北海道生まれ和食処とんでん 桶川末広店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 北海道生まれ和食処とんでん 桶川末広店

住所 :

Suehiro, Okegawa, 〒363-0012 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887788
Webサイト : https://www.tonden.co.jp/shopsearch/saitama/okegawa/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10:30PM
Sunday 11AM–10:30PM
Monday 11AM–10:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–10:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–10:30PM
Thursday 11AM–10:30PM
Friday 11AM–10:30PM
街 : Saitama

Suehiro, Okegawa, 〒363-0012 Saitama,Japan
国利坂田 on Google

久しぶりに妻の誕生祝いを兼ねて大好物のジャンボ茶碗蒸しが恋しくて来店しました。 いつもと変わらずボリュームたっぷりで味も変わらず満足、お店の雰囲気や店員さんの心遣いある対応にも満足しました。 ご馳走様でした。
For the first time in a long time, I missed my favorite jumbo chawanmushi to celebrate my wife's birthday. I was satisfied with the volume and taste as usual, and I was also satisfied with the atmosphere of the restaurant and the kindness of the staff. It was a treat.
まっちゃんしょうへい on Google

店内は落ち着いた雰囲気の中でも和食を食べられるため気に入っています。 また店舗出入り口はスロープになっているので車椅子の方でも店内に出入りしやすい
I like the inside of the restaurant because I can eat Japanese food in a calm atmosphere. In addition, the entrance and exit of the store is sloped, so even wheelchair users can easily enter and exit the store.
成田郁弘 on Google

