キッチンオリジン 住吉店

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact キッチンオリジン 住吉店

住所 :

Sumiyoshi, Koto City, 〒135-0002 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : https://www.toshu.co.jp/origin/
街 : Tokyo

Sumiyoshi, Koto City, 〒135-0002 Tokyo,Japan
鈴木けいた on Google

Deluxe seaweed lunch is recommended! I will definitely buy pork soup!
武田信玄 on Google

店員はアルバイトなので、対応の良し悪しがあっても仕方ないと思います。アニメ声の店員さんの対応は非常に良いと感じてます。 イオンの傘下に入ってから、ご飯の質、量ともに良くなったと思います。
The clerk is a part-time job, so I think it can't be helped if there is a good or bad response. I feel that the response of the anime voice clerk is very good. I think that the quality and quantity of rice has improved since I became a member of Aeon.
pa-pa chi-chi on Google

Delicatessen side dishes, rich variety of rice balls, eat in spaces are enriched. It was delicious.
門院とらこ on Google

ハンバーグは死ぬほどまずい。 ハンバーグがマズイって生まれてはじめて。 サラミをミンチにして混ぜて、ボロボログズグズ食感のハンバーグ。味が腐ってる。 試しに時期を変えて3回頼んだけどダメダメ。 お弁当を頼んで袋を購入したたけど、店員にお惣菜は自分で持ってろと言われた。そっちに置いといて袋に入れておくのが普通じゃない? サービスも悪すぎ。
The hamburger is deadly bad. It's the first time that a hamburger is born badly. Minced salami and mix, hamburger with a battered texture. The taste is rotten. I asked for it three times at different times, but it didn't work. I asked for a lunch box and bought a bag, but the clerk told me to bring my own side dish. Isn't it normal to leave it there and put it in a bag? The service is too bad.
白くまのプーさん on Google

I had salted salmon and eggplant with spicy miso, but the salmon was too grilled and it was hard. If you like fried eggplant, the meat is too grilled and crispy. It may not be every time, sorry. It's like eating rice too. I'm sorry. Do you not understand that it was overbaked? I want you to be mindful of the quality.
国内旅行調査員 on Google

The contents are the same as other stores. I am grateful for this time.
軌跡ダンジリ on Google

少々前の事ですが注文してレシートを持って待機して20分以上待たされたので さすがにおかしいと思い確認してみると「今から作ります」とのこと 昼休みが終わってしまうのでもういいから返金処理をお願いすると 非常に怪訝な顔で「返金ですか?」 当たり前だろ! つーか謝罪もなしか! どういう教育受けたオバサンなんでしょうね一体。
It was a while ago, but I ordered and waited with the receipt and waited for more than 20 minutes. I thought it was strange, and when I checked it, he said, "I'll make it now." Since the lunch break is over, it's okay, so if you ask for a refund process "Are you refunding?" With a very suspicious look. of course! There is no apology! What kind of education did Obasan have?
ねあ on Google

以前22:00頃に来店し、半額になっているカツとじ丼を購入し食べたところ、裏面が黒焦げでした。電話にて連絡し、「新しいものお作りします。来店してください。」と言われ、再度来店し、出来たてのものを無料で提供して頂いたが、不快でした。 また、別の日の昼に来店したが、注文する際に、来客対応がなっていない高齢の女性店員がおり、2番目以降に並んで待たされているお客様の目張り気配りが出来ていません。 お店の教訓を今一度見直して頂きたいと思うばかりです。 二度と足を運びたくない店舗です。
I visited the store around 22:00 before, and when I bought and ate a half-price cutlet and rice bowl, the back side was charred. I contacted him by phone and was told, "I will make a new one. Please come to the store." I came back to the store and offered the freshly made one for free, but it was unpleasant. In addition, there is an elderly female clerk who came to the store at noon on another day, but did not respond to customers when ordering, and the customers who have been waiting in line for the second and subsequent customers are not paying close attention. I just want you to review the lessons of the store once again. It's a store that you don't want to visit again.

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