Suzuki - Toyooka

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Suzuki

住所 :

2-21 Wakamatsucho, Toyooka, Hyogo 668-0027, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 668-0027
Webサイト :

2-21 Wakamatsucho, Toyooka, Hyogo 668-0027, Japan
岡本京子 on Google

飛び込みで 見に行ったんですが 接客は丁寧でしたよ‼️購入はしてませんけどm(__)m
I went to see it by dive, but the customer service was polite.ま せ ん I haven't purchased it but m (__) m
因幡国白兎 on Google

こちらの希望を、しっかり聞き出して整理して、複数の種類の見積りをすみやかにご呈示頂き、感心しました。希望の車種がありましたので、なんと10時00分見積り依頼、16時00分購入決定、過去最速でした。 追記します、義理の父親の依頼でしたが、実車も見ていないし、説明ではフルセットだと理解していたとの誤解があり、大変申し訳なかったのてすが、キャンセルとさせて頂きました。 次回私の車の予定が、中古の四駆ソリオを考えていますので、一番に相談に行きます。
I was deeply impressed by the fact that I had heard and organized my wishes and quickly presented several types of estimates. Because there was a desired car model, it was a 10:00 estimate request, purchase decision at 16:00, the fastest ever. I added it, it was the request of my father-in-law, but I did not see the actual car, there was a misunderstanding that I understood that it was a full set in the explanation, I was very sorry, but I canceled it . Next time my car plan is thinking about a used 4WD sorio, so I will go to the first consultation.
雪風響 on Google

I came by recall, but the correspondence was polite. Corona measures such as body temperature measurement were also taken.
大槻正樹 on Google

I was relieved in a place with a lot of reliable staff, such as polite explanations, customer service, and suggestions for minor repairs ☺️
ハムハムボッチ on Google

微妙、セールスタッフがしつこい めんどくさい場所にあるから車を持って行きたくない付き合いがなければ他に行ってます。 店舗ないが古く夏はエアコンが効いておらず最悪です冬場その逆、整備は信用しています。 整備すら駄目なら次はDAIHATSUにします。
Subtle, the sale staff is persistent I don't want to bring my car because it's in a troublesome place. If I don't have a relationship, I'll go elsewhere. There is no store, but it is old and the air conditioner is not working in the summer, which is the worst. In the winter, on the contrary, I trust the maintenance. If you can't even maintain it, I'll use DAIHATSU next.
和む湯 on Google

修理で車を預けたんですか、配線のスムージングが綺麗に出来てませんでした。元通りに出来ないのなら、納車の時に整備した人が一言 言ってくれても良さそうですが… 工賃も結構かかってますし。
Did you leave your car for repairs? The wiring wasn't smoothed cleanly. If you can't get it back to normal, it would be nice if the person who maintained it at the time of delivery would say a word ... but it costs a lot of wages.
Fuji Yama on Google

んっ…接客は丁寧!! 限定販売の軽を購入したが、ナビが問題 だった? こちらはカロッで、お願いしてたはず⁉️ スピーカーもアンプも全てネットでカロッ で購入し店舗に引き渡す。 届いてみたら「げっ!パナかっ?マジ(ToT)」 こちらは、長年カロッ好きで他の製品は使っ た事がない(^^; パナNAVIとスピーカーがカロッで音のバランスの悪さで音調整に悪戦苦闘中。 ナビがパナになるなら一言、連絡欲しかった。 それ以外は本当に親切でお世話になりました。
Hmm ... The customer service is polite! !! I bought a limited edition mini car, but the navigation is a problem Was ? This is Karo, I should have asked ⁉️ All speakers and amplifiers are online Purchase at and hand over to the store. When I received it, "Gee! Pana? Seriously (ToT)" This is a caro lover for many years and uses other products Never (^^; Pana NAVI and the speaker are struggling to adjust the sound due to the imbalance of the sound. If Navi becomes Pana, I wanted a word to contact you. Other than that, it was really kind and helpful.
カーズN on Google

It feels good to have a nice response from the shop staff. Except for sudden cases and simple operation methods, I think it is difficult to accept if you do not make a reservation in advance. First of all, you should consult with the shop staff before you go.

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