Subaru Ogaki Nagasawa - Ogaki

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Subaru Ogaki Nagasawa

住所 :

2 Chome-2-9-1 Nagasawacho, Ogaki, Gifu 503-0837, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 503-0837
Webサイト :

2 Chome-2-9-1 Nagasawacho, Ogaki, Gifu 503-0837, Japan
浩一 on Google

The staff are very friendly, so it's comfortable and the waiting time is not a pain.
田島教孝 on Google

The interior of the store is beautiful ❗ Correspondence is also good. There is Nissan right in front of me.
Leicaライカ on Google

Not only in this store, it looks busy. Previously there was a customer appreciation day at a frequency of once every few months and we exchanged the oil, but now it is gone. It was disappointing, although it was good with a service not found in other dealers. I want you to return to the former "familiar Subaru dealer"! !
あことる on Google

I sometimes come to the store for maintenance of SUBARU cars. The store feels good, but it's hard to make reservations for maintenance.
Yasuyuki Goto on Google

普通のお店です。 スバリストになったばかりなのでこれから感想を色々書いていこうかと思います。ただしレヴォーグは本当にいい車だ
It's an ordinary shop. I've just become a Subaruist, so I'm thinking of writing various impressions from now on. However, the Levorg is a really good car
Hiroyuki Matsubara (まつばら 明光) on Google

リモコンキーが反応しなくなって対応していただいた。 親身な対応に感謝している。 で、一旦は、星4評価としたけれど… (2019/02/21追記) 左側後方のスライドドアの開閉がおぼつかなくなり、お昼ごろに立ち寄ったが、17時でないと見ることができないと言われた。 15キロ以上離れた場所から来たこと、昨日も定休日だということを忘れてほうもんしたということもあり、2〜3分の時間でも良いから見て欲しいと懇願したが、全く、受け入れてくれなかった。 対応したセールスに「君でも良いから…」と無理を言ったら、「ローラーのゴムが劣化して割れていますね」と。 確かによく見ると割れて半分ない感じ。 いつも修理している長良営業所に連絡してやりとりしているうちに、トイレに行きたくなった。 トイレを借りるため、フロント前を通ると12名ほど(うちサービス3名)が、揃ってくつろいでいるのを見た。 確かに「昼どき」なのだが、ちょっと見て、「やはり、よくお調べしないとわからないですねぇ」とか言ってくれたら納得したのに…ね。 ちょっと見る2〜3分もないとは、思えない状況に、非常に、残念な思いをした。 ちょっと見るもらうにも、「必ず、予約必要」だそうなので注意してね。
The remote control key ceased to respond and it corresponded. I appreciate your kind responsiveness. So, once it was a star 4 rating ... (2019/02 / 21 added) The opening and closing of the sliding door behind the left side became unnoticeable, I stopped by around noon, but it was said that it can not be seen if it was not 17 o'clock. I came from a place more than 15 kilometers away, I forgot to say that it was a closed holiday yesterday, so I was glad to see it for two or three minutes, so I accepted it at all I did not give it. To the corresponding sales "If it is good for you ..." and impossible impossible, "The rubber of the roller has deteriorated and it is cracking". Certainly it looks like it cracks and I feel not half. While I was contacting and interacting with the Nagara sales office I always repaired, I wanted to go to the toilet. In order to rent a toilet, I saw about 12 people (three of them in service) were lining up and relaxed when I passed the front desk. It is definitely "daytime", but after seeing it for a moment, I was convinced if he said "I do not know if I do not check well". A little disappointing to the situation that I can not imagine that it does not take a couple of minutes to three minutes. Please be careful as it seems to be "reservation necessary" for a moment to see it.
清水真佐喜 on Google

ショールームも新しくなって快適に新車を眺められます。 新車購入の商談なら最高ですね♪
The showroom has also been renewed so that you can comfortably view the new car. It's the best business negotiation for buying a new car ♪
K Siegfried on Google

After replacing the wiper rubber by myself, one month later, when I made an estimate for the vehicle inspection, an estimate for replacing the wiper rubber came out. Those who do not have the knowledge need to be careful about the necessary exchanges. I feel a little unfaithful. Next time I will have a car inspection elsewhere.

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