Suma Clinic - Suita

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

健都(吹田市岸部)の皮膚科・形成外科||すまクリニック -


〒564-0018  大阪府吹田市岸部新町5番45号 

Contact Suma Clinic

住所 :

5-45 Kishibeshinmachi, Suita, Osaka 564-0018, Japan

Postal code : 564-0018
Webサイト :

5-45 Kishibeshinmachi, Suita, Osaka 564-0018, Japan
たけーちぎんちゃん on Google

初めて受診したのですが、受付の女性の対応が無愛想でしたが、診査してもらった、女性の先生が話しやすくて、説明も分かりやすく安心しました。 待ち時間はありましたが、近くに100円ショップがありますので、待ち時間は苦になりませんでした。
When I visited the clinic for the first time, the response of the woman at the reception was unfriendly, but I was relieved that the female teacher who had the consultation was easy to talk to and the explanation was easy to understand. There was a waiting time, but there was a 100-yen shop nearby, so the waiting time didn't bother me.
DE SO on Google

医師2人体制なので、待ち人数の割にすぐ順番がまわってくる。女性のお医者さんがとても丁寧な診察で良い。受付の人が恐かったが最近優しくなった。 ネットで診察予約しても、処置の人が予約番号に含まれてなかったりで待ち時間が読めず、外で待ってるといきなり順番が過ぎてることがあるので注意。
Since there are two doctors, it's easy to turn around for the number of people waiting. A female doctor should have a very careful examination. The receptionist was scared, but I've become kind recently. Even if you make an appointment for a medical examination online, the waiting time cannot be read because the person doing the treatment is not included in the reservation number, and the order may suddenly pass if you wait outside.
ririn on Google

I arrived 10 minutes ago on weekday afternoons, but some people had already accepted. I happened to be a female doctor, but she was very kind. It was seen that the receptionist, the nurse, and the doctor worked together to shorten the time by listening to the income and the symptoms from the nurse in advance.
Nishida on Google

他の病院からの紹介で行きました。 子供の怪我に対して最初の処置が悪いようなことを理由にあまり親身にとりあってくれませんでした。 初診の問診票で肌荒れについてもセカンドオピニオンとして見てもらいたいと記入して診察に望みましたが、見てくれる気配がなく、見てほしいというと近くの皮膚科で見てもらってるなら、そこでいいんじゃないですか?という言い方をされました。 何を次するのかはわかりませんが、 また来てください。ウェブで予約できますよ。と捨て台詞のように次の患者さんの方へ去っていきました。 なにか気に触ったのかもしれませんがこちらもそんな態度をとられたらもう行けません。
I went with an introduction from another hospital. He didn't treat me very well because the first treatment was bad for my child's injury. I wrote in the questionnaire for the first medical examination that I would like to see rough skin as a second opinion and asked for a medical examination, but if there is no sign of seeing it and I want to see it, it is okay if it is seen by a nearby dermatologist. Isn't it? Was said. I don't know what to do next, Please come again. You can make a reservation on the web. I left for the next patient like an abandoned line. You may have touched something, but if you take that attitude, you can't go anymore.
ひのかほ on Google

初診も再来も予約をして行きました。 ドクターの方々の対応は丁寧親切で良いです。 ただ、受付や予約システムに疑問がありましたので、この評価にしました。
I made a reservation for both my first visit and my return. The doctors are polite and kind. However, I had doubts about the reception and reservation system, so I made this evaluation.
本郷花子 on Google

Skin resection by ptosis surgery. The anesthesia was cut off twice during the operation and it hurt. Only one eye was roasted meat. After surgery, he suffers from dry eye. The sutures are so tight and the eyelids are uneven, and after a year, they do not heal. But the doctor said he would have broadened his horizons. I think it's scary.
あま on Google

The attitude of the receptionist of the shortcut is awesome. The examination didn't feel anything! You should appoint a female teacher
F N on Google

いつもお世話になっていますが、先生と看護師さんは親切で感じが良いですが、受付の方数名が、あまり感じが良くありません。 でも、ネット予約もでき、待ち時間も比較的少なく、近所なので利用しています
As always, the teachers and nurses are kind and pleasant, but some of the receptionists are not very pleasant. However, I can make online reservations, the waiting time is relatively short, and I use it because it is a neighborhood.

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