Super Fujiwara Namidate - Aomori

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Super Fujiwara Namidate

住所 :

1 Chome-17-1 Sentomicho, Aomori, 030-0854, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
Postal code : 030-0854
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–8PM
Sunday 8AM–8PM
Monday 9AM–8PM
Tuesday 9AM–8PM
Wednesday 9AM–8PM
Thursday 9AM–8PM
Friday 9AM–8PM

1 Chome-17-1 Sentomicho, Aomori, 030-0854, Japan
niya paku on Google

地場大手チェーンがとても強い青森で、ここはより地元密着の店 青果部にも対面販売があるのが特徴的だと思った 品ぞろえでは大型店にかなわないものの、地元の人で混雑する活気ある店ですね
Aomori is a very strong local chain, and this is a store that is closer to the local community. I thought it was characteristic that the fruits and vegetables department also had face-to-face sales. It's a lively store that is crowded with locals, although it's not as good as a large store in terms of product lineup.
りかきのきの on Google

とにかく野菜、魚、肉など安い。 今夜すぐ食べるなら、全然問題ない。 魚屋さんも、とても親切。 庶民の味方。 ただし、クレジットカード、ペイペイ系など、使えない。 現金のみ。 その点は、マイナス1 ポイントカードは、有料で発行してる。 店外の果物が、かなりお得。 ゴロゴロっと入ったスイカが580円。 桃が一箱680円。 買わずにいられない価格だ。 季節の掘り出し物の果物は、甘くてお買い得です。
Anyway, vegetables, fish and meat are cheap. If you eat tonight, there is no problem. The fish shop is also very kind. Commoner's ally. However, credit cards and pay-pay systems cannot be used. Cash only. The point is minus one Point cards are issued for a fee. Fruits outside the store are a great deal. A watermelon with a rugged roll is 580 yen. A box of peaches costs 680 yen. It's a price you can't afford to buy. Seasonal bargains are sweet and affordable.
piyopiyo763 on Google

Fruits are cheap and good to eat General Leclark It was delicious
SHINZO on Google

It's cheap, and it's a bargain price on Sundays (vegetables, etc.) ♪ On Fridays, the curry ingredients are cheap and useful. I think people are grateful for it. ..
ヨシダミユ on Google

最近は鮮度も店員さんの態度も良くなってる感じです。 個人的にはもう少し惣菜やお弁当に代わり映えや魅力が欲しい所です。
Recently, I feel that the freshness and the attitude of the clerk are improving. Personally, I would like to have a little more shine and charm instead of prepared foods and bento boxes.
桑田マキ on Google

家から、車で、40分掛かる遠い距離。私がゆっくり運転するから、中々行けない。 カラオケビッグエコー様に、練習に行った帰りに、私のポスターと、イベントの ポスターを、お願いしたら、快く、直ぐに、貼ってくれて。 ポスターの横には、いとこの梅沢富美男さんの、犯罪防止のポスターが貼ってて とても嬉しかったです。 冬には、蜜柑の箱を、何箱も買って あちこち持って行って、果物も豊富で 見るだけでも、楽しい。 何時も、本当に有難うございます?
A long distance, 40 minutes by car from my house. I can't go because I drive slowly. Like Karaoke Big Echo, on the way back from practice, my poster and the event If you ask for a poster, please feel free to put it up immediately. Next to the poster is a crime prevention poster by my cousin Tomio Umezawa. I was very happy. In winter, I bought many boxes of tangerines Take it here and there, and there are plenty of fruits Just looking at it is fun. Thank you so much ?
ハッピー星 on Google

本当に安くてよく利用しているスーパーです。The昔って感じですが自分にはそういう方が合ってると思います(笑)従業員のレジが早くて尊敬します。混んでる時は本当に混んでいるので接客も大変だと思いますし、最低限のことは聞いてくれますので接客気にならなかったです。 ただ傷んでる野菜の見極めが難しいな。店内の床に野菜の葉が落ちてますね。個人的な意見ですがカゴに清潔感は感じないような(笑) ですがいつも利用させて頂いてます。ありがとうございます。
It's a really cheap and often used supermarket. The It feels like it used to be, but I think that kind of person suits me (laughs). Employees' cashiers are quick and I respect them. When it's crowded, it's really crowded, so I think it's difficult to serve customers, and I didn't feel like serving customers because they asked me the minimum. However, it is difficult to identify the damaged vegetables. Vegetable leaves are falling on the floor inside the store. It's my personal opinion, but I don't feel the cleanliness of the basket (laughs) However, I always use it. thank you.
ときどき母さん on Google

マカロニサラダが気絶する程美味しい‼︎ 黒胡椒がピリッとと効いて赤いにんじん(?)がシャキシャキとしてとにかく素晴らしい。どんな料理上手がキッチンにいるのか、お惣菜はほとんど美味しいのでは?(あまり買って食べたことないので実はわからない) ホントみんな食べてみて〜超おススメ!
The macaroni salad is so delicious that it faints! ︎ The black pepper is spicy and the red carrot (?) Is crispy and wonderful. What kind of cooking skill is in the kitchen, isn't the side dish almost delicious? (I don't really know because I haven't bought and eaten so much) Really try eating everyone ~ Super recommended!

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