
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 弥五郎

住所 :

Suehirocho, Kadoma, 〒571-0030 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999977
Webサイト : http://arakawapork.com/index.html
街 : Osaka

Suehirocho, Kadoma, 〒571-0030 Osaka,Japan
Y Miyuki on Google

✼••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈••✼ ? #弥五郎 ? ? #油かす醤油らーめん ✼••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈••✼ 京阪沿線で ラーメン屋さんを探していたら 油かすラーメンを発見?✨ 30代の頃ダブルワークで行っていた ラーメン屋さんに 油かすラーメンがあって それが好きだったの。 でもコロナでお店無くなっていて 食べられなくて悲しかった。 そんな油かすラーメンを発見したら 食べに行かなくちゃね。 そして、その時は訪れた! ✨着丼?✨ ぷるぷるの油かすを見て欲しい。 苦手な人でも食べて欲しい。 そう思えるような旨味。 そして、可能なら… 油かすマシトッピングとか有れば 最━ヽ(○゚д゚○)ノ━━高!! いや、ないですけど。 奥様なのかな? 女性の接客は個人的にツボ。 唐揚げハーフを頼んだから ご飯とキムチのセットも お勧めしてくれました。 唐揚げね。 個人的に大好き♥ このままでも美味しかったけれど どの胡椒を掛けたら良いかまで ちゃんと教えてくれる親切さ。 もう私の心は鷲掴み。 限定と書かれたシビ辛が気になり過ぎて 帰りに聞いたら 笑顔で教えてくれて これまた行かな!ってなりました。 ⋆ とても美味しかった◥█̆̈◤࿉∥☺️✨✨✨ ご馳走様でした?
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼ ? #Yagoro ? ? #Salty sauce ramen ✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼ Along the Keihan line If you were looking for a ramen shop Discover oily ramen ?✨ I used to do double work when I was in my thirties To a ramen shop There is oily ramen I liked it. But the store is gone in Corona I was sad that I couldn't eat it. If you discover such oily ramen I have to go eat. And then I visited! ✨ Donburi ? ✨ I want you to see the oil residue of Puru Puru. I want people who are not good at eating it. Umami that seems to be so. And if possible ... If you have oil residue toppings Most ━ ヽ (○ ゚ д ゚ ○) ノ ━━ High !! No, I don't. Is it your wife? Female customer service is a key point personally. I ordered fried chicken half A set of rice and kimchi He recommended it. It's fried chicken. I personally love it ♥ It was delicious as it was Until which pepper should be sprinkled Kindness that teaches me properly. I've already grabbed my heart. I was too worried about the bigeye tuna that was written as limited If you ask on your way home Tell me with a smile I wonder if this will go again! It became. ⋆ It was very delicious ◥█̆̈◤ ࿉ ∥☺️✨✨✨ It was a treat ?
れみ on Google

祝日のお昼12時前に来店。 先客2組3人で少し寂しい感じだと思いました。 鶏豚醤油と唐揚げハーフセットをお願いし。待つこと10分もたたず着丼。 薄味好きな私でも少し薄いかなと思える味です。ただ食べすすめるとちょうどよい感じになりましたが、濃いめが好きな人には物足りないかも。 唐揚げも薄めの味付けです。 チャーシューもおいしく、全体的に上手くまとまっています。 ただ、食べ終わる頃までに、1人来店しただけだったので、やはりラーメン好きな人は濃いめの味付けが好きな人が多いのかもしれませんね。 再訪ですが、家から20分かからないので1.2ヶ月に1回ぐらい行くと思います
Visited before 12:00 on public holidays. I thought it was a little lonely with 2 groups of 3 customers. I would like chicken pork soy sauce and fried chicken half set. Wait 10 minutes to wait. Even if I like the light taste, it seems a little thin. It was just right to eat, but it might be unsatisfactory for those who like the dark. Fried chicken is also lightly seasoned. The pork is also delicious and is well organized overall. However, by the time I finished eating, only one person visited the store, so there are still many people who like ramen who like dark seasonings. I will revisit it, but since it takes less than 20 minutes from my house, I will go about once every 1.2 months
安藤和子 on Google

