Supermarket LIFE Kawasaki Miyuki Shop - Kawasaki

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Supermarket LIFE Kawasaki Miyuki Shop

住所 :

4 Chome-93 Komukai Nishimachi, Saiwai Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 212-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 212-0004
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–10PM
Sunday 9AM–10PM
Monday 9AM–10PM
Tuesday 9AM–10PM
Wednesday 9AM–10PM
Thursday 9AM–10PM
Friday 9AM–10PM

4 Chome-93 Komukai Nishimachi, Saiwai Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 212-0004, Japan
vNov 54v on Google

他のライフより服類が多いので、そこに魅力を感じる方もいるかと思いました。 清潔感もあり、不満も特にありませんでした。
There are more clothes than other lives, so I thought some people might find it attractive. There was a feeling of cleanliness and there was no particular dissatisfaction.
Nakamura Masao on Google

機能性マスクが手頃な価格でたくさん出ていました(2021/1) マスクがようやく販売される様になった様です。手頃な価格になっています。1Fの入り口には5枚で¥298。消毒用品もありました。
Many functional masks were available at reasonable prices (2021/1) It seems that masks are finally on sale. It's affordable. At the entrance on the 1st floor, 5 tickets are ¥ 298. There were also disinfectants.
なおなお on Google

2月26日(土)、リニューアルオープンしました。 改装は一階だけかと思っていましたが、今日二階に行ったら売り場が少し変わっていました。
It was reopened on Saturday, February 26th. I thought that the renovation was only on the first floor, but when I went to the second floor today, the sales floor changed a little.
あきたま on Google

お弁当コーナーの焼きそば買って食べたのですが、全く美味しくなかった。後悔だけが残った。 味も炒め具合も全然ダメ!初めて焼きそば作る小学生より下手でしょう。
ユンリユンリ on Google

店内は広すぎないので 毎日の買い物には便利だと思います。 一階が、食料品売場、二階は婦人紳士子供服と文房具、本、日用品とペットフードも売っていますよ?トイレもあります。おはぎが美味しいです?
The inside of the store is not too big I think it is convenient for daily shopping. The first floor is a grocery store, and the second floor sells women's, men's and children's clothing and stationery, books, daily necessities and pet food ? There is also a toilet. Ohagi is delicious ?
soybeans green on Google

大昔はオリンピックしかなかった鹿島田エリア。駅前マルエツとライフは同じくらいに出来たような大昔の記憶。いやー、ライフさんやっぱり好きなんですよね。1番好きなのは小麦の郷シリーズのカレーパンかチーズのパンかなぁ。それはさておき、このライフさんに来たのは実に20年振りになります。懐かしい。なんかノスタルジー感じますね。店舗も清潔感はあるけどやはり各所レトロ感が出てきている気もする。 小さい頃はめっちゃ大きなスーパーってイメージだったけど大人になって他のスーパーも見回したりするとここのライフはそこまで大きいわけではなかったのだなと思い出補正を実感してみたり。 ただのスーパーなのだけど記憶を揺り動かす力があるな。 ライフさんは大体24時まで営業が多いけれどもコロナ時短の影響もあってか2021年2月時点では22時閉店。それもあってお惣菜とか結構絞ってるので21時位に行ったらお弁当とかは全部売れてました。流石に半額シールとか来たら一瞬で消えるよねー。タイミングが難しい。 屋上パーキングは台数そこまであるわけでは無いですが余裕あって停めやすい感じでした。 今度は早めの時間でまた来たいと思います。
The Kashimada area, where there used to be only the Olympics long ago. A memory of ancient times that life was about the same as Maruetsu in front of the station. No, I like Life after all. My favorite is the curry bread or cheese bread from the Wheat Town series. Aside from that, it's been 20 years since I came to this Life. Nostalgic. It feels nostalgic. The store is clean, but I feel that the retro feel is coming out everywhere. When I was little, I had the image of a big supermarket, but when I grew up and looked around at other supermarkets, I realized that the life here wasn't that big. It's just a supermarket, but it has the power to shake memories. Life is open until 24:00, but it is closed at 22:00 as of February 2021 due to the short corona time. Because of that, I squeezed the side dishes quite a bit, so when I went around 21:00, all the lunch boxes were sold. If you come to a half-price sticker, it will disappear in an instant. Timing is difficult. The number of rooftop parking lots is not that large, but it was easy to park with plenty of room. I would like to come back soon this time.
kakyuusensi on Google

It was a long-awaited renovation opening from today. It was very busy from morning till night because it was the first day. The layout has changed a lot and I had a hard time finding what I wanted, but it's probably a matter of familiarity. The side dish corner is a little narrow, and it is inevitable to contact other customers when it is crowded. The items on display did not show any major changes from before the refurbishment. It's a supermarket in the neighborhood, so it's been a long-term relationship, and I'm looking forward to it in the future.
Abhishek Kashyap on Google

Good availability of various products

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