Sukiya - Yao

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sukiya

1 Chome-37 Yamagacho, Yao, Osaka 581-0812, Japan
kazuo maree on Google

一人めちゃめちゃ美味しい牛丼仕込む人がいてる! でも今日は塩サバ朝食にしました(笑)
There is a person who makes a really delicious beef bowl alone! But today I made salt mackerel breakfast (laughs)
橘みかん on Google

I'm sorry that it seems to be difficult because I was running the store alone.
けんしー on Google

12月23日22時カウンターの紅生姜少ししか入ってなかったぞ しゃべってる暇あるのなら見ておけよ
There was only a small amount of pickled ginger at the counter at 22:00 on December 23. If you have time to talk, take a look
なにわけま on Google

家の近くのすき家がなくなり 山賀町のすき家が一番近いすき家です。 たまに食べたくなるんです。
Sukiya near my house is gone The Sukiya in Yamaga-cho is the closest Sukiya. I want to eat it once in a while.
やっさん on Google

It's very popular at noon, so even if you get to the table, you won't come unless you urge the previous person to clean up after eating.
communication936 on Google

早朝は 空いてるので ゆっくり食べれます 駐車場も広く 入りやすい 只 前の道路がよく混みますから 時間帯 注意
You can eat slowly because it is vacant in the early morning.The parking lot is wide and easy to enter.The road in front is often crowded.
ゆってぃ on Google

いつも利用してますが店員のスキルが低いように思われます。 混む時間帯にテイクアウトに30分以上待たされることもしばしば。 注文予約してても作ってない場合もあり。 米が炊けてないから作れないとかもあり。
I use it all the time, but the skill of the clerk seems to be low. Often you have to wait more than 30 minutes for takeout during busy hours. Even if you make an order reservation, it may not be made. Maybe I can't make it because the rice isn't cooked.
アレキサンドリア on Google

店内は綺麗にしているが、テーブルやカウンターは若干の汚れあり。 カウンター席は、アクリル板のおかげでより一層狭く感じられます。 カウンター席の、箸やドレッシング等は奥にあり、改善が必要。 店員さんは愛想良く好感が持てます。 他の店舗と比べると、駐車場は広く使い勝手が良いとは思います。
The inside of the store is clean, but the tables and counters are slightly dirty. The counter seats feel even smaller thanks to the acrylic board. The chopsticks and dressing on the counter seats are in the back and need improvement. The clerk is friendly and has a good impression. Compared to other stores, the parking lot is large and easy to use.

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