Sunaba - Kita City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sunaba

住所 :

2 Chome-5-9 Toshima, Kita City, Tokyo 114-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 114-0003
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:20PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:20PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:20PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:20PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:30AM–2:20PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:20PM

2 Chome-5-9 Toshima, Kita City, Tokyo 114-0003, Japan
あう on Google

Lunch is 890 yen with a free combination of soba and mini bowl. It's quite crowded.
Fooray Hooray on Google

硬めの蕎麦が好きなので、たまに食べに行く。 天ぷらやモツ煮なども美味しい。
I like hard soba so I go to eat it once in a while. Tempura and motsuni are also delicious.
kazuma nishimura on Google

A soba restaurant in the town. I've only been there at noon, but it's always thriving. There are table seats and tatami mats. Although it is handmade soba, the price is reasonable and the taste is delicious. The photo is a set of wild vegetable buckwheat + mini-tendon.
43 h on Google

A local soba shop where customers are always there. There are quite a few set items and it feels good. Soba is always delicious, but sometimes the rice is soft and not your favorite.
よみ“Yomi” on Google

麺にコシがあり、肴も美味しい。 鍋や炊き込みご飯も美味しく、グループで来ても楽しめる良いお店です。 ランチも手軽に楽しめて良いですね。 ただ、分煙されていない事、酒の種類が無いことが欠点です。
The noodles are firm and the side dish is delicious. The hot pot and cooked rice are delicious, and it's a good place to enjoy even if you come as a group. It's good to have lunch easily. However, the disadvantage is that it is not smoked and there is no type of liquor.
_ hiro on Google

何処にでもありそうな、町のお蕎麦屋さんです。 蕎麦はお店で打っているようで打ち立ての蕎麦が食べられます。 昼夜問わず飲む事が出来、〆に蕎麦を頂く事が多いです。 とはいえ、蕎麦のレパートリーやセットメニューが豊富で何を食べるか悩みますが いつも親子重になってしまします。 次回こそは、違うものを… 酒の肴も充実しており、飲むだけでも満足です。 しいて言えば、生物がイカソーメンしかないので もう一品、二品、あればと思う時もあります。 店員さんは皆さん明るく、特に 看板お母さんは、年を感じさせないくらい、元気で、軽い身のこなしで気遣いも素晴らしく、 とても癒されております。 ご馳走様でした、またお邪魔します。
It is a soba shop in the town that seems to be everywhere. You can eat freshly-made buckwheat noodles as if you were hitting them at the store. You can drink it day and night, and you often get buckwheat noodles. However, the soba repertoire and set menus are abundant, but I wonder what to eat. It ’s always parent-child weight. Next time, something different ... There are plenty of sake bottles, so you can be satisfied just by drinking. Speaking of which, the only living thing is squidsomen There are times when you want one more dish or two. The shop assistants are all cheerful, especially The signboard mom is so energetic that she doesn't feel the age, and she is lightly dressed and caring. I am very healed. Thank you for your feast.
頭文字B on Google

首都高中央環状線王子南インター近くの 溝田橋交差点から荒川の方へ向かうと 酒屋のカクヤスの少し先にお店は有ります。 2021年11月25日 PayPay使えませんでした! ショップカード有りました('◇')ゞ
Near the Oji Minami Interchange on the Metropolitan Expressway Central Circular Route When heading toward Arakawa from the Mizotabashi intersection There is a shop just ahead of Kakuyasu, a liquor store. November 25, 2021 I couldn't use PayPay! There was a shop card ('◇') ゞ
3xoy xtxi on Google

ここもランチで何度もお世話になっている砂場のひとつ。 メニューが抱負で迷います。 だいたい丼物とそばのセット頼んじゃいます。天かすカケ放題。お茶がそば茶なのも嬉しい。 それと天ぷらが美味しい。野菜の天ぷら単品があったりするので自信あるんだと思います。 お腹一杯食べられるお蕎麦屋さんって珍しいですよね。 夜はお酒の提供あり。美味しそうな肴もあり。 店内もきれいで、基本テーブル席。奥にお座敷もあるようです。高齢のお客さんがテーブル席が空くのを待ってたりします。 感染対策の消毒やパーテーションはあります。 店員さんが多いので誰か気付いて注文取りに来てくれます。安心。 これからも通います。
This is also one of the sandboxes that have been taken care of many times at lunch. I am at a loss for the menu. I usually order a set of rice bowl and soba noodles. All-you-can-eat tenkasu. I'm also happy that the tea is buckwheat tea. And the tempura is delicious. I think I'm confident that there is a single vegetable tempura. It's rare to find a soba restaurant where you can eat a full stomach. Alcohol is served at night. There are also delicious side dishes. The inside of the store is also clean, with basic table seats. There seems to be a tatami room in the back. Elderly customers are waiting for table seats to become available. There are infection control disinfections and partitions. There are many clerk, so someone will notice and come to pick up the order. relief. I will continue to attend.

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