からあげ とり多津 住吉店

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact からあげ とり多津 住吉店

住所 :

Sumiyoshi, Koto City, 〒135-0002 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : https://toritatu.com/
街 : Tokyo

Sumiyoshi, Koto City, 〒135-0002 Tokyo,Japan
mi mi on Google

からあげ屋さんだと思っていくとがっかり。揚げ置きしたからあげが並んでるお惣菜屋さん。 お支払いは現金のみ 紅生姜唐揚げは外は美味しいけど中のお肉が× 家で作った方が美味しい。 甘辛のタレががかった唐揚げは衣もお肉も× 漬け込んでる調味液が好みでは無い。 インスタントのからあげや、コンビニ、チェーン居酒屋のからあげが好きな人は大好きな味だと思う。
I was disappointed when I thought it was a karaage shop. A side dish shop where fried chicken is lined up. Payment is cash only Deep-fried pickled ginger is delicious outside, but the meat inside is × It's better to make it at home. The fried chicken with a sweet and spicy sauce has both clothes and meat × I don't like the seasoning liquid that is soaked. People who like instant fried chicken, convenience stores, and chain izakaya fried chicken will love it.
かず on Google

(Translated by Google) First of all, I misunderstood it as Terry Ito's shop and bought it ... but I wonder if it's delicious because there were quite a few customers. So I bought 6 fried chicken (all) other than red pickled ginger fried chicken and went home. All of them are freshly fried, so they look delicious ... When you eat them, they are not greasy and fat-free. When I looked at the reviews later, I was shocked because it said that the red pickled ginger fried chicken was delicious ... It was sold out at the time of purchase, so I should have waited (> _ _<)
どこかのだれか on Google

昼ごはんにと唐揚げのお弁当を購入しました。唐揚げが選べるシステムなのですね……!! 店員さんからは説明もなく「早く選んでくれません?」と言わんばかりの対応でちょっとがっかり……口コミで対応が悪いとあったので覚悟はしていましたが、店員さんから一言頂けたら嬉しかったのになあと思います( ᵕ̩̩ㅅᵕ̩̩ ) 気を取り直して、唐揚げは味の違うものを3つ購入。ニンニクと醤油……とあと1つ別の味を選んだのですが、前述の緊張感で覚えておらずすみません( ᵕ̩̩ㅅᵕ̩̩ ) 肝心のお味ですが、正直どれがどの唐揚げかはほぼ分かりません……よくよく味わうと確かに違うかもしれない、そんなニュアンスです。紅しょうがの唐揚げが人気のようなので、そちらは個性があるのかもしれません。 いつもと違うお昼ご飯を期待したのですが、今回はご縁に恵まれず。いまは唐揚げの美味しいお弁当屋さんや定食屋さんもたくさんあるので、残念ですがこちらではもう買わないかな……と思います。
I bought a lunch box and fried chicken lunch. It's a system where you can choose fried chicken ... !! There was no explanation from the clerk and I was a little disappointed with the response asking "Would you like to choose early?" ... I was prepared because the word of mouth said that the response was bad, but the clerk gave me a word. I think I was happy (ᵕ̩̩ ㅅ ᵕ̩̩) I regained my mind and bought three fried chicken with different tastes. I chose one more flavor, garlic and soy sauce, but I'm sorry I can't remember because of the tension mentioned above (ᵕ̩̩ ㅅ ᵕ̩̩). It's the essential taste, but honestly, I don't really know which one is which fried chicken ... It's such a nuance that it may be different if you taste it well. Deep-fried red pickled ginger seems to be popular, so it may have individuality. I expected a different lunch than usual, but this time I wasn't blessed with a good relationship. Nowadays, there are many delicious fried chicken lunch boxes and set meal shops, so I'm afraid I shouldn't buy it anymore.
aika oo on Google

The fried red pickled ginger is overwhelmingly delicious and repeats. A healthy taste that even I, who do not actively eat fried chicken, feel delicious.
宮崎敏也 on Google

住吉駅近く、新大橋通りと四ッ目通りの交差点にあり、立地はいい! テイクアウトのみのお店で、唐揚げだけでなく、焼き鳥等も販売されていた。 100グラム単位で購入するのですが、おおよそ唐揚げ1つが50グラムのようなので、100グラムで唐揚げ2個位かな?
Located near Sumiyoshi Station, at the intersection of Shin-Ohashi-dori and Yotsume-dori, the location is good! It was a take-out shop, and not only fried chicken but also yakitori was sold. I buy it in units of 100 grams, but it seems that one fried chicken is about 50 grams, so maybe two fried chicken for 100 grams?
yuta kane (ゆうた) on Google

今日オープンです! 笹塚のお店もたまに行きますが、紅しょうが唐揚げがかなり美味しいです。 初日なので一日中人が並んでました。 こんな時期なので自宅で美味しいもの食べたい需要はかなり多いと思います。
It's open today! I sometimes go to Sasazuka shops, but the fried red pickled ginger is quite delicious. Since it was the first day, people lined up all day long. It's such a time, so I think there is a lot of demand for delicious food at home.
yz gs on Google

本日購入した唐揚げ弁当は白米が固くて食べられたものではありませんでした。 何回かリピートしていますが、今まではそんな事が無かったためたまたま今日だけかもしれませんが、もう一度試す勇気はありません…
The fried chicken lunch I bought today was not eaten because the white rice was hard. I've repeated it several times, but it may just happen today because I haven't had that before, but I don't have the courage to try it again ...
MQM on Google

口コミが良くないのでどうかなと 思って行きましたが、 店員さんの対応とても丁寧でした。 平日の昼間に行きました、 店員さんによるのかもしれないですね。 唐揚げ弁当を購入しましたが 唐揚げが選べるのが良いですね! あおさや紅しょうがと 他にはない唐揚げがあり 特に紅しょうがが美味しかったです。 支払いは現金とpaypayも使えるようです。 また行きたいと思います。
I wonder if the word of mouth is not good I thought, but The clerk's response was very polite. I went during the daytime on weekdays, Maybe it depends on the clerk. I bought a fried chicken lunch box It's good to be able to choose fried chicken! Pickled ginger and pickled ginger There is fried chicken like no other Especially the red pickled ginger was delicious. It seems that cash and paypay can also be used for payment. I think I want to go again.

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