
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 羽々和

住所 :

Suenaga, Takatsu Ward, Kawasaki, 〒213-0013 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://woowa.gorp.jp/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Suenaga, Takatsu Ward, Kawasaki, 〒213-0013 Kanagawa,Japan
海老原正男 on Google

The fish dishes are fresh and the best. There are 3 people in front of the board, and the shop is large. You can calm down and relax.
怜佳京谷 on Google

車で数え切れない位通りすがり、羽羽和?居酒屋?何と読むよねと食べに行くより、お店の名前に興味深く、いつか行こうとの思いで何年も経ちました、偶々行き先が決まってなかったため、入りました。 地下のため、イメージが全くつかなく、思うより広くて、明るくて、居酒屋より食堂?食堂のイメージを無くしたいので、カウンターに座り、芋焼酎のロックとお刺身盛り合わせをお願いしました、佐藤(黒)口当たりはいいですね?ボトルを頼んでしまい、お刺身もぷりぷりで鮮度抜群です?美味しい?食欲が走り出して、白子ポン酢、殻つき牡蠣、エビの天ぷら、いか塩辛、三元豚の角煮、ポテトフライ、しめはお茶漬け、一品一品は素材を味わえる料理ばかりで、おいしくて、一口も残さず、大満足でした。 板前からお店の名前の読み方を教わりました(^-^)羽羽和「ううわ」近々また来ます☺️
Passing through countless times by car, isn't it a feather? Izakaya? I was more interested in the name of the store than going to eat it to read it, and it has been many years since I decided to go there. Because it's underground, there is no image at all, it's wider and brighter than you think, is it a cafeteria? I wanted to lose the image of the cafeteria, so I sat down at the counter and asked for a sashimi shochu lock and sashimi assortment. The taste of Sato (black) is good. I asked for a bottle of sashimi and the sashimi was plentiful and the freshness was outstanding. Crab appetite starts running, Shirako ponzu, shelled oysters, shrimp tempura, squid salted, simmered ternary pork, potato fried, shimeji mushrooms, each dish is a dish that you can taste the ingredients, delicious and a bite left I was very satisfied. I learned how to read the name of the store from the front of the board (^-^) Kazu Haha "Uwa" will come again soon ☺️
riz izm on Google

ちゃんと美味しいです。 多国籍バーっぽいけど、皿ワンタン?絶妙 お酒もカクテルとかワインとか多種。 ジャンル的に日本酒や焼酎はないので注意。 隠れ家ですね。 料理の紹介は基本的に材料を言われます。 そゆとこ好き。
It ’s delicious. It looks like a multinational bar, but is a dish wonton? Exquisite There are many kinds of liquor such as cocktails and wine. Note that there is no sake or shochu in the genre. A hideout. Introducing food is basically told about ingredients. I like soyutoko.
GEORGE on Google

梶ヶ谷に来れば必ず寄りたいお店です。 どれも美味しい。お酒も豊富で呑むべーにはたまりません。
If you come to Kajigaya, you definitely want to stop by. Everything is delicious. There is plenty of alcohol and it is irresistible to drink.
平田元 on Google

梶が谷駅から246方面に7、8分歩いたところ、ビルの地下1階(しかも入り口が分かりにくい)のお店。フラッと通りかかって見かけて来店。地下なのでずいぶん小さなお店かもと思ってましたが、カウンター、テーブル、座敷で50席もあって。板前さんも3人、しっかりしたお店です。 食べたもの全部、すごく美味しい。味付けが、というよりも素材をきちんと味わえるようにつくられているんだと思います。出汁の味、魚の味、野菜の味、どれもいいです。 喫煙OKのお店なんですが、席ごとのスペースもゆったりしていて、そこまで気にならなかったです。 近くに住んで5年も経つのに、今まで知らなかったことが悔やまれます。また来ますね。
A 7-8 minute walk from Kasumaya Station in the direction of 246, it is a shop on the first floor of the building (and the entrance is difficult to understand). I walked around and visited the store. I thought it was a very small shop because it was underground, but there were 50 seats at the counter, table, and parlor. Itamae is also a solid store with three people. Everything I ate is really delicious. I think that the seasoning is made so that you can taste the ingredients properly. The taste of soup stock, fish, and vegetables are all good. Although it is a smoking shop, the space for each seat is spacious and I didn't care. I have lived nearby for five years and regret what I had never known before. I'll come again.
A P on Google

プライベートでも会社の新年会、忘年会でも利用させていただいております。 お値段は少々高めですが何を食べても美味しいです。 お酒の量にもよりますが1人5000円〜ぐらいでしょうか。 生牡蠣、お刺身、天麩羅、タコの唐揚げ、きりたんぽ鍋が絶品です。 少し贅沢に、たまに会う家族、友人との飲み会などに最適な場所です。
We use it both privately and at company's New Year's party and year-end party. The price is a little high, but it is delicious no matter what you eat. It depends on the amount of alcohol, but it's about 5,000 yen per person. Raw oysters, sashimi, tempura, fried octopus, and kiritanpo pot are excellent. It's a little extravagant, and it's the perfect place for occasional family and drinking parties with friends.
たーろー(たーろ) on Google

鳥刺し、馬刺し、明太オムレツは本当に美味しかったです。 ただ、鰻と銀だら西京焼は焼き方が甘く少し残念な感じでした。 常連さんは天ぷらと刺身をオーダーする方が多かったです。 お酒の種類も豊富で楽しめました。 少しびっくりしたのは店内喫煙で煙草臭い事、オーダーしてから出るのが遅い事です。 ノンスモーカーには厳しい環境です。 再訪は早い時間に行って、煙草臭くなる前にさっと帰る程度かな。
The bird sashimi, horse sashimi, and menta omelet were really delicious. However, the grilled eel and sablefish Saikyo-yaki was a little disappointing. Many regulars ordered tempura and sashimi. I enjoyed the wide variety of sake. What surprised me a little was that smoking inside the store smelled like cigarettes, and it was late to get out after ordering. It is a harsh environment for non-smokers. I think I'll go back early and go home quickly before it smells like cigarettes.
ame ame on Google

お酒も料理も美味しくて、大満足でした。メニューが豊富で他にも頼みたいものがたくさんあったので、また機会があればぜひ行きたいと思います。 日本酒の種類もたくさんあり、甘さなどが細かく書いてあるので、好みに応じて頼むこともできます。 食事の中で特に好きだったのは鳥刺しと鯨の刺身です。もちろん天ぷらやおにぎりなどのシンプルな食事ものも美味しかったので、基本何を頼んでも満足いくのではないでしょうか。 ただし、1つだけ注意点をあげるとするならば、店内は分煙ではないということです。自分は特に気にならなかったのですが、タバコの煙が苦手な人は気をつけたほうがいいかもしれません。
The sake and food were delicious and I was very satisfied. The menu was abundant and there were many other things I would like to ask, so I would definitely like to go if there is another opportunity. There are many types of sake, and the sweetness is written in detail, so you can order according to your taste. I especially liked bird trapping and whale sashimi in my diet. Of course, simple meals such as tempura and rice balls were also delicious, so I think you'll be satisfied no matter what you ask for. However, the only caveat is that the inside of the store is not smoke-separated. I didn't really care about it, but if you don't like cigarette smoke, you should be careful.

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