Street Danceschool Favorite ストリートダンススクール・FAVORITE

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Street Danceschool Favorite ストリートダンススクール・FAVORITE

住所 :

Kitamemachi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0023 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
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街 : Miyagi

Kitamemachi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0023 Miyagi,Japan
Chiho Numazu on Google

I was worried that my child, who was not good at loud sounds, could learn to dance, but thanks to the teacher's consideration, I have overcome it now! I am really grateful to you for teaching me greetings and manners as a person, not to mention dancing. All the teachers are kind and kind ? I'm really glad I learned to dance at this school ?✨
on Google

数年前こちらに2〜3年くらい(仙台のところに)かよってました。結論から言うと社長さんが気に入らず辞めました。ほとんどの先生はいい先生です。 とくに、今いるかは分かりませんが受付によくいる女性の先生はとてもいい先生でした やめた理由↓↓↓(ほとんど社長さんのレッスンを受けた感想です) ・お気に入りのひとしか構わない 出来る子だけ褒め続け、できない子は無視されてました。頑張って練習しても、凄く上手くならないと褒められません。なんなら、練習してきたのか!?と言われてしまいます ・発表会のとき男女共に舞台袖で着替えさせられた 数年前のことなのでもうないと信じたいですが、1番下のクラスのとき、小学生だからなのかと誰もが通るところで着替えさせられた ・服の指摘をされる かっこいい系の服でないと注意されます。服装くらい自由があっていいと思う ・関係ない説教(愚痴)を聞かされる 当時まあまあの人が辞めていたからか、愚痴を保護者も一緒に聞かされました。多分辞めるなという圧だったと思います。 ・発表会の費用が高い 指定された色の靴やズボン、Tシャツなど色々揃えないと行けないものが多く始めたてのころは凄くお金が飛びました。これはまだ、許容範囲だったのですがチケットノルマがほかよりも凄く高いです。出演や、兄弟が増えれば増えるほどチケットノルマが凄く増えます。 ・発表会に出ないと態度が冷たくなる 発表会に出ないと言ってしまうとガラリと態度が変わります。出る子だけチヤホヤされることになります。 始めるのであればお金がとてもかかることを意識しないといけません、あと先生に可愛がられる事がとても大切です。ご参考までに、
A few years ago, I was here for a couple of years (at Sendai). From the conclusion, the president didn't like it and quit. Most teachers are good teachers. Especially, I don't know if it's now, but the female teacher who is often at the reception was a very good teacher. Reason for quitting ↓ ↓ ↓ (Most of the impressions I took from the president's lesson) ・ Only your favorite person is fine Only the children who could do it continued to be praised, and the children who couldn't do it were ignored. Even if you practice hard, you will not be praised unless you are very good at it. What have you been practicing! ?? Will be said ・ At the recital, both men and women were forced to change their clothes on stage sleeves. It was a few years ago, so I'd like to believe that it's gone, but when I was in the bottom class, I was forced to change clothes where everyone passed, probably because I was in elementary school. ・ The clothes are pointed out You will be warned that the clothes are not cool. I think it's okay to have as much freedom as clothes ・ Hearing unrelated sermons (complaints) Perhaps because that person was quitting at that time, the parents were also told about the complaints. I think it was the pressure not to quit. ・ The cost of the recital is high When I started to have a lot of things that I couldn't go without, such as shoes, trousers, and T-shirts of the specified color, I had a lot of money. This was still acceptable, but the ticket quota is much higher than the others. The more appearances and siblings you have, the more ticket quotas you will get. ・ If you don't attend the recital, your attitude will get cold. If you say that you will not attend the recital, your attitude will change. Only the child who comes out will be cheated. If you want to get started, you have to be aware that it costs a lot of money, and it is very important that your teacher loves you. For your information,
変態紳士YYPS on Google

The teachers of the instructors are all hot people, and they teach each one carefully and kindly. I don't go there very often because of my work, but it's a place I'd like to come back to because it kindly talks to such students. In addition, the principal is a legend who has created Tohoku dance, and has many connections with the industry, giving him various experiences such as back dancers. Not only that, he was kind and kind, and he helped me with life consultation. It is thanks to this teacher that the teachers of the instructor are hot!
a yu on Google

自分が通うならいいけど子供の習い事としてはお勧めできない。 入会する際に休んだ場合は別な日に振替か動画か選択できるとの説明があったが実際は人によってはできませんとのことだし、コロナ禍で保護者は入室できないから動画をみて練習してくださいとのことでした。が、送られてきた動画に半ギレしながら「練習しない子には送りません!!」と先生が意気揚々にどやってて非常にびっくり… 圧がすごい割には全然ルールが統一されてないため運営的な面で保護者は其々内に秘めてるものがあるが少しも発言する場もないし、高圧的なので辞めさせました。 子供に習わせるというよりは先生たちのコミュニティのほうが重要視されてるのは間違いなしし子供のためにはならないかなぁと思いました。
It's okay if I go, but I don't recommend it as a child's lesson. There was an explanation that if you take a break when you join, you can choose transfer or video on another day, but in reality it is not possible for some people, and parents can not enter the room due to corona damage, so practice watching the video Please. However, I was very surprised that the teacher was enthusiastic and said, "I will not send it to a child who does not practice!" Although the pressure is great, the rules are not unified at all, so there are things that parents have hidden in each of them in terms of management, but there is no place to speak at all, and it is high pressure, so I quit. There is no doubt that the community of teachers is more important than letting the children learn, and I wondered if it would be good for the children.
nori U on Google

