Suzuki Arena Iida - Iida

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Suzuki Arena Iida

住所 :

963-10 Kitagata, Iida, Nagano 395-0151, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 395-0151
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM

963-10 Kitagata, Iida, Nagano 395-0151, Japan
70 k on Google

I'm always getting better. The customer service attitude of all the staff is the best!
あんみつ on Google

Although he was a young person, he responded very politely. It was very nice.
Saki SASAKI on Google

お客様の電話での依頼で、予定があり 1日かかると言われたが無理を言って時間変更申し出て理解してくれましたが、 アリーナ様の受付書類に、付箋にかなり神経質な方と書かれてたのを見えるように貼ってあり不愉快な思いをしました
There is a plan at the request of the customer's phone I was told that it would take a day, but he overwhelmed me and offered to change the time, but he understood. It was unpleasant to see that the sticky note said that he was quite nervous on the reception documents of the arena.
たぁくん on Google

初めて行きましたが、相談したことに対し 整備士の方が上から目線で偉そうな感じで来られ また他のスタッフも笑顔とかなく 居心地が悪かったとしか言えません。
I went there for the first time, but for what I consulted The mechanic can come from above with a great feeling Also, other staff members do not smile I can only say that I was uncomfortable.
山崎勇一 on Google

ちょこっとした部品購入でおじゃましました。 そんなちょこっとした物なのに店員さんの対応が非常に良く気持ちのいい買い物ができました。 店内は清潔でフリードリンクも飲めます。
I was disturbed by the purchase of a little parts. Even though it was such a small item, the clerk's response was very good and I was able to shop comfortably. The inside of the store is clean and you can drink free drinks.
ダックスとろろ on Google

令和3 年4月リコールと定期点検で10時頃来店 車両を預け連絡を待つも、全く連絡なし。 18時前に電話をすると、13時には終了していたとの事。なぜ、連絡しないかと尋ねると、取りに来ると思っていたので、連絡しなかったとの事。そんな話は全くありませんでした。 対応は整備士かな? 車両を取りに行くと、営業担当から引渡しを受けましたが、やり取りは全く伝えられていない模様で先程は失礼しましたの一言もありませんでした。ここで言うか言わないか。 NッツTはリコールでもお手数をおかけしましてと対応するのにここではそれすらなく、この対応でした。雲泥の差とはこう言う事なのかと改めて思います。 車両は良くても、接客が最低なので⭐︎1つです。 此方も、何かあれば電話してくれるものと思ってしまいましたが、細かく伺わないといけないのが、こちらです?‍♂️ 前に付箋で気難しい客とされていて・・・って言う方がおりました。
April 3rd year of Reiwa Recall and regular inspections come to the store around 10 o'clock I left the vehicle and waited for contact, but there was no contact at all. When I called before 18:00, it was finished at 13:00. When I asked him why he didn't contact me, he thought he would come to pick it up, so he didn't contact me. There was no such story. Is the correspondence a mechanic? When I went to pick up the vehicle, I was handed over by the sales staff, but it seems that the exchange was not communicated at all, and there was no word that I was sorry about earlier. Do you say it here or not? N's T responded to the inconvenience caused by the recall, but it was not even here, and it was this response. I think again that the difference in cloud mud is like this. Even if the vehicle is good, the customer service is the lowest, so there is only one ⭐︎. I thought that this person would call me if there was anything, but here is the one I have to ask in detail ?‍♂️ There was a person who said that he was a difficult customer with sticky notes.
_48 ENGINEER on Google

I came to Suzuki Rina for the recall, but the store is large and clean (I'm sorry for the few photos). The kids space was nice too. After all, it was an impression of polite customer service. At first I was asked "How about a drink?" I refused because I was full, but another salesperson who passed by noticed and said, "How about a drink?" It ’s wonderful. I thought.
lin. lin on Google

営業の方は若い方が多いです。でも、若くても色々な知識を身につけていて、疑問に思っていることを聞くと丁寧に答えてくれました。 新車購入時に他社の同クラス車と迷ってることを伝えたところ、他社の利点を挙げながら、スズキ車の強みを説明してくれました。購入する車に何を求めているかも掘り下げてくれて、グイグイ営業するのではない姿勢が好感を持てました。他社で相談した際には、他社製品を貶める言い方でとても不快に感じ、最終的には「今後のお付き合いもあるし、スタッフの感じが良い」が決め手でこちらで購入しました。 他の方も書かれているように、整備士さんの中に接客に難ありの方がいるように感じました。でも、表立って対応してくれるスタッフは感じがいいですし、整備士さんの中にも物腰柔らかで丁寧な方もいました。 敷地が手狭なので車の出入りに注意が必要です。
Many sales people are young. However, even though I was young, I had a lot of knowledge, and when I heard what I was wondering, he answered politely. When I told him that I was at a loss with another company's car of the same class when I bought a new car, he explained the strengths of Suzuki cars while citing the advantages of other companies. He also delved into what he was looking for in the car he bought, and I liked the attitude of not doing business. When I consulted with another company, I felt very uncomfortable with the words that despised the products of other companies, and in the end, I bought it here because "I have a future relationship and the staff feels good". As others have written, I felt that some of the mechanics had difficulty in serving customers. However, the staff who responded openly were nice, and some of the mechanics were soft and polite. Since the site is too small, you need to be careful when entering and exiting cars.

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