昨年10月に桶川入り。以来お世話になりました。 初めてファミレスの魅力にハマり、自分なりの利用価値を手探りしてきましたが、それはそれで楽しいひとときでした。 メニューが刷新され、よ〜く注視すると旧メニューをしっかりいかしてありながらも一新したような、フード産業の強かさにも新鮮な驚きと好感をおぼえるようになった。 チェーンとかファミレスとかをどこかで卑下していた自分をいまは恥じています。 その場所で長く愛されるわけはしごく簡単。その地域での必要条件が充ちているから! 何度か目撃したが、うな重をオーダーする老人が多い。無論、専門店に赴けばもっと美味しいうな重がある。しかし、ファミレスのとんでんなら、おじいちゃんだけうな重で、他家族は寿司でも天ぷらでもそばでも食べられる。 そこらへんだよな! (2021.3.28追記) 1000円割引券と生ビール中ジョッキ無料券も加わり、とんでんループにハマり中・・・。 (2021.3.23追記) 一昨日に続き、1000円割引券があるので本日も外食で。 昨日から次の現場青梅へ。来月から青梅の宿舎に移動予定。今月中は桶川と青梅かけもちに。 で、割引券を消化すべく来てみたら、 すんげー混み合っている! こんなに繁盛しているとんでんは初めてです(私的に)。 眺めていると老夫婦が、続々来店しては帰っていく。 なんなん? 皆気がゆるんだか?? ノーマスクの方たちまでいる。 飛沫飛び交う2人以上の外食は、くれぐれも気をつかってほしいものだ。 とはいえ、長らく閑古鳥がさえずっていたわけで、ホール担当さんたちの活き活きした接客を私まで嬉しく思う。 本日偶然にも創業35周年フェア中。 (2021.2.19追記) なんせ1000円割引券を2枚もってるので、リピしまくり。 来てみたら偶然「とんでんの日」とのことで、特別メニューが3品。 まず、〆鯖とだし巻き玉子で一杯。 〆は特別メニューのお刺身御膳(5種8点盛り)。 通い初めのころ、一度〆鯖を食べたがいまいちだった。 が、本日は柔らかな身にふくよかに脂が乗って非常に瑞々しい。 美味し♪ 毎度、ご馳走さまでございました。 (2021.3.17追記) 今夜ものんびり・ゆったり飲食を堪能できました。 前回もらった1000円割引券で、ほっけの干物分がほぼ無料に。 そして本日も1000円割引券もらえるのです♪ (2021.3.12追記) もう食べたいメニューは食べつくしの感があるのだが、なぜかここのご飯(白米)が恋しくなる。 硬くはないが柔らかすぎない、薫り、甘さ、ともにすごく美味い。と思う。 ここ3回は間違えなく、ご飯目的で通っているほど。 そしてヘビロテしているうちに、15時以降来店300円割引券→500円割引券、そして今夜1000円割引券昇格ゲット〜!!! 1000円割引。こいつはなかなか豪気だね♪ 美味しいごはんセットが4セット食えるのよ!? (2021.3.3追記) 仕事がのびて、桶川滞在また一ヶ月延長になりました。 本日は春メニューから前回食べなかった、春の刺身天ぷら膳をいただきに。 はまぐりと大根の煮物。桜鯛、甘海老の刺身。かぼちゃ、オクラ、海老、舞茸天ぷら。いんげんの胡麻和え、茶碗蒸しをあてに、ゆっくり晩酌。 徳利が空けば、大根の浅漬と味噌汁で美味しいごはんをいただき、〆! 酎ハイを追加して、この口コミ書いてま〜す。 (2021.2.23) 春メニューが登場してるとのことで、週一のルーティンでリピート。 バター薫るあさりの酒蒸しは、ミニコンロでの提供。冷凍とか年中食べてるが、改めて春の旬だったのね。 盛合せ天ぷらと春のはまぐりの茶わんむしで、吉乃川を。 はまぐりの茶わんむし美味し♪ 〆は本日のお目当て、桜そば! 桜の塩漬けが練りこんであるそうで、桜色のそばが、桜に薫ります。 この出張で初めてファミレスにハマりましたが、安定の味、居心地の良さ。 リラックスできますね。 (2021.2.18) 仕事もピークを越し、ルーティンワークに入って本日15時終わり。 久しぶりにとんでんへ。 ここの利便性はミドル・コスパだが、料理は美味しく接客も申し分ない。 一時間から2時間ゆっくりくつろげる。 こちら桶川店しか知らないのであれなんだが、ご飯が凄く美味い! なので本日は、〆に美味しいごはんセットをいただくために注文メニューを構築。 先ずはグラスビールと吉野川。 つまみにお新香、温玉ポテトサラダ、ローストポーク。 〆は牡蠣フライ3個と美味しいごはんセット! 決まったぜ♪ (2021.2.11追記) 平日の外食は、もはやここ和食レストランとんでんと、もんじゃ・お好み焼わいずの2店のみ! どちらもガラガラ、貸切状態。 (2021.1.15追記) さぁ、緊事宣言でいよいよ出歩きにくくなってきた。 飲食店夜8時閉店となると、仕事帰りでひとっ風呂すると、ゆっくり飲食するのは無理だ! 本日休み。出かけまいと過ごしたが、まあ、状況を把握しておこうと、18時に近所のとんでんへいってみた。 ・アルコールのラストオーダー18:45 ・料理ラストオーダー19:00 ・閉店20:00 と、なっていた。 平日、仕事終わりの外食はかなり難しくなってきた・・・。 (2021.1.10追記) 新年2日。チェーン系しか営業してません。だからこそ、重宝するのだね。 (2021.1.2追記) 明日、日曜は千葉の四街道某所にてメンテナンスのため、休日返上で遠征。 さすがに本日は疲れたので、とんでんでのルーティンになりつつあるサクッと飲食。 自分なりの活用法を見いだせば、ファミレスはそれまで以上に特化されるのだね。 まず、着席するとほうじ茶とおしぼりが配されるが、本日は秋の味覚甘栗2個がサービスされていた。 例によって、グラスビールと熱燗(2合)を注文。運ばれるまでゆっくりメニュー吟味。 酒がきたら、疲労回復のためのうなぎ御膳を所望。 香物(大根の浅漬)、小鉢(いんげんの胡麻和え)、茶碗蒸し、刺身盛合せ、うなぎ蒲焼、ご飯(大盛り無料)、味噌汁のセットアップ。 香物とうなぎ、ご飯、味噌汁以外をあてに熱燗を嗜む。その間、スマホでニュースチェックしたり、フォロワーの口コミをチェックしたり、上映中の映画をチェックしたり。 正に自分勝手にわがままに過ごす、孤独のグルメな時。 お燗が空いたら、香物とうなぎで飯を攻める。 膳を下げてもらい、レモンサワー追加で、食べたばかりの口コミを書き、グーグルマップにアップ。 ファミレスならではのくつろぎである。目下のストレス解消法、でございます。 (2020. 12.5 追記) 本日は少々くたびれたので、とんでんでサクッと飲食。こちらは中山道を挟んだ斜向かいに位置するため、なにかと重宝だ。 いきなり、グラス生ビールと熱燗(2合)、金目鯛の煮付け膳を一気に注文。 まずはビールでのどを潤し、熱燗はしばし放置。 煮付け膳が運ばれてきたところで、小鉢、茶碗蒸しで熱燗をちびちび。 グラスビールをチェイサーに、金目鯛半身でちびちび。 金目鯛は徹底的に骨まで、しゃぶり尽くす! 残りの半身と香物でご飯、味噌汁を攻め、腹を仕上げる。 ここの米、美味いね。 呑兵衛の晩御飯♪ (11.25 追記) まぁ予想通りコロナ、かなりヤバくなってきたね。 変な思想に感化され、コロナを軽んじる人達・・・。 マスクしない、密、大声。そんな奴がそこら中にいるもんね。 てめえが勝手に歌舞けてるのは自由だが、このたびのそれは家族、他人を巻込むのよね。 また、外食を自粛しなくちゃならなくなるのか? ってなわけで、とんでんで美味しいものをいただきました♪ お店には気の毒だが、空いてるし安心して飲食可能。 ゆっくり一人で呑んて、食べて2時間。 あぁ、コロナ感染者増加でこんな時がまた過ごせなくなるのか?! (2020.11.19 追記) 本日は宿舎の斜向かいにある、とんでんで夕食。北海道系らしい・・・。 もとは和菓子屋で1968年創業。 1969年、株式会社とんでん設立。 1978年から和食レストランとんでんのチェーン展開。一号店は浦和。 現在、北海道札幌エリア14、苫小牧他4店。 関東約100店舗。 会社は埼玉市であり、HPを閲覧しても、もとは埼玉なのか北海道なのかは定かでない。 いずれにせよ、道産子の私の上京後のチェーン展開なので全く馴染みがない。 よくある国道沿いのファミレス系ですが、たまにはちょっと美味しいものを食べに行こうか? 的な値段設定とメニュー構成か? 食事だけでも普通に1500円前後。 コロナ渦のせいか、夕食どきだが閑散としている。もとより店内は広いので安心。 いわしの叩き、鮮度抜群でコスパ良し。 蒸し牡蠣のポン酢もOK。 〆に北海道ざる蕎麦なるものを注文。 むむっ、これが望外に美味い♪ 正直、全然期待してなかったのだが、香り、のど越し、蕎麦つゆ良し! ミニ天丼も海老天一尾、舞茸天の小ご飯が丁度良い。 鮨から天麩羅、麺類他なんでもあるが、手軽に飲食できる。 なんか、チェーンのファミレスでも充分楽しめますな!
