SUM Life《サムライフ》

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact SUM Life《サムライフ》

住所 :

Fujiwara, Misaki, Kume District, 〒708-1534 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Webサイト :
街 : Okayama

Fujiwara, Misaki, Kume District, 〒708-1534 Okayama,Japan
小鉄(tk) on Google

通い続けて1年になりますが、色々相談に乗ってくれるオーナーさんが素晴らしいです。 すごく体が辛い時、時間無い中対応して頂いたり頼りになります。 コロナ対策も万全ですので安心したサロンです。1人づつしっかり個別対応してもらえるから人の目も気になりません。 1度連絡してみる価値あり(*´▽`)
It's been a year since I've been there, but the owner who gives me various consultations is wonderful. When you have a very hard time, you can rely on us when you don't have time. It is a safe salon because the measures against corona are perfect. You don't have to worry about people's eyes because you can handle each person individually. Worth to contact once (* ´ ▽ `)
あっきー on Google

腰痛・背中に痛みを抱えて三十数年・・・ 様々な治療院、カイロプラクティックを試しましたが、 あまり効果がなく、諦めていたところ 友達にこちらを紹介されて 藁にもすがる思いで施術を受けてみたところ だんだんと効果が表れて、今では背中の痛みはほとんど消えてきました。 まだ、腰痛はありますが通っているのは 色んな所へ行っても、痛みに対して自分のことのように寄り添ってくれるところはなかったです。 ここでは、痛みに寄り添い施術をしてくれるので、 腰痛も少しずつ変わっていることで、通っています。 腰痛・痛みで悩みを抱えられてる方は、一度お試しの価値があると思います。
I have had back pain and back pain for more than 30 years ... I tried various clinics, chiropractic, It wasn't very effective and I was giving up Introduced here by a friend I tried to receive the treatment with the feeling of clinging to the straw The effect gradually appeared, and now the back pain has almost disappeared. I still have back pain, but I'm still attending Even when I went to various places, there was no place where I could be as close to my pain as I was. Here, the pain will be treated closely, so My back pain has changed little by little, so I go there. If you are suffering from back pain or pain, it is worth a try.
古谷みゆき on Google

いつもありがとうございます? おかげさまで快適な日々を過ごしています。 セルフケア、毎日やってます❣️ 3秒でできるのが嬉しい? 翌朝スッキリで起きられます。 初めて教えてもらった時は、 なに❗️❓、なに この魔法❗️ インパクトすごすぎ❗️ 口コミやってます。 娘、友達、会う人ごとに、『腰痛くない?』って。
Thank you always ? Thanks to you, I am having a comfortable day. Self-care, I do it every day ❣️ I'm happy to be able to do it in 3 seconds ? I can get up refreshed the next morning. When I was taught for the first time What ❗️❓, what is this magic ❗️ Impact is too great ❗️ I'm doing word of mouth. For each daughter, friend, and person I meet, "Do you have a backache? ".
kiki on Google

The shoulder blades buried in the flesh of my back are now touching ... I'm really happy ? I'm thrilled with the treatments that aren't the same every time! I think that this is also being studied every day so that the owner can be close to the customer. Every time, I am impressed, moved and healed! Thank you ?
小玉奈緒 on Google

いつも丁寧な施術で、体の色々な場所を補正してもらえるような感覚になります。 特に仕事で肩周りがカチコチな時は、もちろんスッキリするし、そうでない時も定期的なメンテナンスをしてもらうのにも気軽に通えるのが 有難いです。 コロナ対策も、しっかりされていて安心です!
With a careful treatment, you will feel as if you have corrected various parts of your body. Especially when the shoulder area is tight at work, of course it is refreshing, and even when it is not, it is easy to go for regular maintenance. Thank you. Corona measures are also solid and safe!
りん on Google

調子が悪い時に施術してもらうと、身体が軽くなりメンタルも安定します。 施術中の先生とのお話しも楽しいですし、色々質問しても的確な答えが返ってくるので、安心して身体をお任せ出来ます。 私にとっては癒しの場所です。 これからも長いお付き合い よろしくお願いします?
If you have the treatment when you are not feeling well, your body will become lighter and your mental health will be stable. It's fun to talk with the teacher during the procedure, and even if you ask various questions, you will get an accurate answer, so you can leave your body with confidence. It's a healing place for me. I will continue to have a long relationship Thank you ?
りったん on Google

退院してなかなか寝れない日が続き施術をして貰ったらその夜から嘘みたいに寝れるようになり朝起きるのもスッキリ起きれるようになったよ? 月1、通院の前の日にも施術してもらい! いざ病院に行き検査結果で下がって欲しい数値がまさかの!! 下がっていてビックリ‼️ ここまで身体の変化が変わるって凄い〜(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) 施術を続けだしてから身体も動けるようになってきて楽になってきてる。 是非、ご来店してみてね٩( ᐛ )و
After I was discharged from the hospital, I couldn't sleep for a long time, and when I got the treatment, I could sleep like a lie from that night, and I could wake up in the morning clearly ? Have the treatment done on the day before going to the hospital on the 1st of the month! The number I want you to go to the hospital and lower in the test results is really! !! I was surprised that it was down! ️ It's amazing that the changes in the body change so far ~ (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Since I started the treatment, my body has become able to move and it has become easier. Please come visit us ٩ (ᐛ) و
tatsu 777 on Google

丁寧で優しい施術でした。 効果は個人差あるとは思いますが、気持ち的な充実を得られました笑 また行きます!
It was a polite and gentle treatment. I think the effect varies from person to person, but I was able to get a feeling of fulfillment. I will go again!

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