Sweets+Kitchen ARI3 - Kasugai

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sweets+Kitchen ARI3

住所 :

Rokkenyacho, Kasugai, 〒486-0842 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Postal code : 486-0842
街 : Aichi

Rokkenyacho, Kasugai, 〒486-0842 Aichi,Japan
Chabo on Google

ARI3 in Kasugai, where shaved ice is popular. I visited after 14:00 on the weekend to eat pancakes instead of lunch. The duo were lined up on the bench outside, but they were passed inside without waiting too long. I ordered 8 and 4 premium pancakes (9 pieces) and chocolate banana pancakes (3 pieces), respectively. It's about 30 minutes to order and wait, and the long-awaited pancakes are here. Premium pancakes have plenty of fresh cream on top and plenty of maple syrup. Colorful fruits are scattered around and it is delicious again when eaten together. When I evacuated the first piece with plenty of fresh cream to the plate for the time being, a pancake with the ARI3 mark firmly engraved on the second piece appeared. You can see how the work is done without any omissions. For the chocolate banana pancake, I had you change the ice cream to fresh cream. Pancakes are a chewy, firm-eyed, my favorite type of dough. The whipped cream was somewhat different from other sweets shops, and it had a refreshing yogurt-like flavor, yet it didn't melt over time and was very delicious! I ate a total of 12 pancakes separately for two people, but I had them instead of lunch, so I flattened them. By the way, from July to early October, only shaved ice will be served, so if you are interested in pancakes, please do so as soon as possible!
旅人runner on Google

店内はこじんまりしていますがとてもオシャレです!レジカウンターの上にはお店の名の通りアリさんが3匹います? 今回はパンケーキを食べました! プレミアムパンケーキ?9枚! 成人男性でも割と多めでした笑とても美味しかったです!ご馳走様でした!
The store is small but very fashionable! As the name of the shop, there are 3 ants on the cashier counter ? I ate pancakes this time! 9 premium pancakes ?! It was a lot even for adult men lol It was very delicious! It was a treat!
なない on Google

共有の駐車場店前と道挟んだ反対側にあり Instagramアカウントあり 予約できたはず ランチ、ケーキ、かき氷充実 温かいお茶としょっぱいおかきはありがたい カマンベールミエル
Located on the opposite side of the road from the shared parking lot store There is an Instagram account I should have been able to make a reservation Lunch, cake, shaved ice Thank you for the hot tea and salty okaki Camembert Miel
純米吟醸 on Google

Sweets+Kitchen ARI3。 こんな季節ですが、かき氷がお目当てで、久しぶりにARI3にお邪魔しました。 以前伺った時は、まだ今のようにかき氷は無くパンケーキを沢山いただいた覚えが。 今回いただいたのは ・和栗のモンブランのパンケーキ ・あまおう&くりちーのかき氷 見た目はどちらも芸術的な綺麗さで、かなりの完成度。 肝心の味も、和栗ペーストやバニラアイス、かき氷のシロップそれぞれかなりのクオリティーの高さで美味しかったです。 はっきり言って、確実に前回伺った時よりレベルが上がっていました。 今回久しぶりに伺って良かったです。
Sweets + Kitchen ARI3. It's such a season, but I was looking for shaved ice, so I visited ARI3 for the first time in a while. When I visited before, I remember having a lot of pancakes without shaved ice like I do now. What I got this time ・ Waguri Mont Blanc pancakes ・ Amaou & Kurichi's shaved ice Both of them look artistic and beautiful, and they are quite complete. The essential taste was also delicious with the high quality of Japanese chestnut paste, vanilla ice cream, and shaved ice syrup. To be clear, the level was definitely higher than when I visited last time. I'm glad I visited this time after a long time.
grunge on Google