金曜の夜、近くの人気のある洋食屋さんが予約いっぱいで断られたためお邪魔しました。 夜限定の油かすラーメン醤油+焼きめし小セット(750円)を注文しました。 大阪の南の方で有名な油かすですか。ここでも食べれるなんておどろきです。油かすうどんはとても好きです。 ただラーメン自体がそもそも油っぽいため油かすが際立たずよくわからない感じになりました。醤油ラーメンとしておいしかったです。 焼きめしもとてもおいしかったです。 でも私はラーメンは鶏豚濃厚が好きですね。 また気が向いたら行きたいと思います。 ごちそうさまでした。
On Friday night, a popular western restaurant nearby refused because it was refused because it was full of reservations. I ordered a night-limited oil cake ramen soy sauce + a small set of baked rice (750 yen). Is it the famous oil residue in the south of Osaka? It ’s amazing to eat here too. I really like greasy udon. However, because the ramen itself is oily in the first place, the oil residue does not stand out and I do not understand well. It was delicious as soy sauce ramen. The baked rice was also very delicious. But I like ramen noodles rich in chicken and pork. I would like to go if I want to go back again. Thank you for the meal.
山崎晃 on Google

鶏豚(とりとん)の塩ラーメン、弥五郎トッピングでいただきました。お店の外観がなんだか入りにくかったんですが、食べて正解。 すこしトロミのある白濁としたスープはあっさりしつつも旨味がどっしり、綺麗に仕上がったレアチャーシューは噛むほどに肉汁と旨味があふれました。 また、寄ります!次は炒飯食べます!
I had it with chicken and pork salt ramen, Yagoro topping. The appearance of the shop was somewhat difficult to enter, but I ate it and it was the correct answer. The cloudy soup with a little toromi is light but full of umami, and the beautifully finished rare char siu is full of gravy and umami as you chew. I will stop by again! Next time I will eat fried rice!
山野孝幸 on Google

I ordered char siu and simmered eggs. Rare char siu was rare and delicious, but some were greasy to me. Both the soup and noodles were delicious.
naoya on Google

いつも鶏豚塩を注文しています。 スープと麵の相性が合っていて、とても美味しいです。 チャーシューがレア感があり、個人的にはお気に入りです。 チャーハンも美味しく、おすすめです!
I always order chicken and pork salt. The soup and the soup go well together and it's very delicious. Char siu has a rare feeling and I personally like it. Fried rice is also delicious and recommended!
M. Ino (MGN) on Google

Kadoma City is a local ramen shop located in the direction of Kadoma City Station, a 5-minute walk from Keihan Furukawabashi Station. I visited at noon, but it seems to be a popular local shop where customers come one after another. The shop has only a counter, but there were quite a few seats because it was a three-sided counter. This seems to be a system where you can enjoy different soup ramen for the same price. I tried topping the toriton miso ramen with cabbage. The ramen that came out is a bit like that chain store in the world, and it is a delicious ramen that you can feel the taste of mixed miso firmly, and the characteristic roast beef-like color and vivid appearance of char siu is also soft and delicious. Due to the convenience of the set, I thought it was a good restaurant that would become a staple of lunch when I was nearby.
くろねこ on Google

弥五郎は関西中心に展開するチェーン店。 直営と違ってフランチャイズの方は個々の店の自由度が高いのか、よくある地元のラーメン屋といった風情。看板の手作り感は初見では少し驚くかも。 今回はとりとんラーメンの塩を注文。 ちなみに一度訪れたことがあるが、その時のラーメンはほとんど印象に残っていない。 とりとんラーメン塩は、鶏白湯+豚骨のとろみのあるスープに中麺。少し厚めに切られたレアチャーシューがなかなか美味しい。もやしはほぼ生でシャキシャキ。もう少し火が通っていた方が個人的には好み。 無料できざみニンニクかニンニクチップスの追加ができる。が、ニンニクチップスの容器が汚く、中身も湿気でべたべたしており、少し気持ちが悪かった。 味はまあまあだと思うが清潔感の点でマイナスかな…。 ごちそうさまでした。
Yagoro is a chain store that operates mainly in the Kansai region. Unlike the directly managed franchise, the franchise has a high degree of freedom in each shop, and it has the atmosphere of a common local ramen shop. The handmade feeling of the signboard may be a little surprising at first glance. This time I ordered the salt of Toriton ramen. By the way, I have visited once, but the ramen at that time hardly left an impression. Toriton ramen salt is chicken plain hot water + pork bone thick soup and medium noodles. Rare char siu cut a little thick is quite delicious. Bean sprouts are almost raw and crispy. I personally prefer it to be a little more cooked. You can add chopped garlic or garlic chips for free. However, the container of garlic chips was dirty and the contents were sticky with moisture, which made me feel a little uncomfortable. I think the taste is ok, but it's a minus in terms of cleanliness ... Thank you for the meal.

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