早慶あべ個別学習塾(進学・補習)+英語プログラミングスクール 小中高部 よみうりランド教室

5/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact 早慶あべ個別学習塾(進学・補習)+英語プログラミングスクール 小中高部 よみうりランド教室

住所 :

Sugesengoku, Tama Ward, Kawasaki, 〒214-0006 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://abefukuo.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Sugesengoku, Tama Ward, Kawasaki, 〒214-0006 Kanagawa,Japan
阿部福生 on Google

Let's study together happily!
しゅーくりーむ on Google

I passed high school thanks to the cram school here!
市川哲次 on Google

おかげさまで第一志望の学部に入れました‼︎ 雰囲気もとてもいいのでとてもオススメです!
Thanks to you, I entered the faculty of my first choice! ︎ The atmosphere is very nice, so I highly recommend it!
アイスcokoA on Google

It was great because I was able to learn not only what I didn't understand but also how to study!
ウントアカ on Google

アットホームな雰囲気で気軽に質問が出来ます。 値段が変わらず全教科教えてくださるので、経済面でもお得です。
You can ask questions easily in an at-home atmosphere. The price is the same and all subjects are taught, so it is economical.
ゆうまい on Google

My daughter has been taking care of me since the latter half of junior high school, and I was able to pass safely to a high school that I thought was out of reach when I entered juku. It is really helpful because I always give my advice to the relatives from the child's point of view, not the self-interest. I was able to build the habit of learning by myself, which also helped my self-confidence. I will continue to ask for university entrance exams. It is also a big attraction to be able to study all the sciences at a low price.
A A on Google

I couldn't study for myself before I went to cram school. Even if I study, the result does not come. When I think about it now, I think it's because I didn't know how to study. After attending the cram school, I gradually learned how to study for myself and began to produce results. And I was able to find my own bad habits. I pretended to understand what I didn't understand, but after attending the cram school, I could say that I didn't understand what I didn't understand. He taught me not only about studying, but also how to interact with people and the importance of having a broad perspective on society. I like small talk with my teacher.

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