STAR English School - Sanda

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact STAR English School

住所 :

Yurinokidai, Sanda, 〒669-1324 Hyogo,Japan

Postal code : 669-1324
Webサイト :
街 : Hyogo

Yurinokidai, Sanda, 〒669-1324 Hyogo,Japan
Keiko Inoue on Google

2歳から子供を通わせています。 毎週土曜日をとても楽しみにしています。
I have been sending children since I was 2 years old. I am very much looking forward to every Saturday.
Kenshin on Google

I think it's wonderful because there are many events other than learning English ✨
Y T on Google

最初、2時間半の授業は長くないかなと心配でしたが、歌やゲーム、アートなどを交えながらのレッスンはとても楽しいと言っており、家でも習った単語や歌を口ずさんでいます。 楽しみながら英語に触れて欲しかったので、この英会話教室を選んで良かったです。
At first, I was worried that the two-and-a-half-hour class would be long, but he said that the lessons with songs, games, and art were very fun, and he sang the words and songs he learned at home. I wanted you to experience English while having fun, so I'm glad I chose this English conversation class.
亀井しおり on Google

子ども2人が小学校5年生から中学校卒業まで通いました。 英語だけでなく、数学と理科の講師を招いて高校受験対策もこちらでお世話になりました。 優秀な講師でしたし、アットホームな雰囲気で、子どもたちも意欲的に取り組めました。 1人は補習も面倒見ていただき、お陰様で2人とも第1志望の公立高校に合格できました。
Two children attended from the fifth grade of elementary school to the graduation of junior high school. In addition to English, we invited math and science instructors to help us prepare for the high school exam. He was an excellent teacher, and the children were able to work enthusiastically in a cozy atmosphere. One of them took care of the supplementary lessons, and thanks to them, both of them were able to pass the first-choice public high school.
lila on Google

毎回季節に合わせた何かを作成したり、絵本を見たり、遊びの時間があったり と長時間でも子どもが楽しめるように色々考えて授業してくれます。 教材のCDをかけていると口ずさんでいたりと本人の耳にも馴染んできているようです。 外国人講師の先生も複数いらっしゃって交代で担当してくださったり、オーナーの先生も親身に子どもをみてくれますよ?
Every time I make something according to the season, look at a picture book, have time to play He / she thinks about various things so that children can enjoy even for a long time. It seems that he is familiar with his ears as he hums when he plays the CD of the teaching materials. There are several foreign teachers who take turns in charge, and the owner's teacher also looks after the children ?
yuka f on Google

長時間英語に触れられる時間を作ってあげたいと姉妹そろって通っています。 始めは2時間半も大丈夫かなと心配していましたが、テキストだけではなく、音楽、ゲームやサイエンス、制作、遊びの時間等を取り入れた授業があり毎回楽しく、 あっという間に終わりの時間になっちゃうみたいです。 最近は英語の歌をふと口ずさんでいたり、 年長のお姉ちゃんは書くことにも興味が出てきたようで、自分の名前や単語も書いています。
All my sisters go there to make time to be exposed to English for a long time. At first, I was worried that it would be okay for two and a half hours, but there were classes that included not only textbooks but also music, games and science, production, play time, etc. It seems that the end time will come in no time. Recently, I suddenly sang English songs, The older sister seems to be interested in writing, and she also writes her own name and words.
鬼丸美江 on Google

月曜日と土曜日にレッスンを受けています。 英語のレッスンに1年のブランクがあり、勘を取り戻すために土曜日も受けることを決めました。 3時間のレッスンは、勉強だけでなく、遊び要素の勉強があり、とても楽しく過ごせているようです。 英語が、すんなりと耳に入ってくる感覚がいいみたいです。 工作した作品は、嬉しそうに部屋に飾っています。 月曜日は、土曜日と違い、しっかりと英単語を学び、復習をしないと大変だーと頑張ってノートに書いています。中学英語を見据えて行ってもらえていて有難いです。 どちらのレッスンも楽しいみたいで、通わせて良かったと思っています。
I take lessons on Mondays and Saturdays. I had a one-year blank in my English lesson and decided to take it on Saturday to regain my intuition. The 3-hour lesson has not only study but also study of play elements, and it seems that it is very enjoyable. It seems that the feeling that English comes into your ears smoothly is good. The crafted work is happily displayed in the room. Unlike Saturday, I write in my notebook on Monday, saying that it will be difficult if I don't study English words well and review them. I am grateful that you have been looking at junior high school English. Both lessons seem to be fun, and I'm glad I took them.
haru on Google

It is designed so that children can come into contact with English from various angles, so they listen to it with their ears and try to imitate it aloud. A child who tries to imitate the alphabet written by the teacher. Also, because I am interested in science and want to help, I actively say "I want to do it too" in English. I feel that it is an atmosphere where each person can develop the part that seems to be fun at the child's pace.

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