Sugiya - Kurashiki

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sugiya

住所 :

3 Chome-1-7 Achi, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0055, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88777
Postal code : 710-0055
Webサイト :

3 Chome-1-7 Achi, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0055, Japan
あすみちゃん on Google

When I ordered another table after my order, this one was forgotten. I was kept waiting without anything coming out. The girl who works part-time is nice, but I've been checking what I ordered many times, and I don't think it's suitable. I didn't get the ordered items after all, so when I tried to go home, I was kept waiting because I was baking now. Later, I came to the reason that I put it out to another place first. It was a very disappointing shop.
ya ya on Google

注文してもなかなか飲み物が出て来ない。 セット料理も異常に少ない。 その割に高い。 久々に無いなと思う店だ。
Drinks do not come out easily even if I order. There are also unusually few set dishes. It is expensive for that. It's a store that I don't think has been around for a long time.
T K on Google

オーダーミス多い 味不味い 7人で予約してるのに何度言っても6人分しか料理、おしぼり、皿などが出てこない その割にぼったくり並みに高い 行く価値はない店だと思います。 客を騙して金稼ぐ主義のぼったくり店に久々に捕まりました
Many order mistakes Tasteless Even though I made a reservation for 7 people, no matter how many times I only got food, towels, dishes etc. for 6 people It is as expensive as it is I think it's not worth going. I was caught after a long time in a shop that tricked customers and made money
西川裕一郎 on Google

Shirako's salt-baked goods were outstanding. (There are no pictures)
しゅわんつ on Google

結婚記念日に、ふぐのコース料理を頂きました 美味しく頂きました
I had a blowfish course meal on my wedding anniversary We had delicious
水たまり on Google

今まで行った居酒屋の中で1番料理が不味かったです。 おまけに値段設定も異常で、味と値段が全く釣り合っていない。 デザートのワッフル&アイスに至っては、小さいワッフルとアイスで700円とその異常さがよく分かるかと思います。 味に関しては刺身はスーパーで買える程度で、唐揚げはパサパサとしていてとにかく不味い。 客層も悪く、店員と知り合いの客が大声で騒ぎ暴れだしたので、うるさくて仕方がなかったです。 店員さんの接客はそこまで悪くはないですが、オーダーミスをして、無言で料理を置いていく店員さんが居たのは残念です。 また、分煙としているにも関わらず所構わずタバコを吸わせるのは如何でしょうか。 グルメサイトを見て行きましたが、サクラが良いレビューを書いているのかと思う程ひどいです。 長くなりましたが、2度と行きたくないです。
The best food I've ever been to was the worst. In addition, the price setting is abnormal, and the taste and price are not balanced at all. When it comes to dessert waffles and ice cream, you can see the anomaly at 700 yen for a small waffle and ice cream. As for the taste, sashimi can be bought at supermarkets, and fried chicken is dry and unpleasant. The customer base was also bad, and the customers I knew with the clerk started to make a loud noise, so it was noisy and unavoidable. The customer service of the clerk is not so bad, but it is a pity that there was a clerk who made an order mistake and left the food silently. Also, how about letting you smoke regardless of the fact that the smoke is separated? I went to the gourmet site and it was so terrible that I thought Sakura was writing a good review. It's been a long time, but I don't want to go there again.
Sa on Google

ゴールデンウィークにどこもいっぱいで行くところが無くて、たまたま空いていたここに入りました。値段はやや高めでしたが 美味しかったです。
There was nowhere to go during Golden Week, so I happened to go here. The price was a little high but it was delicious.
S Matsuno (マツ) on Google

I went with my colleagues, but the clerk's customer service was a bright and comfortable place to enjoy alcohol. He also talked about the ingredients used for cooking, and explained with grounds which ones are recommended for this season. The price is not so high, so I think you can enjoy delicious sake and food regardless of age or gender.

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