
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ピッツェリアレオーネ

住所 :

Suehiroonsencho, 〒680-0833 Tottori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : http://www.pizza-leone.com/
街 : Tottori

Suehiroonsencho, 〒680-0833 Tottori,Japan
SEIKO on Google

The pizza is excellent. I wanted another richness of cream pasta. Meat is also delicious.
su su on Google

ピザが特に美味しかった!!! 鳥取に行くときは必ず立ち寄ろうと思います!
The pizza was especially delicious! !! !! I will definitely stop by when I go to Tottori!
うしたた on Google

何度行っても毎回美味しい‼︎ マルゲリータは必ず頼みます。 ピザは生地が美味しく具材の配置も絶妙、料理もドリンクとタイミングよく出してくれます。鳥取の食材も旬のものを提供して観光にもよいです。
Delicious every time you go! ︎ Margherita always asks. The dough of pizza is delicious, the arrangement of ingredients is exquisite, and the food is served with drinks at the right time. Tottori's ingredients are also seasonal and good for sightseeing.
きよみん on Google

大満足‼️ なにを食べても美味しかったです‼️ 事前に席の予約をして行きました。 私は初めて行ったのですが、連れは常連なので、提供までに時間のかかる鶏と豚の釜焼きを電話で注文してから入店しました。 店内に入ると、認証カメラによる検温と手指消毒をしてから席に通していただきました。 前菜からパスタ・ピザ・アラカルト・ドリンク・ドルチェ たくさんのメニューから、サラダ・水牛のモッツァレラチーズのマルゲリータ・キノコのクリームパスタ・もさえびのパスタ・鳥取牛の煮込みのパスタ・そして電話にて予約した大山鶏と豚(こちらもブランド豚だったと思います)の釜焼き・ヤングコーンの釜焼き どれもすべておいしい??? ヤングコーンの釜焼きは初めて食べたのですが、甘くて、柔らかくて、皮も食べられて美味しかったです。 キノコのクリームパスタは、ニンニクが苦手な私はニンニクぬきで注文出来ました。 キノコたっぷり、ベーコンもしっかりとベーコンの味を感じさせる厚さで美味しかったです。 水牛のモッツァレラは+300円でしますが本当にオススメです。 表現が合っているかわかりませんが、ピザがとても瑞々しくて、モッツァレラチーズとトマトの飲み物のよう❤️ 大山鶏の釜焼きは塩加減が最高‼️ お料理を提供されるペースもとても素晴らしく、一皿一皿を十分に味わってから提供してくださり、さすがプロだと思いました。 本当に本当にお腹いっぱい楽しめました? お皿も可愛らしくて、料理とともに楽しめました。 隣の席ともパーテーションで仕切られてますし、席も間を開けてお客様をお通しされてました。 夜にお食事に行くことはあまりないのですが、行って大正解の素晴らしいお店でした。
Great satisfaction! ️ It was delicious no matter what I ate! ️ I made a seat reservation in advance. I went there for the first time, but since my companion is a regular, I ordered chicken and pork roasted in a pot, which takes time to serve, before entering the store. When I entered the store, I was asked to take a seat after measuring the temperature with a certified camera and disinfecting my hands. From appetizers to pasta, pizza, a la carte, drinks, dolce From many menus, salad, buffalo mozzarella cheese margherita, mushroom cream pasta, peach pasta, Tottori beef stewed pasta, and Oyama chicken and pork booked over the phone (I think this was also a brand pork) ) Kama-yaki / Young corn Kama-yaki Everything is delicious ??? It was my first time to eat young corn roasted in a kettle, and it was sweet, soft, and the skin was delicious. I'm not good at garlic, so I could order mushroom cream pasta without garlic. It was delicious with plenty of mushrooms and a thick bacon that made you feel the taste of bacon. Buffalo mozzarella costs +300 yen, but I really recommend it. I don't know if the expression is correct, but the pizza is very fresh, like a mozzarella cheese and tomato drink ❤️ The saltiness of Oyama chicken in a kettle is the best! ️ The pace at which the food is served is also very good, and I thought that he was a professional when he served each dish after he had fully tasted it. I really really enjoyed my stomach ? The plates were cute and I enjoyed it with the food. The seat next to me was also separated by a partition, and the seats were open to let customers through. I don't often go out to eat at night, but it was a wonderful restaurant with the correct answer.
Jakub Gałczyński on Google

The food was good but pricey. No menu in English, service does not speak English even the basics. The waiter almost blocked my credit card by accidently entering the PIN code twice for me ...
Thomas Ringwold on Google

Very delicious pizza!!! A recommendation for sure!!! FYSA, theybdonrequire you to purchase a drink (other than water). No problem though, it's worth it!!!
Flavio Antonio Elias dos Santos on Google

After one year living in Japan this is the best pizza and pasta I have ever eat in here. Also the house wine is perfect. I will be back for sure during my stay in Tottori.
Jordy Meow (Japon Secret) on Google

The pizza was good, but the other dishes could do much better. I didn’t enjoy the pasta at all unfortunately and the wine at the glass wasn’t worth it. In short, it’s a bit pricey to what it is. The staff is very friendly, but I think they should limit themselves to the pizzas or try to work more on the other dishes.

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