Super ALPS - Sagamihara

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Super ALPS

住所 :

3 Chome-2-14 Tanashioda, Chuo Ward, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-0245, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777888
Postal code : 252-0245
Webサイト :

3 Chome-2-14 Tanashioda, Chuo Ward, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-0245, Japan
3 三ラクティス on Google

公園散策前にこちらで食料調達させて頂きます。 他より陳列が違うかな…
We will procure food here before walking around the park. I wonder if the display is different than the others ...
是某何某 on Google

客層の問題だろうけど、品揃えが保守的で無難。 面白味が無い。 珍しい物、目新しい物を置いても売れず、 処分品が山になる様では、こうならざるを得ないですよね。 品物は良いけど、競合店に比べるとやや高いか。
It may be a problem of the customer base, but the product lineup is conservative and safe. Not interesting. Even if you put something unusual or new, it won't sell, If there are a lot of items to be disposed of, this is the only way to go. Goods are good, but are they a little more expensive than competing stores?
H S on Google

I don't know the supermarket, but the quality of the IWASAKI store is the lowest. The correspondence of the clerk at A storehouse is also the worst. Not worth the complaint. I don't understand why you are making money.
渚海斗 on Google

どこにでもある、スーパーと言う感じで、珍しい物もあまりなく無難な品揃え、普通の値段ではありますが、定員さんの接客はしっかりとしていた印象があります。 お年寄りに優しく品物の説明していたのを見たので、地元の人達に愛されてるのかな?と思いました。
It's like a supermarket, which is everywhere, and there aren't many rare items, so it's a safe product lineup, and although it's a normal price, I have the impression that the customer service of the capacity was solid. I saw that he was kind to the elderly and explained the items, so I wonder if they are loved by the locals. I thought.
Ayumi on Google

店内は広く、お買い物がし易いです。それぞれがカテゴリー別に並んでいて、どこに何があるか探すのも楽です。 混雑時もさほどレジで待つ事は無く、チェッカーさん達に感謝です。お弁当やお惣菜等購入した食品を飲食するスペースもあります。近隣の飲食店を利用するよりリーズナブルなのは、言うまでもありません。 駐車場は、屋外出入口付近はいつも混雑していますので、屋上を利用する事をオススメします。駐車場も広く、とめやすいです。お店から屋上駐車場に行くエレベーターもあります。沢山お買い物をしてカートで運んでも、カート回収スペースがあります。安心してお買い物が出来ます。
The store is large and easy to shop. Each is lined up by category, making it easy to find out where and what is. I don't have to wait at the cash register so much even when it is crowded, and I am grateful to the checkers. There is also a space to eat and drink purchased food such as lunch boxes and side dishes. Needless to say, it is more reasonable than using a nearby restaurant. The parking lot is always crowded near the outdoor entrance, so it is recommended to use the rooftop. The parking lot is large and easy to park. There is also an elevator that goes from the shop to the rooftop parking lot. Even if you do a lot of shopping and carry it in a cart, there is a cart collection space. You can shop with confidence.
田継武 on Google

Khaled Sadi (Official) on Google

Very good market
infas live on Google

Nothing special same a traditional supermarkets in Japan and I see its more towards high priced stuff

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