Entered Okegawa in October last year. Thank you for your help since then. For the first time, I was addicted to the charm of family restaurant and groped for my own utility value, but it was a fun time. The menu has been revamped, and if you look closely, you will be surprised and impressed by the strength of the food industry, which seems to have been renewed while making good use of the old menu. I'm ashamed of myself, who was despising chains and family restaurants somewhere. It's very easy to be loved for a long time in that place. Because the requirements for the area are met! I have witnessed it several times, but many old people order Unaju. Of course, if you go to a specialty store, you will find more delicious Unaju. However, in the case of family-less tonden, only grandpa can eat sushi, tempura, and soba. It's all over the place! (Added 2021.3.28) With the addition of a 1000 yen discount ticket and a free beer mug ticket, I'm addicted to the Tonden loop. (Added 2021.3.23) Continuing from the day before yesterday, there is a 1000 yen discount ticket, so eat out today as well. From yesterday to the next site Ome. We are planning to move to Ome's lodgings from next month. Okegawa and Ome Kakemochi this month. So, when I came to digest the discount voucher, It's really crowded! This is the first time for Tonden to be so prosperous (privately). Looking at it, old couples come to the store one after another and go home. What? Did everyone feel relaxed? ?? There are even no masks. I want you to be very careful when eating out with two or more people splashing around. However, the old birds were singing for a long time, and I'm glad to see the lively customer service of the hall staff. It happened to be during the 35th anniversary fair today. (Added 2021.2.19) Anyway, I have two 1000 yen discount tickets, so I will repeat it. When I came, it happened to be "Tonden Day", so there were 3 special menu items. First, fill with mackerel and omelet rolls. 〆 is a special menu of sashimi set (5 types, 8 points). At the beginning of my trip, I ate mackerel once, but it wasn't good enough. However, today it is very fresh with a soft body and plenty of fat. Delicious ♪ Thank you for your treat every time. (Added 2021.3.17) I was able to enjoy eating and drinking leisurely tonight. With the 1000 yen discount ticket you received last time, you can get almost free dried atka mackerel. And today you can get a 1000 yen discount ticket ♪ (Added 2021.3.12) I feel like I've eaten all the menu I want to eat, but for some reason I miss the rice (white rice) here. It's not hard but not too soft, it's fragrant and sweet, and it's very delicious. I think. There are no mistakes in the last three times, so I go there for the purpose of rice. And while I was heavy, I came to the store after 15:00 and got a 300 yen discount ticket → a 500 yen discount ticket, and tonight I got a 1000 yen discount ticket promotion ~! !! !! 1000 yen discount. This guy is pretty brave ♪ You can eat 4 delicious rice sets! ?? (Added 2021.3.3) As my work extended, my stay in Okegawa was extended for another month. Today, I had a spring sashimi tempura set that I didn't eat last time from the spring menu. Boiled clams and radishes. Sashimi of cherry bream and sweet shrimp. Pumpkin, okra, shrimp, maitake mushroom tempura. Slowly drink with sesame sauce and chawanmushi. When the sake bottle is empty, you can have delicious rice with lightly pickled radish and miso soup. I'm writing this review by adding Chuhai. (2021.2.23) It is said that a spring menu has appeared, so it will be repeated once a week. Steamed butter-scented clams are served on a mini-conro. I eat frozen food all year round, but it was spring season again. Enjoy Yoshinogawa with assorted tempura and spring clam tea bowls. Clam tea bowl is delicious ♪ 〆 is today's aim, Sakura soba! It seems that salted cherry blossoms are kneaded in, and the cherry-colored soba is fragrant in the cherry blossoms. I was addicted to family restaurant for the first time on this business trip, but it has a stable taste and is comfortable. You can relax. (2021.2.18) Work also peaked, and I entered routine work and ended today at 15:00. Tonden after a long absence. The convenience here is middle cospa, but the food is delicious and the customer service is perfect. Relax for an hour or two. I only know this Okegawa store, but the rice is really delicious! So today, I built an order menu to have a delicious rice set. First of all, glass beer and Yoshino River. New incense, hot potato salad, roast pork on the knob. 