
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact すしはうす

住所 :

Sumisaka, Suzaka, 〒382-0099 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM
街 : Nagano

Sumisaka, Suzaka, 〒382-0099 Nagano,Japan
ひさでりん on Google

Cheap and delicious! I wanted to see what I had introduced on TV before, so I wanted to come true (laughs) The sushi lunch was cheap and good, but I rushed a little and ate the sashimi set meal! 10 pieces of sashimi were on board, and it was 1450 yen with chawanmushi, miso soup and takuan. The serving of rice was very good, so I ordered an additional beef mentor, which I hadn't seen much elsewhere. The beef tongue's crispness accentuated this as well. Naturally everything is eaten! I will come again!
あらら?arara? on Google

「シン・ゴジラ(2016)」は久しぶりに魅せてくれた怪獣映画だったと思う。だいたいこのジャンルは映画としての評価となると、疑問符がつくものが多い。それはそうだろう、最大のものと最小のもの同士がドラマを構築できるわけがない。したがってキャラクター(特にキングギドラ)の魅力も迫力も満点のわりに物足りなさがつきまとう。成功作は「ガス人間第一号(1960)」または「マタンゴ(1963)」くらいではないか。異論や反論は多々あろうが、ここでは無視して先へと進むこととする。  その点、「シン・ゴジラ」は怪獣と人間との出来もしないドラマなど描かず、あくまでも「ゴジラ(1950)」のリメイクにこだわり、戦いに絞ったところにある。また主役である長谷川博巳と石原さとみ以外に芸達者を揃えたところだ。高橋一生や市川実日子、塚本晋也といった個性派が芝居を回す、古典的なあり方がよい。  個性派の中でも松尾諭扮する政治家 泉修一が印象的だった。長谷川博巳をサポートする儲け役ともいえる役柄だったが、精力的に働くかわりに見返りに次期幹事長の座を要求したり、出世に比較的興味のない矢口に対して「なぜ政治家になった?」と聞き返すほどの野心家である。そして「出世は男の花道」と言い切るほど貪欲さをみせる。いたなぁこんなヤツが。  だいたい、われわれ技術職のものは何歳になろうと"よいものを作れればよい"と考える、青くさいものが多いのだ。したがって"出世"などにこだわるものが極端に少なく、むしろバカにする傾向にある。いくら出世したって知れてるじゃねーか。  ところが たまぁにいるのだ。極端な上昇志向のヤツが。ガイガイと仕事に励むだけならまだしも、上司へも元請けにも覚えめでたく、大手企業へと転職していく者を幾人か見てきたが、あれはマネしたくねぇなぁと思ってしまう私は、やはり甘い人間なのだろう。   「すしはうす」 須坂市街地の外れにある寿司屋さん。価格や豊富なメニューのわりに高鮮度かつ美味しいのでいつも混雑している。私はこれが好きで通っているやうなものだ。  「づけぶり丼 大盛り」820円 醤油に漬け込んだ出世魚ぶりを、酢飯の上にふんだんに並べた、実直そのものの丼。レタス、たくあん、白髪ねぎはあくまでも色を添え、といった存在だ。ここはぶり、とことんぶりで勝負、といった潔い一品だ。わさびを少しずつのせると、一層うまみが増してくる。備えつけのガリは、自家製だろうか、生姜の辛味が効いていてよい。これもぶりとの相性抜群なのだ。  出世して旅立っていった、あの人は今どうしているだろうか。その後バブル崩壊時期はどのように過ごされたのか、まったく知る術がない。
I think “Shin Godzilla (2016)” was a monster movie that attracted me after a long time. In general, this genre often has a question mark when it is evaluated as a movie. That's right, there is no way that the largest and smallest can build a drama. Therefore, the charm and power of characters (especially King Ghidorah) will be unsatisfactory in spite of their perfect score. Isn't the successful work about "Gas Human No. 1 (1960)" or "Matango (1963)"? There will be many objections and objections, but here we will ignore them and proceed further. The The In that regard, “Shin Godzilla” is not about drawing dramas that cannot be made between monsters and human beings, but is focusing on the remake of “Godzilla (1950)” and focusing on the battle. In addition to the protagonists Hiromi Hasegawa and Satomi Ishihara, we have a lineup of geisha. The classic way that individuality groups such as Issei Takahashi, Michiko Ichikawa, and Shinya Tsukamoto play plays is good. The The Among the individuality groups, Shuichi Izumi, a politician who goes to Matsuo, was impressive. It was a role that can be said to be a profit role supporting Hiromi Hasegawa, but instead of working energetically, he demanded the position of the next secretary general in return, or asked Yaguchi who was relatively uninterested in his career, `` Why became a politician? "?" And he is so greedy that he can say, “The rise is a man ’s flower road”. There was such a guy. The The In general, there are many blue ones that think that we should be able to make good things no matter how old we are. Therefore, there are extremely few things that stick to “raising”, but rather tend to be stupid. You know how much you have risen? The The However, I'm in time. Extremely uplifting guy. If I just worked hard with my guy, I still wanted to learn to my boss and prime contractor, I saw some people who changed jobs to major companies, but I think that I would like to manage it, It must be a sweet person. The The The `` Sushi House '' A sushi restaurant on the outskirts of Suzaka city. It's always crowded because it's fresh and delicious for the price and rich menu. I like this and go through it. The The `` Tsukeburi bowl large serving '' 820 yen A straight bowl of fish that has been soaked in soy sauce and lined with vinegared rice. Lettuce, takuan, white onion are all added with color. This is a tidy dish that is the first time and the first time. Adding wasabi little by little increases the taste. The prepared gully may be homemade or the ginger's pungent taste may work. This is also excellent compatibility with the first time. The The What is that man who has gone out of his career and left? After that, there is no way to know how the bubble collapse period was spent.
coffee yes on Google

