
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 杉田ありむら内科

住所 :

Sugita, Isogo Ward, Yokohama, 〒235-0033 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
Webサイト : https://aricli4141.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Sugita, Isogo Ward, Yokohama, 〒235-0033 Kanagawa,Japan
makoto K on Google

You can rest assured that the test results will be explained carefully one by one.
Cait sith on Google

The correspondence was polite one by one, and I was able to see it carefully and receive a medical examination with peace of mind.
野尻克彦 on Google

内視鏡検査にて 先生も看護師さんも親身に丁寧で、安心して受けられました
At the endoscopy, both teachers and nurses were polite and friendly
piyo piyo on Google

A good doctor who doesn't have a favor. The nurse's wife can feel really good. I want to go regularly because I'm worried about the pancreas.
Masa Oh on Google

この医院の特徴は、ホームページに 患者様の声に耳を傾け、わかりやすいご説明をし、患者様に納得して頂く医療を心がけます。 と書いてあったが 患者の声には、相づちを打つ程度で目も見ず適当に交わして、おもむろに取り出したそこら辺の書店に売ってそうな医療の単行本に書いてる僅か2頁ほどのチェックリストを見ながら消去法で病名を絞り込み、うちの病院では積極的な診断は出来ないと断言した上で、iPadで他の病院を検索して、こことここが近いよと指差して紹介していただける極めて合理的な医療を行う医院です。 明日にでも、インターネット検索サイトで紹介してもらった病院に連絡してみようと思います。
The feature of this clinic is on the website We listen to the patient's voice, give easy-to-understand explanations, and try to provide medical care that will make the patient understand. It was written Eliminate the patient's voice by seeing a checklist of only about two pages written in a medical book that seems to be sold to other bookstores that are taken out of the place After narrowing down the name of the disease and asserting that our hospital can not be actively diagnosed, we will search other hospitals on the iPad and point out that it is near here and it is extremely rational It is a clinic that provides medical care. Tomorrow, I will try to contact the hospital that I was introduced to on the Internet search site.
R R on Google

It's about 2018. I'm ashamed to say that I couldn't help myself because of severe constipation, and I couldn't walk. I contacted clinics and hospitals in the Shinsugita area at Asaichi, but only Arimura Clinic received the treatment. In particular, the wife of the director, who is a nurse, took care of me. I will never forget it. I appreciate it very much. I haven't been to the clinic since I don't need it since then, so I haven't told it directly, but I hope everyone at the clinic will see this review.
HARUKATA ハルカタ (やまゆう) on Google

検尿して戸を開けたら前に入ってた女性のコップがそのまま置いてあった…。 名前も書いてあるし、尿も入ってるから自分だったらと思うと…。 うーんって感じ。
After urine examination and opening the door, the woman's cup that was in front was left as it was ... The name is written and it contains urine, so I wish I were myself ... Hmmm feeling.
じぇ on Google

横浜市感染予防センターの紹介のもと、こちらでpcr検査予約をするため朝イチで予約をし12:35の予約をとることになりました。その後10分前の12:25に電話が入り予約が急に取れなくなったとドタキャンされてしまいました。 そのような対応は1つの病院としてありえない対応だと思いますし二度とここでは診療することはないと思います。 体調が良くない中本当に嫌な思いをしました。星1つもつけたくありません。

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