Suwa Clinic - Hachinohe

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Suwa Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-1-9 Suwa, Hachinohe, Aomori 031-0803, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Postal code : 031-0803
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM

1 Chome-1-9 Suwa, Hachinohe, Aomori 031-0803, Japan
SachI 。 on Google

婦人科 10年以上通ってます。表面的な柔らかさや甘さを求める方には不向きと思いますが、不親切と言うことは無く、はっきりしていて不安が無いです。看護婦さんも良い方です。
Gynecology I've been going for over 10 years. I think it is not suitable for those who want superficial softness and sweetness, but it is not unfriendly, it is clear and there is no anxiety. The nurse is also a good person.
ss k on Google

小児科にお世話になっています。 先生も看護師さんもとても親切で優しいです。 しかし、受付の方々は、忙しくしているからか感じが悪く良い印象が無いです。電話対応は非常に無愛想です。
I am indebted to the pediatrics department. Both the teacher and the nurse are very kind and kind. However, the receptionists do not have a good impression because they are busy. Telephone correspondence is very unfriendly.
ちびたまはいぢ on Google

小児科の女医さんはとても、優しくていいですね^_^ ただ結構混んでるので、予防接種も時間がかかりました! 14時から16時の間は予防接種が優先のようなのでその時間をお勧めします。 また乳児の体重測る際に おむつまで脱がせるのがちょっと嫌でした 先生はとても優しく親切なのですが あまり検査をしてくれずお薬だけ出されたので 別の病院で検査をしてもらったところ菌が出たので、お薬を別でもらいました
The pediatric female doctor can be very kind ^ _ ^ Just because it was so crowded, vaccination took time! Vaccination is a priority between 14:00 and 16:00, so we recommend that time. When weigh the baby I didn't like to take off my diaper. The teacher is very kind and kind I did n’t do much testing and only the medicine was given When I had an examination at another hospital, the bacteria came out, so I got the medicine separately
ぷんちゃん on Google

婦人科に学生の頃からお世話になっています。 ハッキリしていて、テキパキしているので、ぱぱっと済ませたい方にはオススメです。 ゆったり話したり、話を聞いて欲しい人には向かないかもしれません。 先生自体もちょっと早口なのかな?? けど、早めに済ませてくれる方が私はありがたいのでこれからも通います。
I have been indebted to gynecology since I was a student. It's clear and crisp, so it's recommended for those who want to finish it quickly. It may not be suitable for people who want to talk and listen relaxedly. Is the teacher himself a little quick? ?? However, I would be grateful if you could finish it early, so I will continue to attend.
ゆん on Google

I have been indebted to my pediatrics teacher for over 20 years. Anyway, he is kind and listens to me. I've said a lot of selfishness that I'm really bad at powdered medicine and I can't take it, but he didn't look unpleasant and prescribed another medicine. Is vaccination relatively cheap? If I have a child, I would like to ask the teacher again.
ちゃしろねこ on Google

小児科は女性医師、婦人科は男性医師。 こちらのレビュー評価が割れているのは別々の科の医師の評価が混在しているため。 自分は【婦人科】にかかった。このレビューは婦人科についてである。 結果的に、医師から患者への寄り添いや思いやり等は感じられなかった。 ・問診票に気になっている症状を記入。加えて「がん検診も受けたいが、持ち合わせがないと困るのでいくらくらいかかるのか聞きたい」と書いた ・診察に通されると着席前に、開口一番「お金のことばかり気にしていたら治るものも治りませんよ!」と怒鳴られポカーン。 ・結局がん検診をやるかやらないのか、そして金額の説明もないまま内診室に通される→診察・そして勝手に子宮がん検診もされた 受付スタッフは人数が沢山いたが、看護師は少ないように見えた(その日だけかもしれないが)。 看護師が1階と2階を階段でバタバタと往復しており、息を切らしながらこちらに対して急かしてくる印象しかなかった。 終始不快だった。あまりにも突然変なことが起こると、呆気にとられて何も言葉が出ないものだなと思った。 機械的な診察なので待ち時間はかなり早い。 多忙な人や、とにかく病状の情報が欲しい人向け。私はもう二度と行かない
Female doctors in pediatrics and male doctors in gynecology. This review rating is broken because the ratings of doctors from different departments are mixed. I went to [Gynecology]. This review is about gynecology. As a result, the doctor did not feel any closeness or compassion to the patient. ・ Enter the symptoms you are interested in on the questionnaire. In addition, he wrote, "I want to have a cancer screening, but I'm in trouble if I don't have one, so I'd like to ask how much it will cost." ・ When I was taken to the doctor, before I was seated, Pokhan shouted at the opening, "If you only care about money, nothing will heal!" ・ In the end, I was sent to the internal examination room without explaining whether or not to do cancer screening, and without explaining the amount of money. The reception staff was large, but the number of nurses seemed to be small (though it may be only that day). The nurse was fluttering back and forth on the stairs on the 1st and 2nd floors, and I had the impression that he was out of breath and rushed to us. It was unpleasant from beginning to end. When something strange happened so suddenly, I was taken aback and thought that I couldn't say anything. Since it is a mechanical examination, the waiting time is quite fast. For busy people and those who just want information on their medical condition. I will never go again
のんすけ on Google

院内処方なので、自費診療の人は安く済みます。 女性の先生もとても優しく、小さな子供も泣かずに受けれました。 受付の方々も優しく気になるような人はいませんでした。 待合室にオムツ替えコーナーがあり、すぐ隣に手洗い用の流しやミルク作れるコーナーもあり、嬉しいです!! 熱があるから、と裏口のようなところで待ちました。掃除行き届かなさすぎです。 ベンチシートの座布団の下のカビなど、歩きたい盛りの1歳がそこで待つのは大変でした。
Since it is an in-hospital prescription, it is cheaper for people who have medical treatment at their own expense. The female teacher was also very kind, and even small children could receive it without crying. The receptionists were kind and there was no one who was interested. There is a diaper changing corner in the waiting room, and there is also a sink for hand washing and a corner where you can make milk right next to it, which makes me happy! !! I waited at a place like the back door because I had a fever. It's too clean. It was difficult for a one-year-old who wanted to walk, such as mold under the cushion on the bench seat, to wait there.
さちこ on Google

子どもの頃は1階の小児科に、大人になってからは2階の婦人科にお世話になってます。 まず、お会計が他の病院より安いです。 1階の先生はとても優しく話を聞いてくれる先生で子供ながらに好感を持っていました。 2階の婦人科の先生は無愛想な感じはありますが、てきぱきと診察をしてくれて不安をすぐに解消してくれます。 小児科は待ち時間が長いイメージがありましたが、婦人科は待ち時間が少なく時間が無くてもすぐに駆け込めるのでとても助かってます。 婦人科においては意見が別れるのかなと思いますが、私にとっては最高の病院です。
When I was a child, I was taken care of by the pediatrics department on the first floor, and when I became an adult, I was taken care of by the gynecology department on the second floor. First of all, the bill is cheaper than other hospitals. The teacher on the first floor was very kind and listened to me, and I liked it as a child. The gynecologist on the 2nd floor feels unfriendly, but he gives me a quick medical examination and immediately resolves my anxiety. I had the impression that pediatrics had a long waiting time, but gynecology is very helpful because I can run immediately even if I don't have time. I think it's a disagreement in gynecology, but it's the best hospital for me.

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