
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 巣鴨整形外科リハビリテーションクリニック

住所 :

Sugamo, Toshima City, 〒170-0002 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://www.3-love.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Sugamo, Toshima City, 〒170-0002 Tokyo,Japan
新井鈴代 on Google

小泉医院時代からお世話になっています リハビリ後は体が、軽くなったようで気持ちいいです、再び腰痛にならないことを願っていますが、その折にはまたよろしく
I have been indebted since the days of Koizumi Clinic After rehabilitation, my body feels lighter and I feel good. I hope that I will not have back pain again.
44 K on Google

コロナ禍なのに院長はマスクをせず 香水を過剰な位つけていて院内中が臭い。
The director does not wear a mask even though it is a corona The perfume is overloaded and the inside of the hospital smells.
豊一山田 on Google

My neck didn't turn as I expected and I went to see a doctor. Usually, if there is no illness or problem requiring surgery, it often ends with a pain reliever or poultice. Recently, in many clinics, rehabilitation is often not possible without surgery or severe disability. Rehabilitation is substantial here, and although there is accurate rehabilitation within the scope of health and health, it can be received. In my case, I wasn't completely cured because of my age, but the obstacles in my daily life were almost alleviated.
ゆゆ。 on Google

【Google高評価に騙されないで】 医者の差別と金儲け? 子宮全摘後、腰痛で受診 医師の予想⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎ 【更年期で骨密度減少の為の腰痛を予想】 予想外れ⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎ 【異常なし】 【子宮全摘の手術をした、病院で診察してもらえ!】 【太り過ぎだから…痩せろ!】等の暴言 頼みこんで、鎮痛剤の処方をお願いする。 激痛が続き⇒他病院受診⇒腰椎椎間孔狭窄症と診断され、手術!!! トイレにGoogle高評価をつけろ。あらゆる所にLINEの友達登録で粗品プレゼントの張り紙あり。
[Don't be fooled by Google's high ratings] Discrimination of doctors and making money? After total hysterectomy, consulted for low back pain Doctor's expectation ⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎ [Expected low back pain due to decreased bone density during menopause] Unexpected ⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎ 【No abnormality】 [Surgery for total hysterectomy, see me at the hospital! ] [Because I'm overweight ... lose weight!] Ask for a prescription for painkillers. Severe pain continued ⇒ Visited another hospital ⇒ Diagnosed as lumbar spinal stenosis, surgery !!! Give Google a high rating for the toilet. There are gifts for gifts everywhere by registering as a LINE friend.
高梨隆 on Google

『受付の女の態度が悪すぎる』 他のレビューでも書いている人が多数いますが、受付の女性が仕事をしてくれません。 ●予約は当日しかできないと嘘を言う(初診時に次回予約可能と言っていた)。 ●特定の療法士のことを嫌っているのか、その人の予約はいつどの時間帯に電話しても取れない。 その療法士が休みなわけではないし、診療開始時刻に連絡しても予約でいっぱいだと言う。それが7回連続で続きました。 ●診療開始から1時間ほど(9-10時まで)留守番電話になったまま解除するのを忘れている。 ●その事を指摘すると電話をガチャ切りされる。 誤解がないように書いておきますが、療法士の先生は非常にていねいで施術の腕も確かでした。 しかし受付がその仕事をしないのであれば、行く意味がありません。 ここに通おうとする人は止めませんが、受付の勤務態度に疑心をいただいたなら、考え直すことをオススメします。
"The attitude of the woman at the reception is too bad" Many people have written in other reviews, but the lady at the reception does not work. ● Tell a lie that you can only make a reservation on the same day (he said that you can make a reservation next time at the first visit). ● I don't like a particular therapist, so I can't make a reservation for that person at any time of the day. The therapist does not take a day off, and even if he contacts the start time of medical treatment, he says that he is full of reservations. That continued seven times in a row. ● I forgot to cancel the call while I was on the answering machine for about an hour (until 9-10 o'clock) from the start of medical treatment. ● If you point out that, the phone will be cut off. To be clear, the therapist's teacher was very polite and had a solid surgical skill. But if the receptionist doesn't do the job, there's no point in going. I will not stop people trying to go here, but if you have any doubts about the working attitude of the receptionist, I recommend you to reconsider.
らいたサブ on Google

火曜日・土曜日の先生は★5つ。 リハビリの先生も★5つ。 電話予約受付の女性は★0。最低。首にしてほしい。
There are 5 teachers on Tuesdays and Saturdays. There are also 5 rehabilitation teachers. The woman who accepts telephone reservations is ★ 0. The lowest. I want you to fire it.
大塚囲碁教室 on Google

火・土担当の先生、とても良い。 (他曜日の先生にはお会いしたことがない) リハビリの先生もとても良い。 初回のマッサージだったが、患部の改善が目に見えた。
The teacher in charge of Tuesday and Saturday is very good. (I have never met the teacher on other days) The rehabilitation teacher is also very good. It was the first massage, but the improvement of the affected area was visible.
Nick Ansky on Google

Used this place for 6 months as physiotherapy clinic. Physiotherapists are all polite and friendly. Because the diagnosing equipment is not as rich as large hospitals, perhaps it is a good idea to visit other big hospitals before knocking door of this place.

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