〆 is a set of 3 fried oysters and delicious rice! It's decided ♪ (Added 2021.2.11) There are only two restaurants here on weekdays, Tonden and Monja / Oshiyaki Waizu! Both are rattling and chartered. (Added 2021.1.15) Now, it's getting harder to go out with the declaration of urgency. When the restaurant closes at 8 pm, it is impossible to eat and drink slowly after taking a bath on the way home from work! Closed today. I spent my time not going out, but well, I went to Tonden in the neighborhood at 18:00 to understand the situation. ・ Last order of alcohol 18:45 ・ Cooking last order 19:00 ・ Closed 20:00 It was. On weekdays, eating out after work has become quite difficult ... (Added 2021.1.10) New Year 2nd. Only chain stores are open. That's why it comes in handy. (Added 2021.1.2) Tomorrow, on Sunday, I will return to the holidays for maintenance at a certain place on Yotsukaido in Chiba. As expected, I was tired today, so I was eating and drinking quickly, which is becoming a ridiculous routine. If you find your own way of using it, the family restaurant will be more specialized than ever. First of all, when you sit down, you will be served roasted green tea and hand towels, but today two autumn taste sweet chestnuts were served. As usual, I ordered a glass of beer and hot sake (2 go). Slowly examine the menu until it is carried. When you have sake, you want an eel set to recover from fatigue. Set up pickles (lightly pickled radish), small bowl (with sesame sauce), chawanmushi, sashimi platter, eel kabayaki, rice (large serving free), miso soup. Enjoy hot sake except for scented eel, rice, and miso soup. In the meantime, check the news on your smartphone, check the reviews of your followers, and check the movies being shown. A lonely gourmet time where you can spend your time on your own. When the kanzake is empty, attack the rice with incense and eel. Ask them to lower the table, add lemon sour, write a review that they just ate, and upload it to Google Maps. It is a relaxation unique to family restaurant. This is the current stress relief method. (Added 12.5 on 2020) I was a little tired today, so I ate and drank quickly. This is located diagonally across the Nakasendo, so it's useful. Suddenly, I ordered a glass of draft beer, hot sake (2 go), and a boiled set of red sea bream. First, moisturize your throat with beer and leave it for a while. When the boiled set was brought in, simmer the hot sake in a small bowl and chawanmushi. Chibi Chibi with a glass of beer as a chaser and a half-body of red sea bream. Splendid alfonsino thoroughly sucks up to the bones! Use the remaining half of the body and incense to attack rice and miso soup to finish the belly. The rice here is delicious. Donbei's dinner ♪ (11.25 postscript) Well, as expected, Corona is getting pretty crazy. People who are inspired by strange ideas and despise Corona ... Unmasked, dense, loud. There are such guys everywhere. You are free to sing without permission, but this time it involves your family and others. Also, do I have to refrain from eating out? That's why I got something delicious ♪ I'm sorry for the shop, but it's vacant and you can eat and drink with confidence. Slowly drink alone and eat for 2 hours. Ah, will the increase in corona-infected people make it impossible to spend such a time again? !! (Added on 2020.11.19) Today we have dinner at Tonden, which is diagonally opposite the dormitory. It seems to be Hokkaido. Originally a Japanese sweets shop, founded in 1968. Established Tonden Co., Ltd. in 1969. Since 1978, a chain of Japanese restaurants Tonden has been developed. The first store is Urawa. Currently, there are 14 stores in Sapporo area, Hokkaido, Tomakomai and 4 other stores. About 100 stores in Kanto. The company is Saitama City, and even if you browse the website, it is not clear whether it was originally Saitama or Hokkaido. In any case, I'm completely unfamiliar with Hokkaido horse's chain development after I moved to Tokyo. It's a family restaurant along a common national highway, but why don't you go eat some delicious food once in a while? Is it a typical price setting and menu structure? Meals alone are usually around 1500 yen. Maybe because of the corona vortex, it's like a supper, but it's quiet. Of course, the inside of the store is large, so you can rest assured. Sardines are beaten, and the freshness is outstanding and the cost performance is good. Steamed oyster ponzu is also OK. I ordered Hokkaido Zaru Soba from 〆. Mmm, this is unexpectedly delicious ♪ To be honest, I didn't expect it at all, but the fragrance, throat, and soba soup are good! As for the mini-tendon, one shrimp tempura and a small rice of Maitake-ten are just right. There are everything from sushi to tempura, noodles, etc., but you can easily eat and drink. Somehow, you can enjoy it even at a chain family restaurant!
小林幸生 on Google

