened. And put the spilled shaker on a wooden chair or shelf, It's already bioterrorism. In a normal gym, the staff immediately pay attention Often staff are absent at the 24-hour gym, In addition, the staff does not hesitate to pay attention. It's a 24-hour gym, so you have to be careful not to be strong There will definitely be people who start doing so, I want you to be bullish there. The staff is bearish but kind. Especially some of the staff always cleans from end to end. I head down. I also complained, but most users follow the rules and are good manners. However, if there is a person who breaks the rule (one who doesn't know the rule in the first place) From there, a negative chain begins, and it's easy to get rid of it by manners. . It ’s not that Sina Jim is bad I feel like I've seen it. (Some people seem to be reluctant to pay attention even in word of mouth) Once the smell and user's manners have improved, I would like to return.
当真 on Google

The staff are handsome and beautiful. I'm looking forward to taking lessons every time. Please wake up!
をた on Google

駐車場がなかった 近くにパーキングがある 器具の種類が豊富
There was no parking There is parking nearby A wide variety of equipment
宇都宮禎子 on Google

Here Syner Gym is a great facility with yoga and gym. At first, I was taken care of by yoga, but I also started personal training because I wanted to improve my strength. Before I started, I was worried about what I could do, but now my professional trainer teacher trains me in a way that suits me, so now I'm at a pace of 2-3 times a week. It is now possible. I'm really happy to meet SynerGym.

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