松原眼科クリニック 神戸市白内障 多焦点眼内レンズセンター - Kobe

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 松原眼科クリニック 神戸市白内障 多焦点眼内レンズセンター

住所 :

Sumiyoshimiyamachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe, 〒658-0053 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87887
Postal code : 658-0053
Webサイト : https://www.matsubaraganka.com/
街 : Hyogo

Sumiyoshimiyamachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe, 〒658-0053 Hyogo,Japan
Yīrán xiao on Google

I used to go there. I had ordered contact lenses but was told that I didn't. I heard that the staff was actually laughing when they talked about making an order mistake but trying to blame the delay in Takkyubin due to the coronavirus. I wanted you to apologize honestly, but I won't go anymore.
Zen Kobayashi on Google

At the end of August, I had a cataract operation for both eyes. The explanation of the intraocular lens was also easy to understand. When I consulted about the choice of the lens that suits my job, I was able to select it properly, and I am satisfied with the single focus lens. The operation time was very short, and all the nurses were able to respond normally (the same as usual), so I tried the operation without any anxiety. I think it would have been better to operate sooner because it didn't interfere with work or driving.
mai kasa on Google

母がこちらで白内障手術をして1年になりますが手術する前より見えにくくなりました。 100万円近いお金を出して多焦点の手術をしたのにです。 元々1.5まで見えていたのに今は0.4しか見えないですが先生は順調ですと言います。 乱視のせいで見えにくいと説明されたが手術する前は乱視なんてなかったと母は言います。 母はひどく落ち込んでいます。
It's been a year since my mother had cataract surgery here, but it's harder to see than before the surgery. I paid nearly 1 million yen for multifocal surgery. Originally I could see up to 1.5, but now I can only see 0.4, but the teacher says that it is going well. My mother says she had no astigmatism before the surgery, although she was told that it was difficult to see because of astigmatism. My mother is terribly depressed.
ekimo arosk on Google

失明の危険のある病気を見逃されました。 絶対に行かない方がいいと思います。 昼頃から黒い虫のようなものが飛んでいるのが見え始めたためネットで調べた所、飛蚊症という事が分かり早めに受診した方がいいとのこと。 会社から近くGoogleの評価も良かったため仕事終わりにここに行こうと決めました。 電話で予約が必要か確認した所「うちは予約制ではございませんが?」と威圧的に言われ不安になったが時間的に他の病院へは行けないため18時頃に受診しました。 受付で飛蚊症ですと伝えると時計をチラと見た後にあからさまに嫌な顔をされたため、時間過ぎてましたかと聞くと「いえ大丈夫です」と。 実際に受付時間は過ぎていなかった。 その後、看護師から瞳孔を開くために点眼液をさすが30分は時間がかかると説明されたが実際は15分も経たないうちに別の看護師に診察室に入れられ医者には異常はなく老化のせいだと言われた。 あまり信用出来なかったため、翌日会社に無理を言い休ませてもらい別の病院へ行った所、網膜剥離を起こしていると言われその場でレーザー治療をしてもらい事なきを得ました。 その病院では同じく瞳孔を開く点眼液をさしたが何度か看護師が光を目に当てて瞳孔の開き具合を確認してくれた。ここの病院ではしてもらっていない。本当に瞳孔は開いていたのか。 網膜剥離は放っておくと失明してしまうらしくこの病院の診断を信じて失明していたらと思うとぞっとする。
I missed an illness that could lead to blindness. I think you should never go. Since I started to see something like a black bug flying around noon, I searched online and found out that it was a floater, so it is better to see the doctor as soon as possible. I decided to go here at the end of work because it was close to the company and Google's evaluation was good. When I checked by phone if I needed to make a reservation, I was intimidated by the intimidating request, "Isn't it a reservation system?", But I couldn't go to another hospital in time, so I went to see the doctor around 18:00. When I told the receptionist that I had a floater, I glanced at the clock and then had an unpleasant face, so when I asked if the time had passed, I said, "No, it's okay." Actually the reception time had not passed. After that, the nurse explained that it would take 30 minutes to apply eye drops to open the pupil, but in reality, within 15 minutes, another nurse entered the examination room and the doctor was normal and aging. I was told that it was my fault. I couldn't trust it so much, so I forced the company to take a rest the next day, and when I went to another hospital, I was told that I had retinal detachment and had to undergo laser treatment on the spot. At the hospital, I also applied eye drops that open the pupils, but several times the nurse shined light on my eyes to check how the pupils opened. I didn't get it at the hospital here. Was the pupil really open? Retinal detachment seems to cause blindness if left unchecked, and I'm horrified to believe in the diagnosis at this hospital and lose my eyesight.
アレックスリー on Google

I visited for the first time in July. Not only the receptionist but also the teacher was polite, easy to talk to, and I thought it was a wonderful ophthalmology. However, there were some symptoms that could not be resolved, so I went to another ophthalmology department just in case, and found symptoms that were not pointed out here, so I decided to go to the hospital there. To be honest, I had mixed feelings when I thought about what would have happened if I hadn't visited another hospital just for this ophthalmology.
なおこやまがた on Google

I had a medical examination after a long time. It was wide, beautiful, bright, and the staff were kind, and of course the teacher explained it carefully. There was little waiting time, and the turn came quickly.
大岡尚子 on Google

受付から診療までスムーズに案内がありました。 先生は声が大きくてハッキリ話して下さり、とても聴き取りやすくわかりやすい説明でした。 とても信頼できる病院です。
There was smooth guidance from reception to medical treatment. The teacher spoke loudly and clearly, and the explanation was very easy to hear and understand. It's a very reliable hospital.
Xiaojun Deng on Google

I received an accurate eyeglass prescription at Matsubara sensei's clinic (after having two inaccurate prescriptions from another ophthalmologist). The staff are very kind and Matsubara sensei speaks English .

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