現在小学1年生の娘が初心者で通い始めて1年になりますが、毎回レッスンを楽しみにしています!! 年に2回大きな発表会があり、衣装代やチケット代に多少の出費はありますが、発表会の度に子供の成長がみられるので、親としても とても楽しみな行事の1つです? 驚く程 本格的なステージなので、 素敵なステージに我が子が立てる事がとても誇らしく思い、 又、発表会への先生方の熱意を感じました!!! レッスンは 後日レッスン動画がLINEで届きますが、先生の優しく丁寧な指導と、 「凄い!上手い!」 など 褒めの掛け声と共に踊る子供達の様子は毎回イキイキとしていて、とても良い雰囲気の中 練習出来ているなと感じます! 主にキッズはヒップホップですが、時折ロックやジャズ等 別のジャンルのレッスンに参加出来るのも魅力です! ダンス好きの子供達が純粋にダンスに夢中になれるステキなダンススクールだと思いますので、これから我が子にダンスを習わせたい!と考えている方にはお勧めのダンススクールだと思います!!?
It's been a year since my first grade daughter started attending as a beginner, but I'm looking forward to every lesson! !! There are big presentations twice a year, and although there are some expenses for costumes and tickets, it is one of the fun events for parents as parents can see the growth of their children at each presentation ? It ’s a surprisingly full-scale stage, so I'm very proud that my child can stand on a wonderful stage, Also, I felt the enthusiasm of the teachers for the recital! !! !! The lesson will be delivered on LINE at a later date, but with the kind and polite guidance of the teacher, "Great! Good!" The children dancing with compliments are always lively, and I feel that they are practicing in a very good atmosphere! Kids are mostly hip-hop, but it's also attractive to be able to take lessons in other genres such as rock and jazz from time to time! I think it's a wonderful dance school where dance-loving children can be absorbed in dancing, so I want my child to learn dancing from now on! I think it is a recommended dance school for those who think! !! ?
日野由紀 on Google

うちの子は、幼稚園から習い始め今は小学生です。習い事は初めてで心配でしたが先生方のお陰で楽しく通っています。 コロナ禍の中でもオンラインで対応したり、感染対策も徹底しているので、安心して通えています。 クラスが上がると高校へ、枠特別推薦枠で進学したお姉さんたちもいて、うちの子もそうなれば…と思っています。 子供の習い事だからといって、遊び半分ではなく優秀な先生方がたくさんいる環境は、ありがたいなぁと思います。 楽しく通え、一般の方との交流もあるので色々と勉強になり、成長を感じています。 ダンスを習うなら、とてもおすすめします‼️
My child started learning from kindergarten and is now in elementary school. I was worried about the lessons for the first time, but thanks to the teachers, I enjoy going there. Even in the corona sickness, we can respond online and take thorough infection control measures, so we can go there with peace of mind. When the class goes up, there are older sisters who went on to high school with a special recommendation frame, and I hope my child will do the same. Just because it's a child's lesson, I'm grateful for the environment where there are many excellent teachers rather than playful. I enjoy going to school and interacting with the general public, so I have learned a lot and feel that I am growing. If you want to learn dancing, I highly recommend it! ️
ソーリーチャンネル on Google

幼稚園の頃、大きなステージ立ってみたいからと初めてフェバリットに入りました。最初頃は出来ないから辞めたいとか行きたくないから先生が嫌だとか言い訳を言っていましたが自分がやりたいと決めたんだから1年間はやりなさいと言い聞かせて、1年位通う事でダンスが楽しくなりまだやりたいと続ける事で徐々に上手くなりました? 子供を通わせて思ったことはダンスだけでなく人に対する接し方や挨拶 時には厳しい事やプロダンサーとしての意識の高さ 親としても勉強させていただいています? 今では先生方のおかげで小5の子供が凄いステージに立たせていただき、凄い方々ともお知り合いになる事が出来ました? 親としては子供を信じてインストラクターの先生方を信じて良かったと思います?
When I was in kindergarten, I entered the favorite for the first time because I wanted to stand on a big stage. At first, I used to make excuses that I didn't want to quit because I couldn't do it or I didn't want to go, but I decided that I wanted to do it, so I told him to do it for a year, and going for about a year made dancing fun. By continuing to do what I still want to do, I gradually got better ? What I thought about letting my children go is not only dancing, but also how to treat people and greetings. Sometimes tough things and high awareness as a professional dancer I am also studying as a parent ? Now, thanks to the teachers, the 5th grade children have been able to stand on a great stage and get to know great people ? As a parent, I'm glad I believed in my child and instructor teachers.
Anandeeta Gurung on Google

Nice place to learn dancing. The staffs are friendly. Teachers are nice too. The dance practice hall is spacious although it can be quite crowded when there are more than 10-12 students. There is no AC which is disappointing specially when everybody is practically sweating during the practice. Watch out for the payment conditions when you first enroll the class because it's quite tricky and there are many do's and don'ts.

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