普段は?自宅から1番近くの桶川店で?食べています~❗️ 今日はミニずわいがに丼・北海道そば のランチを食べました~❗️ ?美味しかったです~❗️
I usually eat ? at the Okegawa store, which is the closest to my home ? ~ ❗️ Today is a mini snow crab bowl, Hokkaido soba I ate lunch ~ ❗️ ? It was delicious ~ ❗️
五月雨真澄 on Google

きのこのあんかけうどんを頂いた。物凄く生臭かったけれど、味はとても美味しかったので、味が変わるのは嫌で付いてきた生姜は使わずに完食した。生臭いのは生姜を使わなかった自分のせいでもあるけれどワタリガニ要らないと思った。 一緒に来た人は七味そばを。そばそのものがとても美味しいと言っていた。 お料理は(好みもあるけど)安定して味が良いと思う。お節も美味しい。二段重の人気品詰め合わせのものが量もちょうど良い。
I got ankake udon with mushrooms. It smelled very fishy, ​​but the taste was so good that I didn't want the taste to change, so I ate it without using the ginger that came with it. The fishy smell is partly because I didn't use ginger, but I thought I didn't need blue crabs. If you come with me, try Shichimi soba. He said that the soba itself was very delicious. I think the food is stable (although I have a taste) and tastes good. The knots are also delicious. The amount of double-tiered popular items is just right.
大川原由行 on Google

和風おろしハンバーグを頂きましたが、さっぱりしていてジューシーでとても美味しかったです。 苺のデザートもとても美味しかったです。
I had a Japanese-style grated hamburger steak, which was refreshing, juicy and very delicious. The strawberry dessert was also very delicious.
izumi yosuke on Google

Nothing much to say, they served Java tes as free same like Green tea
Christopher Scott on Google

Excellent Japanese food at very reasonable prices. My personal favourite is the Udon tempura Sushil lunch set.

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