昼と夜の2回しか利用していませんが、ホールのメインの方の接客がそれぞれにとても良かったです。美味しい料理がより美味しくなりました? また食べに行きたいです☺️
I only use it twice, day and night, but the customer service at the main hall was very good for each. Delicious food has become more delicious ? I want to go eat again ☺️
楽俊 on Google

The seafood bowl is vinegared rice, but I had it changed to white rice. The material was also fresh and delicious. The amount of rice is large. The 500 yen lunch had a break and a paper sticker now. It wasn't so expensive as I had a set meal, but I went to lunch but it was crowded. It looks like a popular store.
鹿巻茸 on Google

A cheap and delicious sushi restaurant with a slightly unusual type. Fill in the quantity on the order sheet and place an order. I like to drink a glass with abundant side dishes, but the sushi here is delicious.
toshi miya on Google

今日は、すしはうすさんの代名詞の500円寿司ランチでは無く、たらカツ定食700円を頂きました。カツは、サクサクでたらは、ふわふわでした。懇談会で半日の娘は、唐揚げ定食でした。両定食ともご飯は頼みもしない大盛りが来ました。大変美味しく頂きました。駐車場は広大です。コロナ対策バッチリです。安心です。 今日もサクサクのタラかつを頂きました。
Today, instead of the 500-yen sushi lunch that is synonymous with Sushi House, I had a 700 yen set meal of cutlet. The cutlet was crispy and fluffy. Half a day at the round-table conference, my daughter had a fried chicken set meal. Both set meals came with a large serving of rice that I couldn't even ask for. It was very delicious. The parking lot is vast. Corona measures are perfect. I am relieved. I had a crispy cod katsu today as well.
大日 on Google

It was delicious for the price. The menu is small, but it was delicious enough for my family.
n poka on Google

ランチ500円をいただきました(^^) お味噌汁付でとてもおいしかったです? 次回は海幸握りをいただきたいです!
I had lunch 500 yen (^^) It was very delicious with miso soup ? Next time, I would like to have a handful of seafood!

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