今日はキッシュランチの後に、ももちーを頂きました。 「ももちー」て、何だかオタク風なネーミングですが、カットした桃が丸ごと1個入って、チーズが入ったシロップがタップリで、器の底にはアイスクリームも潜んで、ボリューミーながら食べ飽きない素敵過ぎるカキ氷です! カキ氷の種類もバリエーションが豊富で、次回は何にしようかと、リピート確実です! 人気店ですので、平日なら運が良ければ席の空きがある可能性がありますが、待つ事は確実と思いますので、必ず予約して来店する事をオススメします。 駐車場は店舗前に2台分と、道を挟んだ東側に共同駐車場が在り、約20台程度の駐車スペースがあります。
Today, after the quiche lunch, I had a mochi. "Momochi" has a somewhat nerdy name, but it has a whole cut peach in it, a syrup with cheese in it, and ice cream lurking in the bottom of the bowl. It's too shaved ice! There are many variations of Kakigori, and you can be sure that you will repeat what you do next time! It's a popular restaurant, so if you're lucky on weekdays, there may be seats available, but I'm sure you'll have to wait, so it's recommended that you make a reservation and come to the store. There are two parking lots in front of the store and a shared parking lot on the east side across the road, and there is a parking space for about 20 cars.
山口朋子 on Google

ずっと行ってみたかったARI3。 この日は夏日でかき氷日和でした。 注文したのは 【ピスタチオベリー】 ピスタチオ好きの私は絶対食べようと決めてました。 運ばれてきた時の見た目からピスタチオがたっぷりかかっていて、食べてみたらびっくりするくらい濃厚。想像を越える美味しさでした。 もうひとつ注文したのが 【あまおうくりち+ふるーつ】 こちらは主に旦那さんが食べましたが、クリチといちごの相性が良くて氷の中には苺、パイナップル、ベリー、バナナなどのフルーツがゴロゴロ。さっぱりして食べやすかったです。 ・ 他にもたくさんの種類があるので、またリピートしたい。 あっでも次もピスタチオを食べるかも。
ARI3 I've always wanted to visit. This day was a summer day and it was a sunny day for shaved ice. I ordered [Pistachio berry] As a pistachio lover, I decided to definitely eat it. It has plenty of pistachios from the appearance when it was carried, and it is so rich that you will be surprised when you try it. It was delicious beyond my imagination. I ordered another one [Amaou Kurichi + Furutsu] This was mainly eaten by my husband, but Kurichi and strawberry go well together, and fruits such as strawberries, pineapples, berries, and bananas are rumbling in the ice. It was refreshing and easy to eat. ・ There are many other types, so I want to repeat them again. But maybe I'll eat pistachio next time.
中ちゃーん on Google

店内とっても可愛いお店?❤️ こじんまりしてるので、予約オススメします‼️ ランチは2種類でした。 キッシュかペンネグラタン‼️ キッシュはキノコも入って美味しい? ポタージュやサラダも美味しい❤️ ドリンクは紅茶だとカップ+ポットで2杯頂けちゃうからちょっとお得? デザートに抹茶のパンケーキ! (プレーン味にクリームに抹茶がかかってます) そしてこれはbirthdayバージョン✨ 1,000円以上のパンケーキはドリンクが付いてくる‼️ 今度は夏のかき氷が美味しい時期にまた来たいです?
Very cute shop inside the shop ?❤️ It's small, so I recommend you to make a reservation! ️ There were two types of lunch. Quiche or penne gratin! ️ Quiche is delicious with mushrooms ? Pottages and salads are also delicious ❤️ If you drink tea, you can get 2 cups + pot, so it's a little profitable ? Matcha pancakes for dessert! (Matcha is sprinkled on the cream for a plain taste) And this is the birthday version ✨ Pancakes over 1,000 yen come with a drink! ️ I want to come again when the summer shaved ice is delicious ?
Cihan Erdem on Google

Hi Followers, This place is amazing, Coffee and pancakes are delicious I would recommend to everyone. Staff are very friendly and helpful with your choice if you make to your order. Today I was here and enjoy with my family.

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