studio caravan - スタジオキャラバン

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact studio caravan / スタジオキャラバン

住所 :

Higashikurayoshimachi, Yonago, 〒683-0815 Tottori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Webサイト :
街 : Tottori

Higashikurayoshimachi, Yonago, 〒683-0815 Tottori,Japan
h s. on Google

We asked the children to visit the shrine, celebrate the 100th day, and take pictures with family photos and lots of content. They also prepared nice costumes and took pictures of their cute children. I was able to shoot every moment with various facial expressions, and the studio was able to take a nice shot with a very good way of inserting light. I will continue to ask you to take pictures of your child's growth.
1609 zkym on Google

娘の七五三の撮影でお世話になりました。 ロケでの撮影やスタジオでの撮影でも千藤さんが常に笑顔で接して下さっていたことがとても印象的でした! 娘も笑顔でリラックスして撮影に臨めていたと思います。 また下の子の七五三の時やイベントの際はstudio caravanさんにお願いしたいと思います! この度は本当にありがとうございました!
Thank you for taking the picture of my daughter, Shichigosan. It was very impressive that Mr. Chito always smiled when shooting on location and in the studio! I think my daughter was smiling and relaxing when she was shooting. Also, I would like to ask studio caravan at the time of my younger child, Shichigosan, and at the event! This time, thank you very much!
com nishi on Google

イベントと七五三撮影でお世話になりました。 他人に写真を撮られることを嫌がる娘なので、最初はとても不安でした。でも、たくさん話しかけてくださったり良い雰囲気を作ってくださったおかげで、本当に素敵な写真になりました。今でも見るたびに幸せな気持ちになります。 今度はロケーション撮影もしてみたいです。 これからも色々な節目で利用させていただく予定です。
Thank you for the event and the shooting of Shichigosan. At first, I was very anxious because my daughter hates being photographed by others. However, thanks to the many people who talked to me and created a good atmosphere, it was a really nice photo. I still feel happy every time I see it. Next time I would like to shoot on location. We will continue to use it at various milestones.
都田孝之 on Google

千藤さんとは、5年前に結婚式のカメラマンをして頂いた時からの縁で、何かある度に撮影をして頂いています。子どもの誕生日やお宮参り、七五三やマタニティーフォトなどを撮影して頂きました。出張費がかからず色々な場所で撮って頂けるので、それもとても魅力的に感じます。子供が緊張せず、自然な笑顔を引き出して頂けて、また子どもが大好きな事がこちらまで伝わってきます。これからもStudio cravanさんに撮影をお願いしたいと思っています。
I have been with Mr. Chito since I was a wedding cameraman five years ago, and I have been taking pictures every time. We had them take pictures of their children's birthdays, visiting the shrine, Shichigosan and maternity photos. You can take pictures in various places without the cost of business trips, which makes it very attractive. Your child will not be nervous, you will be able to bring out a natural smile, and you will be able to understand what your child loves. I would like to continue to ask Studio cravan to shoot.
n n on Google

I took a birthday photo of my child (* ´︶` *) I was worried about the size of the child's costume, but thanks to the fact that I tried it on in advance, I was able to reach the production with confidence ✨ Children's first on the day I was able to take pictures with a natural flow in the warm atmosphere of the room, and it became the best memory photo ♪ Parents are worried about having small children, but the cameraman does not hurry and becomes the leading role I'm really grateful that you proceeded with the shooting together. I would like to take care of you at the event again in the future ♪
カルロス on Google

娘の成人式の記念写真を撮影していただいきました。一生に一度きりだから、おじいちゃん、おばあちゃんも孫の晴れ姿が見たいというので、大勢の観客を連れて伺いました。 お店の道向かいに大きな駐車場があり、有料ではありますが格安の駐車料金なので時間を気にせず撮影に挑めました そして社長さんやお店の全スタッフさんのご対応がとってもアットホームで不安感も吹き飛びました。 カメラマンさんも娘が自然な笑顔が出るようさりげなく盛り上げてくださり、更に1階だけでなく2階のスタジオでも撮影していただき、家族一同大満足な撮影会となりました。 娘の大事な記念日をスタジオキャラバンさんで記録に残せてたいへん嬉しかったです。
I had you take a commemorative photo of my daughter's adult ceremony. Since it is only once in a lifetime, grandpa and grandma also want to see the sunny appearance of their grandchildren, so I visited with a large audience. There is a large parking lot across the road from the shop, and although it is charged, it is a cheap parking fee, so I tried to shoot without worrying about the time. The feeling was blown away. The cameraman also casually excited her daughter to give her a natural smile, and she took pictures not only on the 1st floor but also in the studio on the 2nd floor, which made the whole family happy. I was very happy to be able to record my daughter's important anniversary with Studio Caravan.
a k on Google

I had you take a picture in commemoration of my son's 1st birthday. I still cry because I know people and places, but mysteriously, I was able to spend most of my time without crying because I was able to relax when shooting. I think it was good that we were able to take the time to change into the clothes we brought and proceed at our own pace without difficulty. I was very grateful that I received the photo data on the spot after shooting. There were many nice pictures, and everyone who showed me the pictures at a later date praised them as good pictures. It was a windy and rainy day, but it was a warm memory that left a lasting impression on me. Thank you very much.
papi on Google

宮参りフォトを撮っていただきました! すごく丁寧に連絡を頂き、息子の機嫌の良い時間に撮影。ごきげんで撮れました^_^ お着物も素敵なものを用意して頂き、立派な写真になりました!スタジオも私好みの感じです!
I had you take a photo of visiting the shrine! I got in touch with him very carefully and took a picture at a time when my son was in a good mood. I was able to take it very nicely ^ _ ^ We had you prepare a nice kimono, and it became a wonderful photo! The studio is also my favorite!

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