Sunland Mukogawa - Amagasaki

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sunland Mukogawa

住所 :

20 Heizaemoncho, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0087, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 660-0087
Webサイト :

20 Heizaemoncho, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0087, Japan
晴輝池田 on Google

早朝に初めて利用しましたが、施設の係員さんに親切に対応してもらい分かりやすい説明でとても助かりました?✨ メンバーカードを持てば早朝からも打ち放題が出来る(2階打席のみ)みたいなので、今回は1階で利用しました。 他の練習場に比べて比較的に空いてましたから、すぐに打席に入れました。打席使用料は無料でした。ただ、比較的には1球辺りのボール単価は高めかなと思いましたが、綺麗な施設と縦の距離も200yard程ありますし、100yardまでは天然芝でアプローチ練習も出来るのでその点も考量すれば納得かなと満足でした。 帰りにメンバーカードを申し込み(無料)したので、郵送での到着が楽しみです??
Although I used it for the first time in the early morning, I was very helpful with explanations easy to understand, because the staff at the facility kindly responded. ?✨ If you have a member card, you can do all you can do from early in the morning (only on the second floor), so I used it on the first floor this time. I was relatively free compared to other driving range, so I baked it quickly. The batting fee was free. However, comparatively, I thought that the unit price of the ball around 1 ball was expensive, but there are about 200yards of beautiful facilities and vertical distance, and since we can practice approach with natural grass until 100yard, we also consider that point I was satisfied with my satisfaction. I applied for a member card (free) on the way home so I am looking forward to arrive by mail.
Masa Taka on Google

There is a distance and the service level is high. The school experience was also good.
PU GON on Google

練習場としての環境は非常に良い。 反面で変な客も増えてきてお喋りはかりで五月蝿い集団の近くに配置されると鬱陶しい。 球を飛ばさず飛沫だけ飛ばすのは勘弁して欲しい。 トップトレーサーは酷い打球でも良く転がってくれる解釈で、嫌な気にさせないところが絶妙。
The environment as a practice area is very good. On the other hand, the number of strange customers is increasing, and it is annoying to be placed near the group of people who are talking in May. Please forgive me for not flying the ball but only the droplets. The top tracer is an interpretation that rolls well even with a terrible hit ball, and it is exquisite that it does not make you feel unpleasant.
ゆたんぽ on Google

少し球の単価が高いが、そのおかげであまり混んでないのが良い。 気軽にバンカー練習が出来る。 打ち放題はお得。 ラウンド前はここのトップレーサーレンジを使い、番手の飛距離を計測しておくのが必須の行為になった。
The unit price of the ball is a little high, but thanks to that, it should not be too crowded. Feel free to practice the bunker. All-you-can-eat is a great deal. Before the round, it became an indispensable act to measure the flight distance of the count using the top racer range here.
taka hiro on Google

トップトレーサーを体験してみたくて、一番近かったので、初めて行ってみました。 まず一言、感動しました。 駐車場は広い、フロントは迅速、チェックイン式でストレス無く打席に向かえました。 天井のネットが無いので解放的で最高に楽しかったです。 一回だけ行ってみようと思ったのですが、 これは毎週通いたい程でした! 奥のネットも高いので300飛ぶ私でも絶対超えません!感覚的に500ヤードキャリーとかじゃないと超えません笑 つまり、無理です! ただ、端っこの方で引っ掛け天ぷらをすると、サイドネットを越えるかとヒヤヒヤしました笑 かなり高いので大丈夫だとは思いますが、 引っ掛け天ぷらマンにとっては、 もう少し高いと安心です笑 また、すぐに行きます!
I wanted to experience the top tracer and it was the closest, so I went there for the first time. First of all, I was impressed. The parking lot was large, the front desk was quick, and the check-in type made it possible to head to the turn at bat without stress. There is no ceiling net, so it was open and enjoyable. I thought I'd go there only once I wanted to go there every week! The net in the back is also high, so even I who fly 300 will never exceed it! You can't exceed it unless you have a 500-yard carry. In other words, it's impossible! However, when I hooked it on the edge and made tempura, I was wondering if it would cross the side net lol I think it's okay because it's quite expensive, For the hooked tempura man, It's safe if it's a little higher lol I'll be back soon!
幸Gchan on Google

For 6-7 years, I go to all-you-can-eat every Saturday or Sunday in the morning. There is a distance, and the employees are kind and greet me. It's getting better and better. After all, I can't think of it without a top tracer!
nekkorodars on Google

夜遅くまで営業していて、駐車場も広く打席数も多いのでカップルや仲間内でも横並びで打席を確保できる。ボール単価が高いですが、一球の重みを感じながら打つ練習はレベルアップに繋がります! 開放感があり気持ちの良い練習場です。
It is open until late at night, and the parking lot is large and the number of at-bats is large, so even couples and friends can secure at-bats side by side. The unit price of the ball is high, but the practice of hitting while feeling the weight of one ball will lead to level up! It is a comfortable practice area with a feeling of openness.
ぎょえ〜じゅん on Google

Clean facilities and top tracer measurements are free. When I used it for the first time, the explanation at the front desk and the customer service attitude were not good. The ball unit price is also a little high. However, top tracers are fun because they have amusement characteristics such as ballistic measurement and virtual rounds of famous courses. It's a pity that we can't measure the amount of spin like Trackman. Anyway, it is better to become a member and purchase Prika at a high price to reduce the cost of the ball unit price. Free parking is available.

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