Sunagawa Park - Tachikawa

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sunagawa Park

住所 :

7 Chome-18-33 Sunagawacho, Tachikawa, Tokyo 190-0031, Japan

Postal code : 190-0031

7 Chome-18-33 Sunagawacho, Tachikawa, Tokyo 190-0031, Japan
深澤夏実 on Google

There are not many people on weekdays, so it is a good park to spend a quiet walk
Lucien Hermite on Google

A park that values ​​nature more than playground equipment. Whether you are a child or an adult, play is something you find yourself.
平野和江 on Google

It is a small park. There is no playground equipment. A walk course in a nursery! He showed me a long way. Daruma-san fell. There was a biotope.
きら“吉良吉影” on Google

遊具や駐車場がある訳ではないが、まぁまぁ広い。ボール遊びや鬼ごっこや自転車の練習にはもってこい。 夏〜秋にかけては蚊がすごく多いので虫除けスプレーは必須で長ズボンで行くのがオススメです。 うちの子供はめちゃくちゃ蚊に刺されてました(泣)
There are no playground equipment or parking lots, but it's fairly large. Great for playing ball, playing tag, and practicing bicycles. Since there are so many mosquitoes from summer to autumn, insect repellent is essential and it is recommended to wear long pants. My kid was messed up by a mosquito (crying)
渡邉すいそ。 on Google

この公園はよく保育園の頃行ってました! 結構広くて小さい子が遊ぶにはいい場所です! 強いて言うなら遊具がないところですかね… 綺麗な公園なので是非行ってみてください!
I used to go to this park when I was a nursery school! It's a good place for small children to play! If you force me, it's a place where there are no playsets ... It's a beautiful park, so please go there!
ボンボン on Google

There are few playground equipment, but it is wide so you can run around.
やっさんやすだっち on Google

住宅街に隣接する為 静かに散歩する程度の公園。 でも足ツボとかただの溜め池化してるビオトープとかあったりしてふらふらするには丁度よかった。 けっこう広いンでそれほど賑わう感じではないです。
A park where you can take a quiet walk because it is adjacent to a residential area. However, it was just right to sway because there were foot acupuncture points and a biotope that was just a pond. It's quite large and not so crowded.
Water Melon on Google

Great place for working out

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