Sudare waterfalls - Sendai

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sudare waterfalls

住所 :

Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 989-3213, Japan

Postal code : 989-3213
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 989-3213, Japan
佐藤一樹 on Google

雨上がりの水量が多い時に行きましたがすだれのように幾重もの筋になっておらず、時期選びが難しいと思います。 また道中の未舗装も手入れが悪く穴ぼこだらけで、木や草、ツタが生い茂り車にガリガリ来ます。
I went when there was a large amount of water after the rain, but I did not become a line of layers like a sore, so I think it is difficult to choose a time. The dirt on the road is also poorly maintained and full of holes, and trees, grass, and ivy are overgrown.
fumi sai on Google

The forest road until you reach it is not well maintained, so you have to be careful enough ?
くりくりまろん on Google

It is a quiet waterfall where the water falls like licking the rock surface.
こっこさん on Google

The waterfall is very refreshing and you can touch the water when you go down. Negative ions are overflowing. People who come here by car need to be prepared to scratch their bodies with branches and leaves. The road is bumpy. There is no open space and it is difficult to stop.
kuuーくうみん on Google

It was difficult to go all-you-can-eat with narrow grass and branches, but when I arrived, I was able to meet a quiet waterfall that was as gentle as silk.
Coone-e-goy on Google

とても美しく涼しい場所です。 クロスカブ110で到達しましたが、ここまでの道は非常に険しい悪路で苦労しました。 四輪車ならまだいいですが、二輪車となればオフロードバイクでないと厳しいです。
It's a very beautiful and cool place. I arrived at Cross Cub 110, but the road up to this point was a very steep and rough road. Four-wheeled vehicles are still good, but two-wheeled vehicles are tough unless they are off-road motorcycles.
ノブライダー on Google

すだれ滝を見て来ました? 泉ボタニカルガーデン脇の林道からアタックしてみました、2WDのスズキソリオで行けましたが他の方のクチコミにもある通り4WDでの訪問をオススメします。 途中崩れている個所もあり又水溜りもあります轍もそれなりです、滝自体は水量は少なめでしたがキレイでした(•‿•)
I've seen the waterfall ? I tried to attack from the forest road beside the Izumi Botanical Garden, I was able to go with 2WD Suzuki Solio, but I recommend visiting with 4WD as other people's reviews say. There are some parts that have collapsed on the way, and there are also puddles. The waterfall itself was beautiful although the amount of water was small (• ‿ •).
rase on Google

七北田ダムの林道一周コース沿いにある滝。 普通車で来るとスタックする確率大なのでジムニーやオフ車で来るべし。 写真3枚めの通り道路からは僅かにしか見えない為、見過ごし注意。 自然の曲線を描いた岩場を水が流れるあまり見ない型の滝だった。 時計回り反時計回りどっちからいっても大差無し。 ほぼ全ての道路が未舗装で切り立った崖であり、いくつか崩落箇所もあった為、夏場で道路の7割が草に覆いかぶされて狭く見えづらい状態だったから、崩落箇所に気が付かなかったら落ちると思う。 あと熊警告板がそこらじゅうにあるし、私はイノシシ2匹に\コンニチワ/された。 【冬追加】 七北田ダム公園から雪中行軍して写真撮りに行きました。 普通ここまで来るなら泉ヶ丘行くだろうが参考までに記す。 片道3.7kmで、泉ポタニックガーデンまでは除雪されているが、そこから先は除雪無しでラッセルが必要になる。 積雪が30cm以上ある状態で行ったが、スノーシューは必須だった。 基本的に一本道で迷いようはないが、2.4kmの雪中行軍は慣れてないと結構きつい。 時々止まって写真撮っていたが、往復で3時間半かかった。 滝は予想通りある程度凍り付いて氷瀑になっていたが、気温が高めの日が続いていた影響で、撮影中も時々崩壊する音が響いていた。 左側で水の滝が流れ、右側に氷瀑が形成されていたが、よく見ると氷を伝って水が流れているのも見られた。 冬登山する人でなければ中々来る事は出来ないだろうが、雪が降らないが気温低い日が続いた後なんかは行きやすいかもしれない。 積雪がある場合は、場所によっては太陽が一切あたらないところもあり、スタックの危険性が高く、最悪帰って来られなくなるので、路面の状況はきっちり確認すべし。
A waterfall along the forest road round course of Nanakita Dam. If you come by a regular car, there is a high probability that you will get stuck, so you should come by Jimny or an off-road car. As you can see only a little from the road as shown in the third photo, be careful not to overlook it. It was a type of waterfall that you rarely see when water flows through a rocky area that draws a natural curve. There is no big difference from either clockwise or counterclockwise. Almost all roads were unpaved and steep cliffs, and there were some collapsed parts, so 70% of the roads were covered with grass in the summer and it was difficult to see, so if you do not notice the collapsed parts, you will fall. I think. There are also bear warning boards all over the place, and I was struck by two wild boars. [Winter addition] I marched in the snow from Nanakita Dam Park and went to take pictures. Normally, if you come here, you will go to Izumigaoka, but I will write it for reference. It is 3.7km one way, and snow has been removed up to the Izumi Potanic Garden, but after that, Russell is required without snow removal. I went with more than 30 cm of snow, but snowshoes were essential. Basically, you can't get lost on a straight road, but the 2.4km snow march is pretty tough if you're not used to it. Sometimes I stopped and took pictures, but it took three and a half hours for a round trip. As expected, the waterfall was frozen to some extent and turned into an icicle, but due to the continuous high temperature, the sound of collapse sometimes echoed during shooting. A waterfall was flowing on the left side and an icefall was formed on the right side, but if you look closely, you can see that water is flowing along the ice. Unless you're a winter climber, you won't be able to come in the middle, but it may be easier to go after a few cold days, although it doesn't snow. If there is snow, the sun may not hit at all in some places, and there is a high risk of stacking, and in the worst case you will not be able to come back, so be sure to check the road surface conditions exactly.

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